Monday, March 19, 2018

Youtube- Ghost Stories

 These stories are ghost stories that happened when I was growing up. These will be video stories that can be seen on YouTube under my playlist Storytime.

The Ghost In The Basement, The Girl On The Side Of The Road, The Possible Doppelganger, The Sounds Of A Childs Laughter


The Shadow Creature's

I have seen shadow people all my life. They have never bothered me. Growing up, I have always thought they were my friends. Most of the time, I catch them out of the corner of my eye, and as an adult, I would see them watching me from around the corner or down a hall. Then I moved to where I live now and encountered something new. Living in my place for about two weeks and began seeing the shadow of people in my new home and around where I lived. I acknowledged them and left it at that. My son had gone to sleep at his sister's house for the night, and I was sitting outside sketching. I heard feet shuffling, so I  looked up and saw a shadow person and said, "I see you. If you need something, you have to let me know. I do not read minds."


The door knob to the door I was leaning against started to rattle and I looked back the shadow creature was closer and I said, "Are you telling me to go inside?"

I laughed and the door knob rattled again and across the road, I saw another shadow creature. Sighing I said, "Come on guys I am off tomorrow and I am enjoying sitting out here. It's not hot out and I like being outside."

Then I noticed that they kept looking toward what would be my future boyfriend's rental. We had just started to talk and get to know each other. I looked over and said, "I just met him guys and the lights are off so he is not there."

The shadow person near me came closer and raised his hand pointing up and then I got why they wanted me to go inside. I opened the door shut my light off and said, "Well I'll be"

On the roof of his trailer rental were four shadow creatures. Not people but weird-looking creatures. One looked like a spider and human hybrid. Another looked like a human but with multiple arms. The third looked like a human but it was arched with its legs and arms on the ground and it looked like it had a second body in the middle. The fourth and final one would be the one I met personally. It looked like a shadow man but built like a linebacker. It also had wings. I thanked the goddess at that moment that I had warded my home the night I moved in.

Both the shadow creatures were now between me and the trailer and my door knob rattled again. I went inside pulled out my book and cast the strongest protection spell I had for myself and then I cast one for my now boyfriend. By the time I was done, I was weak and tired. I went outside one more time to walk my dog in my yard and I said to the shadow man still watching over my house, "That should help a bit."

It nodded and I went inside to go to sleep. But before I did I looked out my window as I could see my boyfriend's trailer and I noticed the creatures were mad. They had been dipping into the trailer in the beginning and now it looked like they were warded from his house. I smiled and said out loud to no one in particular, "Not on my watch."

The linebacker-shaped head popped up when I said it and looked at my house. I knew it heard me and I knew it knew what I did.

The Day I Became A Spy

 When I was 17 years old I was traveling with my parents to go see some close friends who live in the beach area of the town we live in.  It was a perfectly calm and peaceful night. My parents were in a happy mood and it had been such a peaceful weekend.  We were driving through an area which was a bunch of winding roads an then we came upon a truck broke down in our path to where we couldn't get through.

My mom and dad got worried looks on their face and dad handing mom his phone and said, "Dial James." 

Mom started to dial the phone and dad started to back up the car. As he did he said to me, "Grace you need to listen to me. Stay very low on the seat and cover yourself completely with that black banket. No matter what you hear do not say anything and stay completely still."

"Hello," I heard from the phone.

"James its Bill. Find our location I think they found us. I am circling back now but James Grace is in the back seat we need help now."

My dad was trying to navigate the winding roads as fast he could as the other cars were gaining on us.  My mom kept looking at the cars behind us and said, "Bill they are gaining and I see a boat on the water way heading towards us.'

"Anne," Dad said. "We need to get Grace out of the car without being seen."

Mom looked at my dad and then at me, "Grace listen to me you need to stay hidden no matter what. If we get are able to stop and say jump you get out and stay down. Take this phone and call James if you get out. Do you understand me?"

"Mom," I started.

"Grace there is a long driveway covered by trees I am going to pull in and you hide in the trees." Dad said, "We love you."

Dad pulled into the drive way at a angle I was able to get out of the car and hidden.  As soon as i jumped out and shut the car door dad took off again.  I was in the trees hidden when I saw the truck and a couple of cars taking off after mom and dad. I listened for a while and heard a huge car crash. My heart sunk as i knew it was Mom and dad.

I called james and told him Dad had me jump and he said he had my cordinates from the phone. He told me to stay put and hidden ut of site. About 30 min later a car pulled up along the road and I saw James get out of the car. I climbed out of my shelter and ran out to hug him.

James hugged me tight and said, "Its ok Grace we will find out what happened."

"James you don't understand," I said. "When I jumped out I ran and hid. About a minute later a bunch of cars flew past. I heard a crash like metal into a wall and it was loud. I know my parents were killed."

James cursed as he led me to the passenger side of the car. After he climbed in we headed in the direction that my parents had gone. We drove for a few minutes at normal speed and James handed me a hoodie and sun glasses. "Put these on and keep the hood up. They belong to Lucas but will fit you. We cant risk them realizing that you are Anne and Bill's daughter."

I put the clothes and glasses on. Before we knew it we came around the bend and caught sight of a accident. I cought my breathe as we knew it was my parents car. James patted my hand and said, "Grace no matter what you need to keep quiet and calm. Do not react thats what they want."

There were cops stopping cars and we were stopped. James rolled down the window and said, "Man what a wreck. We have been saying for a long time people need to slow down around here."

Cop looked at both of us and said, "You locals?"

James flashed a smile and said, "Yeah me and my kid here have lived out here for years after my wife died. We were heading to walmart to go get some groceries. I should have went out the other way but I wanted to go get pizza first at Marios on the beach!"

The cop smirked, "Understood Sir. We are trying to find out if anyone knew the people in the car. Neither made it and we would like to find the next of kin."

I saw James jaw tightened completely as he nonchalantly said, "Nah man we like to keep to ourselves if we are not shopping or getting a pizza we work and school from home or fish off our dock."

"Understood," He said  as he stood up. "Carry on."

As we drove away i gave a quick glance to the wreckage and saw the white sheets over my parents. I kept my breathing steady but the tears that came out of my eyes could be stopped. James held onto my hand and said, "Grace we will find the people who did this to your parents. When we do we will make them pay."

We drove along and turned towards the beach area. James looked at me and said, " We have been followed since we left the crash site. I think they want to make sure we are going to the pizza place. We are going to have to get pizza and stay there for a little bit. You will have to eat."

I looked at him and said, "I will do my best. Maybe a big soda will help."

Smiling James said, "Thats the spirit Grace. We will get you through this."

We got out of the car and went inside. James was busy working on his phone and I went on my pinterest account and looked through new pins. Soon the waitress brought us our drinks and said our pizza will be out shortly. She brought out four pizzas in boxes and one cheese pizza on a tray.

James laughed and said, "After this we are gonna go back to my place and I know Ben will want Pizza. Grace when we get home your Brother Ben will want to know all about today."

When he said that I realized that the cop had come in and sat at the table next to us. I smirked and said, "Well Dad Ben should have came with us when we asked him instead of staying at home playing video games."

I took a peice of Pizza and took a bite. Swallowing the pizza I acted the part. After eating two slices I said, "Okay Dad I am definitely not like Ben I will have to rest my stomach and eat more later."

James chuckled and said, " I figured lets get this boxed up and add it to our pile. After we pay we will have to run to walmart to get the few things you needed. It shouldnt take more than what 15 min right?"

"Yeah dad I need some new leggings and tshirts" I said.

After we boxed up the pizza we headed over to Walmart.  I ran to the woman clothing area and grabbed a handful of shirts and a few leggings.  I grabbed my wallet and James threw them in the cart. He leaned over and said "get some socks and underthings as I do not know when I will be able to get your belongings from your parent's house."

Smiling I said, "Ok dad."

I went over and got the stuff James told me to get and we headed to the checkout. After we were in the car I said, "I know that I have to wait to go to my parent's house but I also have a plan. There was a secret entrance and exit that people cannot see. I want to get my stuff but I will be patient. How are we going to explain what happened to my parents?"

James sighed and said, "We had a contingency plan for that. If anything happened to your parents I have papers that your parents had to go out of the country and you are staying with me. In case of their demise, we had an oh-shit contingency for both you and my son. The thing I don't understand is your parents were not active agents. How they found your parents and you confuses me which means there could be a leak."

I was quiet as we drove and then asked, "James what were my parents?"

"Grace your parents and I are spies. When we get home I am going to call the agency and see what I can find out. We need to keep down for now and hide out at the house as I believe the cops are following us and we are not safe. We might have to go rogue and hide."

"You mean we might have to run away?" I said.

"That is correct," He said. "But for us running away will be more like a vacation."

"I wish I could get some of my stuff from the house before we had to leave," I said.

"well let me talk to the agency and we will see what we can have done," James said. "I will let them know you said you have a full proof way of getting in without being seen."

"Okay I will wait," I said. "If I am able to get in will I be able to get my electronics?" I asked, "That and my camera."

"Anything we get out of the house we will have to have a team do a bug and tracker check on first," He said.

After that the conversation went silent as we headed back to the house. When we pulled in Ben walked out and said, "Hey Grace I see you got pizza."

I handed Ben the pizza as he asked, "Where is your parents?"

Looking at James, he said, "Ben we need to go into the house and talk."

Ben looked a me and said, "Shit what happened?"

James directed us into the house and he said, "Come into my office you two."

We walked into the office with Ben and we sat on the couch. James looked at us and said, "Ben you know what I do for a living. Grace your parents did the same job that I do. Grace your parents and I work for a government agency to protect not only the country but the world.  Someone exposed them and when I ran out they had dumped Grace to hide and I got her right after her parents were killed up the road from where I found her."

Ben put his hand on my arm and said, "Grace I am so sorry."

"I will be honest I want to just sit and cry," I said. "But having to keep everything in when the police officer on duty followed us to the pizza place and I want to say he was in the parking lot at Walmart as well."

"Your right," James said. "I saw the cop there when we got out of the store as well. That was a great catch Grace."

Ben looked at James and said, "Dad should we make plans to go to another location?"

"Not yet Ben," He said. "What I am going to do is call the office and fill them in. Grace I am going to see about getting your belongings. I will let you know per your parents will I am the one your to go to."

James looked up to say something else and Ben said, "Its okay Dad. Grace is with me I got her."

Ben pulled me up and said, "Lets go to the kitchen I am starving."

I followed Ben out and shut the door behind me. When we went into the kitchen Ben opened the pizza boxes and said, "Man this Pizza looks good you want a slice Grace?"

Laughing I said, "Yes just a slice of cheese though."

He put the pizza on a pan to heat up in the oven and said, "It will be okay Grace. I know you didn't expect this to happen but you got me and Dad and we will protect you."

"Thank you Ben," I said. "I never asked my parents what they did or why they went away once in a while for work. They seemed very comfortable leaving me with Miss Ginny all the time."

Ben laughed, "Miss Ginny is a agent who is also a glorified baby sitter. But she is awesome and man can she play video games."

Laughing I said, "Oh my god I know. That does explain why she was so good at Call of duty. I wonder why my parents never told me the truth about what they were."

Ben said, "To protect you I am guessing. I found out by mistake to be honest with you. One day I saw Dad in his gear room and I asked a lot of questions."

"I get it," I said. "Right now I feel like I didn't really know them."

"Grace," James said as he walked towards us. "You saw the real version of your parents. When we are on jobs we are not those people. The act has to be kept up the whole time we are gone. Your mom and Dad were the people you knew."

"Now what?" I asked.

"Your parents and you will be missing people for a while," He said. "In a few weeks your going to magically show up with no memory of what happened to you. All you are going to say is we were in the car and I fell asleep while dad was on the highway. We are going to get the wreckage and place it in a remote spot and find it a few weeks after that. I have a copy of your parents will and that gives me custody of you."

"So basically I am hiding here and keeping my head down?" I asked.

"Yes," He said. "I have a team going in to get your laptop and Camera. They are going to check it for bugs. I know for a fact your phone is untraceable except for our agency. Just do not reply to friend or anyone else until you are found. We are also going to get some clothes for you for now we cannot get you much as we need it to look like you disappeared. So no social media, or texting unless its to ben and I. I heard call of duty I ask you do not use your personal account right now. We can sign you up for a new account if you guys decide to game. What am I saying you will want to game to keep from boredom."

Nodding I said, "Alright James."

Ben took my hand and said, "Come one lets get the food and go to the game Dad may a big man with his job but sucks at gaming."

Losing myself in the game helped me keep my mind off things for a while and as the sun set I felt exhausted. Soon enough Ben was shaking my shoulder and said, "Grace go to bed."

Stumbling into what was now my room I fell into a sleep and started to dream of my parents. I woke up when I heard what sounded like a crash. Ben ran into my room and scooped me up saying, "Shit is happening and Dad said we needed to go hide." 

He ran with me back to his room and opened his closet door. When we were in he shut the door and took me to the back of the closet opening the book shelf. It lead to a set of stairs and we went down after he secured the bookshelf back in place. As we were going down we heard yelling and gun shots. When the first gun shot went off Ben swung around as I was about to scream and he whispered, "Its okay Grace I got you. You can't scream or they can find us." 

Nodding he took my hand and we came to a door. Going through the door we were in a long tunnel. He pulled me along using his phone as a flashlight. When we came to the bend of the tunnel he typed on his screen, "we have to wait here. The end of the tunnel looks like a sewer grate but we are exposed if we keep the light on or if we talk. This comes out at the end of the property and our emergency boat dock looks like it is on the neighbors property not ours." 

We heard voices outside the grate and one said, "We do not know where the kids are. I bet they are hiding in the house somewhere but they wanted us to check the property. The dad also disappeared and we can't find him either."

The other voice replied, "So what we have to wait them out?"

"I have no clue man," he replied. "Did you see that game room in there? No way the kid would leave his shit."

Starting to shiver Ben wrapped his arms around me trying to share body heat. He kept checking his phone screen. He typed, "Sorry Grace I know your cold so am I but if we go back we can be caught."

Taking the phone I typed, "All my stuff is under the bed including my phone. I hope they don't find it."

Ben's screen lit up and it said, "I am in the tunnel and tell Grace I have her bag and clothes for both of you. Head back towards me."

Ben typed, "Password man."

The reply came back, "Gators football."

Ben took my hand and whispered, "Its Dad."

We headed back towards the tunnel and after a few moments we ran into James. James handed Ben a pile of clothes and shoes. He handed me a hoodie and my shoes. Putting them on he said, "They are still going through the house. So we are going to have to hide out for a bit longer."

"What happens if they find us?" I whispered.

James took my hand and said, "I was able to get a message out before I grabbed your things and hid before I could get to the tunnel. The Calvary is on its way."


Mom- Anne

Dad- Bill

James- Friend  Ben-James son

The Hunters

 I am a hunter. Not the one that takes out animals either. If you have ever seen the show about two brothers and the hot car? Kinda similar but we do not kill everything that's different. I am a hunter who acts as a peacekeeper and then hunts if we cannot solve the issue. I was born into this lifestyle. Looking back on my life it might have been easier to not know what went bump in the night. But in all honesty, where would the fun in that have been.

Unlike that show on television hunters have a little bit different lifestyle. We are living in communities all over the world with other hunters. Why you may ask? Why not I would answer and believe me its a way to protect ourselves as well.  The community I live in is near a small little town in cental florida called Brooksville.  From the outside we seem like a small cottage community with a strict and firm HOA and that is how its been presented for years.  

I was heading home after a hunt at the florida border trying to catch a shifter who has been chasing after children and doing god knows what to them.  We finally were able to find the man and rescue a handful of children. But after being a week away from home all I want is to pick up a meal and sleep for a week straight.

I stopped at this amazing local chinese buffet and got a bunch of take out boxes of food, sushi and dimsung. Then not to be outdone I also stopped at chic fila and got a salad and a few sandwiches ad wraps. I was ready to just shower and veg out. I headed home to the compound and when I rolled through the gates I was giddy as I was home. I pulled up infront of my carriage. I grabbed my duffle bag, purse and all 4 bags of food and went inside. I put the food and drinks on the table in te living room and headed to the bedroom and took a shower. By the time i sat infront of the TV and loaded youtube i was ready to eat and sleep. I set everything up to pick and eat and started watching my newest youtube favorite Earlier American.

A few episodes in I started to doze. I thought about putting all my food up and heading to bed but it seemed like to much work.  I loaded another episode and then there was a knock at my door. Groaning I got up and padded over to the door and looked out. Standing there was Melvin the community leader. Opening the door I said, "Melvin I just got back can I have a few hours to sleep?"

Melvin chuckled and said, "Emma I am sorry to bother you but I need your help do you have a few minutes?"

I looked at my food and said, "Sure I have to clean up my food anyway before I go to sleep." I grabbed a plate and loaded some snacky stuff to eat while listening and put the food in the fridge. I offered Melvin a drink and then we sat at my kitchen table.

"Emma there has been a murder," He said handing me a file. "Laura Beckrift age 32. Laura was a professional photographer and was at a cabin north of millings ridge in Georgia. They found her dead in her cabin with no signs of forced entry and only 1 stab wound straight to the heart."

"Melvin why is the Georgia group not handling this," I asked.

"Emma they have their best guy on it but he is stumped. He really could use some help and as you are an expert in the strange and unusual he has asked for help."

I sighed, "I need a day to rest Melvin I been burning the candle at both ends. Tell him to email me everything he has and I will start looking at it tomorrow."

"Thank you, Emma. Your amazing, "Melvin said getting up and heading to the door. "Emma get some rest and its good to have you home."

After Melvin left I washed my plate and headed to bed. I woke up from a nightmare about the new case and I grabbed my computer and started looking to load the case information. It dawned on me that millings ridge is one of the biggest areas that have goblins. I sent an email and questioned if the Woman was actually photographing any particular area."

I laid back down and my phone started to ring. The number was not familiar and I answered the call, "Hello?"

"Is this Emma?" The voice asked.

"A very tired Emma," I asked, "Who is this?"

"My name is Ben and I am from the Georgia group. I just got your email and saw your number. I wanted to let you know that she was actually working in the area doing scenery shoots." He said, "Do you think this was a goblin group that broke in and did this?"

I sighed, "It sounds like it.  I mean who else could pick the lock do the deed and then lock up like there is nothing left to see."

Ben sounded annoyed, "What do you think?"

"Honestly. I need to see her last round of pictures. I have a suspicion, but I need to see her last round of pictures to confirm what is happening!" I said. "I just need another couple hour of sleep or you all will be searching for my ghost."

"Understood Emma," Ben said. "Where do you want to meet?"

"Do you know the skulls Tarvern and Rest Stop?" I said, "I normally stay there when I am up in the area."

"Okay, when do you want to meet?" He asked.

"I will be there by 6pm tonight," I said. "I need to get back to sleep and I will be there soon."

I went back to bed for a few hours and when I woke up I packed up my food to bring with me and headed to Georgia. It was a little after five when I arrived at the Skulls and Tavern Rest Stop. When I walked in Max the owner walked up to me reaching out to hug me and said, "Well trouble I know why your here. I have your room ready for you."

"Max,"I laughed. "I guess retired means you still keep an ear to the line?"

Chuckling he said, "You bet I do. Should I expect anyone to come and see you?"

SIghing, "Yeah, His name is Ben from the Georgia group. Let me go throw this in my room and I will come down and tell you whats going on."

After I put everything in my room and washed up I headed down to the Tavern and got a quiet table in the back of the room. I opened up my laptop and Max joined me and looked over everything. Whistling he said, "Wow Emma whats your theory?"

"To be honest Max," I said. "Knowing the area I think its the Goblins. But normally they would not do anything if pictures are taken. Especially in the state park. So I think I might have to set up a meeting with Genebi."

"Is he still in charge?" Max asked

"Yes he is in charge and is still as cranky as ever," A voice said behind Max

Looking up I said, "Ben?"

"The very same," He said as he took a seat "I didn't know you were bringing in help."

Smiling I said, "Bringing in help no. This is Max he owns the Tavern and rest stop and he is a retired hunter. Max here used to work with my parents when they were with us."

The men shook hands and Ben turned to me. "I have the pictures and the negatives from the victim's camera."

The doors to the Tavern slammed open and two large men walked in. Looking at Max I mouthed, "Trolls?"

He got up and walked over to them and one leaned down and spoke quietly with Max. Max looked over at me and said, "Emma doll these guys are looking for you."

Ben looked at me and I said, "Sure thing Max send these guys over."

The first one came over and said, "Miss Emma I knew your pops and I spoke to Melvin on the phone and he said you would be here. I have some information about the case that bought you out here."

Putting out my hand to shake his I said, "Well its a pleasure whats your name?"

"Its Gar Miss Emma," He said.

"Wait the Gar," I said looking him up and down. "You're the Gar that rescued that bus that went over the footbridge and saved all those kids?"

"I take it your daddy told you about that," He said.

"Take a seat gentleman Gar what can I get you both to drink?" I asked

Gar looked up and said, "A Pepsi would be great we are working so no drinking or driving for us."

Max came over with a few Pepsi's and after we all had drinks in hand I asked Gar, "So Gar how can I help you?"

He said, "We been doing some runs for our boss through the state park and heard about that poor woman. We came upon an abandoned Goblin encampment right after she left this world. We didn't think anything of it except I know a lot of goblins due to the jobs we do and what caught us as weird was they left their tools. A lot of Goblins' tools are passed down from generations before them. Something had to make them leave there was food on the tables and the fires were left burning. I asked a few of my shifter buddies that would go through runs in the area and they said there is something bad going on."

I looked at Max and Ben, "That is weird I know quite a few Goblins as well and they value their tools over their own lives. These encampments would not only hold the crafters but full families. If they all took off like that I agree this is not a good thing."

Max cleared his throat and said, "Emma if there is an abandoned camp we need to let the state sheriff know.  I have not been out to the area in a while but last time i was there those wood were full of shifters and local non humans. The area she was taking pictures was an area that many species felt was a spiritual epicenter to do offerings to their gods. There were weddings and in some species they would have their births for blessings of their gods."

Ben looked up and said, "I sent a message to the sheriff I should get a reply soon."

"How do you know the Sheriff would reply so fast," I asked.

Smirking he said, "Because I call her Mom."

Gar whistled and said, "Well you tell Mrs Madison I said hello. But We need to get going before the boss looks for us. Miss Emma it's been a pleasure meeting you."

After they left Max looked at the clock and called out, "We close in a little over an hour everyone."

Ben said, "How about I come by after they open we grabbed breakfast and head out to the wooded area she had been taking pictures at?"

Trying not to yawn I said, "Sure thing sounds like a plan."

We said our goodbyes and I headed back to my room. I laid in bed and was just about to go to sleep when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but decided to answer, "Hello?"

A quiet small voice came on the phone and it said, "Emma please help the monsters are outside trying to get to me."

"Who is this?" I asked sitting up.  

"My mommy and daddy hid me in the cabin and took off to lead the monsters away, My name is Keke i am a goblin we had to leave our camp because the monsters appeared." She said.

"Keke i will help you but which cabin are you in," I asked.

"I am in the cabin next to blue lake. Please help me I hear crying and yells but I am hiding in the closet in the basement. The cabin is locked but I think the monsters are outside." She said.

I grabbed the phone and dialed bens number. As soon as he answered I yelled "come back and get me and Max now. Get any hunters you can the monsters are attacking."

I threw my shoes on as I had Keke on the line. I ran into the bar and told Max what was happening. He grabbed his work bag and as soon as Ben arrived we jumped into the Jeep and I said, "Get us to the Cabins at Blue lake."

As we drove there I kept telling Keke we were on the way. A bunch of other hunters met up and followed us. When we pulled in I asked, "Keke which cabin are you in?"

"The one with the swing set," She said.

I saw the Cabin and we got out with our guns drawn, "Ben I take the front you take the back. Max cover us from the jeep."

I got to the the front of the cabin and saw the door was open. Ben opened the back door and walked in the same time I did. We checked the whole house and I headed down tot he basement. I found the closet and knocked. "Keke its Emma you can unlock the door now."

She opened the door and jumped into my arms. I carried her up the stairs and sat her on the couch. Kneeling in front of her I said, "Keke do you have family we can bring you to?"

"Its okay," I voice said from the door. "I made it back here."

Looking up I saw a male goblin and Keke jumped up and ran to him, "Daddy."

He looked at us and said, "Thank you for coming out. This monster has a lust for blood. When it attacked the site we ran here. We got Keke inside and went to lead it away. I have not found my wife or many other members of our clan."

Max said, "If you want we can bring you back to my rest stop tonight and in the morning we can look for your clan members."

He nodded and said, "Thank you friend. My name is Guriel and you have met Keke."

We climbed into Bens jeep. We went to the rest stop and Ben said, "I will be staying as well. After breakfast we will head out to go look for survivors."

Max got Ben and Keke's Family set up on a hunters room and I headed to bed. I felt like I had just fallen asleep when my alarm went off. I took a shower and got ready for the day, after I was ready I headed to the dining room where I found Max had a small breakfast buffet. I looked at Max and said, "Thats new and most wanted."

Max laughed and said, "Well my girl between you all and my regulars it's a popular item. FOr guests its free. For everyone else we charged $10 and people pay as they can get what they want."

I joined in the laughter and asked, "Does Milly cook all of this as well?"

Milly walked out with a pan of roasted potatoes and put them on the bar before she turned to hug me. After the hug ended she said, "Emma you know if I let Max into the kitchen all you would be eating is sandwiches."

I watched Milly fill a bowl of potatoes and bring them to Keke. I heard her say, "Well little one it couldn't be fries as I have to do a shopping trip but I got you roasted potatoes and they are the next best thing."

She turned to Keke's father and said, "If you want Keke can stay with me when you go with our friend to search for survivors. All I am doing is going to the grocery to get supplies for the restaurant. Besides being a retired hunter like Max I am also a mom so I can tell you she will be safe with me."

Keke's father looked relieved as he held out his hand, "My name is Guriel and I would be most grateful."

Milly smiled and said, "Have Max bring Keke to me when your ready to go and no worries I am sure this will be easier in case of what you find."

I filled a plate with food as Ben walked into the room. He saw the food and lit up walking over to me as he said, "Thank God I am starving."

"Well get some food and join us," I said as I joined Keke and her father for breakfast.

"Good Morning to both of you. Would you mind if I join you both?" I asked.

Guriel looked up and said, "Not at all."

Keke looked up and said, "Miss Emma thank you for staying on the phone with me last night."

"Oh Keke do not worry about that," I said. "I am glad I was able to do that for you."

Guriel cleared his throat and said, "Mrs Milly is to watch Keke so we can look for everyone. I am thankful for that incase we find something that is not fit for the child to see."

Nodding I said, "I understand Guriel. I have known Mrs Milly for years and she helped look after me when my parents were on hunts."

Ben joined us at the table and Guriel said, "I know of some locations survivors may go to. After we eat I will give you the locations on a map."

We ate as Guriel plotted the locations in the map we had and as we were finishing Gar walked into the bar. He came over and said, "I heard about what happened and I would like to help. Emma I am a tracker and can find the needle in the haybale."

Milly walked over and said, "I am sure you can help Gar. Go get food and look over what they have."

Gar made a plate and sat down and Guriel said, "Thank you sir. I placed a red x where people would go. The purple is where our camp was and this is where people popped up and called me earlier today."

Gar looked at the map and asked, "What attacked you?"

"I never saw it," Guriel started when Keke said, "It was a man who looked like a wolf but had the body of a human. I thought it was a man like Mr Keets daddy thats why I was quiet. Until he attacked Murkas. Mr Keets kind do not attack when half shifted he told me so."

"Mr Keets?" Ben asked.

"Mr Keets is the Beta for the blood moon pack," He said. "They may have a rough name but are very kind people. They have tunnels and caverns on their property and every winter we are offered shelter in them. We co exist and while down there we do maintenance and cleaning. That as well as build it out and we split the ore and jewels we find. I just met with Mr Keets last week about planning our next stay. The weather service is predicting an early winter and we wanted to get started early. Mr Keets said his Alpha was thrilled to have us back and of course we could enter early."

I looked at Ben and said, "We need to go there first."

He nodded I will call the mom to arrange it. He walked up to the buffet with his phone on his ear and got more food. When he got back he said, "Mom arranged it they are expecting us."

After we ate and Milly had Keke we headed to the blood moon compound. When we arrived Mr Keets met us outside with his alpha and he said to Guriel, "What happened my friend?"

Guriel explained the events of the night before and what Keke had seen. His alpha Manuel stepped forward and asked, "Are you asking if a new wolf had an issue shifting and came to your encampment?"

Guriel said, "Not at all sir. We came to ask if you ever heard of anything like this in your legends and lore. I know in my heart of hearts this was not something with your pack. We have worked together for to long and I know your people are good kind people."

Manuel nodded and said, "Tell the survivors to come to the cave we will set sentries at the entrance to protect you all. Lets go see the elders in their cabin."

We followed them to a cabin by the lake and Manuel opened the door. A elderly woman came out of the kitchen and said, "Manuel sweetheart I was just planning to call you."

He walked over with a big smile on his face and hugged the woman, "Hello Grandma I was going to call you today as well. We need to speak with the elders do you all have time."

A gentleman called from the far room, "Oh course we do come and see us."

We followed Manual down the hall and we entered the room and Manual said, "Please sit down everyone."

"What is it son," A regal looking gentleman asked.

He nodded to me and I said, "Last night the Goblin group that works with your pack yearly was attacked. After this we search for survivors."

A murmur rose through the group and someone asked, "Who attacked?"

"Thats the thing no one saw it," I said. "Well no one but Keke Guriels daughter. So far only ten survivors were found. That includes Guriel and Keke. However this morning at breakfast Keke said she saw it. She said it reminded her of you Mr Keets. I guess you did a trick once for the younglings where you shifted your head only."

Mr Keets laughed and said, "The kids get a laugh of it but it happens very fast as we cannot just shift one part of our body."

"Thats why she said it only reminded her of you," I said. She said she knew it was not a wolf from here because she has seen you in your shifted form. She said this creature had a wolf head and a human body. She also said she knew it wasn't you or a wolf from here because the human part was thin and skinny."

Manual said, "While we were on our way over I have summoned all the rangers and trackers we will go with the hunters to help search. I have our medical on call and one coming with us to help. Beth and a few younger pack members are readying the caves with some food and wood so the survivors can be brought here. But some of you are close to 300 years old. Have any of you ever heard of such a creature?"

A quiet voice from the corner said, "Alpha I have."

Mr Keets went over and knelt near her and said, "Mrs Penny what is it."

She asked "has anyone else been attacked?"

"Yes," I said. "A human photographer. She was doing photography shots in the area and the next day she was found dead in her secured room. Also Gar here has been told by shifters another Goblin camp was found abandoned and all their belongings including their tools were left."

Guriels head snapped up and he said, "That was Murians encampment. We received word from them a fortnight ago they were heading south to Florida as they had met another pack while a scout was in florida and they were offered the same offer we have from you."

Mr keets asked, "What pack?"

"The sun and moon pack thats in the panhandle," He said.

A gentleman who had followed us and said, "I will call alpha simon sir. Give me about twenty minutes."

I continued, "There is a lake which the photographer was taking pictures at that is a spot of great blessings to many species. Creatures would have wedding ad births there. Now everyone is avoiding the area as it had a wrong feeling."

Mrs Penny gave a shaken sigh and said, "Alpha Manual my room is room two inside in a blue chest on a table can you get it for me?"

He got up and fetched the chest, "Here you go Maam."

She said in a low voice, "My Grandmother was a witch. She was half wolf and half witch. She was powerful. When I was a small child we were sitting on her porch and we heard movement in the woods. She casted a spell and a blue shimmer went all around us. We heard a howl and in the shadows you could see blue sparks from where something was trying to break through the barrier. My Grandmother told me to go inside. She said to whatever it was that she saw him and his evil and his kind will never come through. She cast many spells that night and each spell was answered by a howl. In the early hours of the morning she came in, grabbed a battle sword and said, no matter what you hear do not look out or come outside. She darken the windows with a wave of her hand and the door closed and locked behind her as she walked out. When she returned she was bruised and scratched up. She collapsed on the ground and cast one last spell before she passed out. Less than an hour later members of the pack and her coven all descended on the house and the elder of the coven took what was in her arms and laid it in the chest. When she woke up a few days later she had me climb up and she said. He is the last of his kind and no supernatural creature is safe. He is part human and part monsters. Even the demons stay away. I asked her what he was and she said, The man of many faces. He is human and demon he attacks and kills all supernatural creatures to gain power and strength. But his power gained by killing wanes. Only the true warrior of the world will be able to stop him."

Mr Keets asked, "What did your Grandmother have wrapped in her arms?"

Mrs Penny waved her hand over the box and it glowed, "She laughed and said My grandmother was not the only witch in our family. I am blessed with the ability to shift though and know my wolf. Here my girl take it and look at whats inside. That is why my Grandmother never healed."

I walked over and took the chest and inside was a human hand half morphed into a claw. I looked at her and said, "That is a egyptian sphinx claw. He has been all over this world hasn't he?"

"My Grandmother survived because her wolf fought the poison and her coven did cleansing rituals multiple times a month when it got to bad," She said. "I hope you find the goblins my dear. Do an old lady a favor?"

"If i can Mrs. Penny," I said. 

She reached into her yarn bag and handed me a dagger. I lifted my brow and asked, "What is this?"

"That fucker broke my grandmas sword when they battled that morning," She said. "A mazing dwarf took the blade and crafted it down to this dagger. When you find and kill that monster take that blade and slam it in his heart and tell him that is for esmerelda."

I wrapped my hand around the blade and said, "I will."

Lowering the lid on the chest I went to hand it back to her and she said, "No child keep it. The chest will glow white if he is within a mile of it. The brighter it is the more it will glow."

Manual asked, "How do you know that?"

She sighed and said, "I thought he was coming for me last night because it gave off a faint glow."

I turned to ben and said, "Call your mom and tell her to call the egyptian embassy we need the sphynx anitidote now. As much as they can spare and tell your mom everything."

We headed out and I called Melvin and when he answered I said, "Melvin get everyone on it we need as much sphynx antidote or something that can combat it as soon as possible. Get into the archives and get everything you have on the Man of Many faces."

He laughed and said, "Emma love thats a legend."

"Melvin he is not legend and he is here and killing," I said.

"Emma are you sure?" He said.

"Melvin I have his fuckin missing hand in my arms," I said.

He was quiet and said, "Emma we are on it check back with me in about 2 hours. We have some sphynx antidote here we will get the best witches on it. I am sending half of what we have to you now."

We headed to where Guriels encampment was and I put the box in my carry bag. When we got to the encampment we say the destruction and a few bodies of the goblins. When the pack members arrived Alpha Manual told Guriel "we will bring the bodies back and prepare for a pyre. We will clean and wrap them but their faces so you may identify them there in safety."

Some of the werewolves shifted and i called them back. Manual looked at me and I took the box out asking, "If you smell this will you remember the other scents?"

Manual said, "Yes the would they can remember multiple scents at a time."

"Smell this then if you smell it or anything similar you fall back and mindlink your alpha immediately," I said. "Do not be hero's this guy is the deadlist there is. If he kills you he will gain your talents and powers."

The sniffed the inside and shook their head. Alpha Manual said, "They have it and are off."

Putting the hand away I felt someone watching us. Looking around I could not figure out from where. I pulled my gun and started to slowly turn around and let instinct take over. Ben looked at me and said, "Emma?"

"We are being watched," I said. "I can't figure out from where."

I felt a rubble under my feet and looked up and asked, "Are there caves under us?"

Guriel said, "Yes but they is a five foot barrier of heavy rock. The entrance is a bit away."

"Take us there," I said.

Heading to the the caves we found more bodies outside. Then we heard crying. I holstered my gun and walked to a large tree. Going through the bushes I came to a hollow in the tree and found two young goblins. I put my hand out saying, "Its alright little ones my name is Emma we are going to get you out of here."

They wrapped their arms around me and the little one said, "The bad man is killing everyone. Nana was with us and she told us to be silent and ran out to lead him away. But she never came back."

Holding them tight I said, "Your safe now. We will look for your Nana."

The older of the two whispered saying, "He wants to see in the dark. We saw him kill and when he killed them the person they killed glowed blue and then as they were dying their eyes glowed. Nana said he is killing to see in the dark."

"How smart you both are," I said. "Let us try to find your Grandma. You are going to go with these nice ladies here to the safe camp on the wolves land."

The littlest one held onto my neck and said, "Wait!"

"What is it little one," I asked.

"He said as he was killing the others he needs the power of sight to see in the dark," She said. "He said thank you for contributing to my quest to get the Heart of Mary."

Ben looked at me and asked, "Do you know what the heart of Mary is?"

"No," I said. "Do you?"

"No but I am going to get info now," He said. "I guess I am calling Mom."

Emma- Main   Ben- Georgia Hunter

Melvin- Head of the hunters florida group

Max- Owner the Skulls and Tavern Rest Stop Milly-Max Partner

Gar- Troll

Genebi- Head of the local Goblins

Guriel and Keke- 2 goblins saved

Mr Keets its the Beta for the blood moon pack. Manuel Alpha

Massies Adventures

 My name is Massie May Anderson and I am a descendant of the Salem witches.  My family has a secret and that is we have been running from those who have tried to burn us since 1692.  See although people say that the Salem Witch Trial was an atrocity, however, the same people who hunted my ancestors during the trials are hunting us now. So our people are still running after 320 years.  To say I have lived an adventurous life takes on a new meaning as our people can live for hundreds of years. My mother was killed by a group of these hunters when I was a year old and my father and grandparents have been hiding me ever since.  

"Massie May please do not make me come up those stairs," Grandma called from the base of the stairs. "Get moving girl its the first day of your senior year in high school."

I rolled over in bed and looked at the time. I still had an hour before I had to head to school.  I climbed up and jumped in the shower. Once out I pulled out my favorite outfit and got ready I headed downstairs to see what kind of celebration my Grandma planned. I wasn't disappointed as I got to the table and there was a full breakfast on the table.

"Wow Grandma there are only four of us and you cooked enough for an army," I said.

"Well, my sweet girl I wanted you to have options," She said as I sat down. I started loading my plate and then got an idea and grabbed two biscuits and made bacon and egg sandwiches and put them in my bento box. I also scoped fruit into another section. Grandma started laughing and said, "You have plenty of money for lunch kiddo."

"Oh I know but if I get busy I'll have the food with me." I said, "Besides waste not, want not and no worrying about someone trying to poison me."

"Massie dear please don't talk like that you know how serious things are," Grandma said.

I got up and walked next to her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry Grandma, I know how serious it is but if I can't be a little light-hearted I would not be me."

Grandma smiled, "Oh my sweet girl your Mom would have been so happy to see this day."

"I wish she was here to Grandma. Daddy is so lonely and you and Grandpa should be living your life in retirement instead of here taking care of me when Daddy travels for work," I said.

"Massie," She said taking my face in her hands, "You are a sweet, kind, and loving girl. Being here is better than any retirement that we could have had. Do not think for a second I would rather be somewhere else. Now you best eat and then get in your car and head to school or you will be late.'

Eating breakfast with Grandma was always my favorite daily activity. It became even better when Grandpa strolled in and joked he should drive me to school like he did when I went off to kindergarten.

Looking at him I said, "You mean how you dropped me off and sat in your car all day in the parking lot until my day was over?"

He looked at me and said, "Hey don't knock it that is how I met frank and he is a great friend now."

After eating I grabbed my lunch and headed out to my car. As I pulled in I really hated the fact they took away the assigned parking. I was able to find a shaded parking spot and got ready to head to the gym to get my schedule. Only one year left and then I was done with school. Heading to the gym I heard someone calling my name, "Massie wait up."

I turned around and saw my best friend Kara running up towards me. I caught her in a hug and said, "Well Kara you ready to start this year with a bang?"

"You bet Massie I want out of this town," She said.

Faking a smile I said, "You will have grand adventures."

However, Kara had no clue how lucky she was. After I graduated dad and grams wanted to move to Canada to a witches commune. I wanted to travel and see the world but until the threat against us is taken care of I would have to stay hidden.

Kara got a pout on her face, "So you really have to help out with your family overseas after you graduate?"

I laughed lying, "I guess if heading to south America is a bad thing then we shall see."

Kara pouted, "You said your family travels around South America, that is so cool. Maybe after you get settled I could come and visit you."

"You never know!" I said playing the invite off, "Well let's g et in line for our schedules and see what happens this school year."

We walked into the gum and it was complete chaos. I said hi to a few people while I waited in line for my schedule and was thankful Kara wasn't there to question me anymore about the move. She was asking a lot of questions lately and that worried me because when questions are asked it is hard to keep the lies straight. I will talk to Grandma about it later and see what she thinks.

I finally made it to the front of the line and came up in front of my history teacher Mrs. Davis. She smiled at me and said, "Massie May Anderson I bet your ready to get this year started."

Laughing I said, "Only if your going to be my teacher this year Mrs Davis."

She handed me my schedule and said, "Was there ever a doubt? Now go to the Senior party in the Senior wing and I will see you later on today."

The rest of the day everything felt off. Almost as if the enemy that was always chasing me was right at our doorstep now. When school finally ended I jumped into my car and headed home. When I got there I went to find my Grams to tell her about how I felt today. I found her sitting in a rocking chair on the back porch knitting.

She looked up at me and said, "Child what's wrong you seem like you have something on your mind?"

"Grams i need to ask, How young do witch hunters start," I said.

"Why do you ask my love," She asked.

"Kara was asking a lot of weird questions today and pushing about visiting our 'family' in South America and where they are." I said, "I am really worried because she never was like this before she went away this summer and now she wont shut up about it."

Grandma looked a bit worried and said, "Massie I would suggest no sleep overs for a while. I am going to do a search about her family through the witches coven."

"Grandma," I said. "Do you think that I am being a bit critical on this?"

She looked at me and said, "No sweetie after everything that our family has been through I am going to say not at all. Now let forget this unpleasant stuff for now. Tell me about your first day of your senior year."

We sat talking about classes and teachers this year. When I yawned she said, "Why don't you go take a nap for now and rest. I will wake you when we have dinner."

Smiling I agreed and headed to take a nap. I went into my room, locking the door behind me. Climbing into bed I dozed off fast. I dreamt of mountains and a beautiful lake. In my dream I was walking with someone but as I was about to see who it was I was woken up by my Grandpa, "Massie love Grandma cooked a feast in honor or your first day of senior year. Please come put an old man out of his misery so I can eat it smells so good."

Turning over I looked up at Grandpa and said, "All of Grandmas food smells so good. But come on Gramps I would be horrified if you were tortured any longer."

We walked down the stairs and I noticed my dads chair was empty. Gramps noticed it to and said, "Massie sweetheart you know your daddy has never been right since your Mama passed. He was out working for the coven and he loves you."

I gave a half grin and said, "I understand Gramps I should be as lucky as you and grams and then daddy and mama to met my soul mate. But you are right this smells amazing lets eat!"

Sitting down at the table the front door opened and dad walked in holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He called out, "Massie where are you,"

Jumping up I ran to give him a hug and he said, "I am sorry I wasn't here this morning but I cannot wait to hear about your day. I see Grandma made a feast for dinner, I cannot wait to eat I am starved."

Taking the flowers I walked to the vase and grabbed some water, "You think this is crazy you should have seen the breakfast she made this morning."

Grandma walked in and said, "Well Massie come to the kitchen and help me grab the food while your dad washes up."

When I came into the kitchen Grandma whispered, "For now skip over everything that happened with Kara. Let me look into it first so your dad doesn't panic."

Whispering back ok as dad walked in the room, "What are my ladies whispering about?"

Grandma slapped him with a towel and said, "Cant woman have secrets you silly man. Now grab that platter and we have the rest."

Dad did a mock salute and grabbed the platter of steaks and gravy grandma made. We grabbed the sides and headed to the table. Dad sat down and looked at his mom and said, "Mom thank you so much for handling everything this morning I got caught up on a case for the council and lost track of time."

Grandma said, "Your welcome sweetheart, We had enough food for a small army so there is plenty of leftovers."

Grandpa muttered under his breath, "When are there not leftovers."

Everyone laughed as we ate and it was nice to be under the same roof together. As we ate I told Grandpa and Dad about my day and new classes skipping over the information about Kara. After we ate dinner Grandma produced not only apple pie but a cake that said congratulations senior on it. Sitting there I could not believe how blessed I am. I hoped that this year would go by quick and peacefully. Then there was a knock at the door.

Dad stood up quickly and Grandma grabbed her witches talisman from her pocket and she went to open the door. When she opened it she gasped, "Oh my Regina come in what happened."

My dads co worker Regina walked in pulling her son Sam behind her and she looked a mess. Regina and Sam lived a few towns away with her husband. She looked like she had been through battle and said, "Sam had just gotten home from school. Matt and I were planning on taking him out for dinner for the first night of senior year. We were driving through town almost to the restaurant when the breaks stopped working. Oh god poor matt he is gone. The emts got there and there was nothing we could do."

Grandma sat Regina down and said, "Who did it."

"When we got home there was a note on the door, It said we know what you are, leave." She said.

Dad bought her a glass of water and said, "Let's go to the office and call the council."

As my Dad and Regina went into the family office my Grandma sat next to Sam and said, "Sam I know you have been through a lot but are you hungry we just finished dinner, but there is a lot of food left."

Sam looked up at her and said, "Mrs Chloe I am starving. I would love a plate."

Grandma led Sam to the table and sat him next to me and said, "I will be right back."

I put my hand on his arm and said, "Sam I am so sorry. I know what your going through believe me."

Sam looked at me and said, "How?"

"Because the witch hunters killed my mom when I was young," I said. "Think about all the time you had with your dad and how fortunate you were. I know its not the best advice but its the only I can give."

He took my hand and said, "Thank You."

Looking around the table he said, "Man you were all having a party. Then we came in and busted it up."

Laughing I said, "Nah Sam I am glad you came. This was desert after dinner. Grandma does not know the meaning of smaller meals. You should have seen the breakfast she made this morning. I took some to school for lunch and the fridge is packed."

Sam started to laugh as Grandma came in with a plate loaded with food and a basket with fresh rolls. His eyes got big as his stomach growled.

"Tuck in Sam there is plenty more where that came from as well as desert," She said.

As Sam ate we talked about our schools and how our first day went. We had just dished up some desert and were talking about what to expect this up and coming school year when Dad and Regina came out of the office. Regina came over to us and said, "The counsel was able to get your Dads body and they have it at the funeral home. I talked with Michaels family and they are going to let us stay here for a while. Its not safe to go home right now. I am sorry we will have to change your school for right now."

Sam stood up and said, "Mom its okay if we need to stay here to be safe I am alright with this. Besides if Mrs Chloe cooks like this all the time I will be a happy camper."

Grandma started laughing and said, "Finally someone who will eat all the leftovers. Massie if you wouldn't mind would you show Sam up to the Attic bedroom I think he will enjoy that the most. Regina you will be staying in the garden guest room. The views in the morning are absolutely beautiful."

Grandma led Regina to the bedroom and I had Max follow me to the attic bedroom. "When Grams says attic for the bedroom its not really an attic but there is a tiny door outside you room that leads to the small attic she uses for storage. You actually have the best view in the house."

As we walked up the stairs I showed him my room and the bathroom and when we got to the end of the hall I opened the door to his room. I said "Up the stairs."

When we got up the stairs the room opened up and Sam said, "Wow!"

Walking towards the main window I said, "You will love this."

I opened the curtains and the whole town lit up below us. You could also see the lake and river the town bordered. "Tell me you do not like this view?"

He looked at me and said, "Why do you not have this room Massie?"

Sighing I said, "Its a long story."

"Well," He said. "You have been a friend to me all night. I would like to know."

I sat on the chair and said, "Since my mom was killed my dad has been a lost soul. There will be days when he throws himself into his work and forgets about me and life outside of work. He has started to get better with remembering. But when we moved here my Grandma wanted to be near me in case of a attack. That and don't let Grandma fool you she checks on me all the time and those stairs are not good for her."

Sam nodded and said, "I get it."

We watched the stars come out and he asked, "Does it get easier knowing your mom isn't here anymore?"

"Not really," I said. "I was so tiny when she died and I never had a chance to know her. I am more sad for the fact that I had never met her and got to know her."

There was a knock on the door and Regina came in with my Dad. She looked out the window and said, "Wow what a view."

"Sam how do you feel about changing schools and moving in here?" She asked

"What's going on Mom?" He asked.

Dad said, "Sam your mother is worried about your safety and the we had our team come and get the car. The brake lines were cut but not completely. Your mom is worried that they will come after both of you. Mom and Dad offered your mom and you a place to live. Safety in numbers."

"I will move Mom," He said. "Honestly I am thankful as I really did not like that school anyway. People are weird there and as I am a bit different they were not the best with the weirdness. So what about our stuff at the house?"

Dad said, "All your belongings in your room and your moms room are being packed as we speak and will be here by the morning. The remaining stuff is being put into storage."

"Mom," He said. "Dads Guitars in the living room can I keep them here in my room with me?"

Regina looked up and said, "Of course sweetie"

Dad said, "If there is anything else you want let me know and we will have it brought here."

"I want my motorcycle," He said. 

Dad nodded and said, "Amelia not much later you have school in the morning."

Nodding I said, "Okay Dad."

When they left Sam looked at me and said, "Now for the serious question?"

"What?" I asked.

"How would your Grandma feel if we raided the kitchen," He asked. "I only had some of the pie and that cake looked so good."

We went down to the kitchen to get some cake and found Grandma and Grandpa eating desert. She looked up and said, "Food or desert?"

Sam gave her a smile and said, "That Chocolate cake please Mrs. Chloe it looks so good."

Grandpa laughed and said, "Oh my boy it is. Sit down and remember if you sneak down for food in the middle of the night just put it back and wash whatever you use."

Sam sat down and said, "Yes Sir."

Grandma put slices in front of us and we ate and talked with them. Grandpa got real interested when Sam asked where he should park his Motorcycle when it got dropped off. As it got late I said goodnight to everyone and headed to bed. 

I felt bad for Sam and Regina I could only imagine the pain they were in. I lost my mom and not knowing her and I still felt the pain. Falling asleep I dreamt of my mom and the little I recall from the pictures I have seen.

When I woke up in the morning I struggled to get out of bed. Crawling down the stairs I joined everyone in the kitchen and looked at the clock it was ten in the morning and I missed two classes. Looking at Grandma I asked, "Did you try to wake me?"

"No sweetheart," She said. "I went in and shut your alarm off. We have a problem and we need to talk to you. But first eat and drink some coffee."

Grandma put a bacon, egg and cheese bagel along with hashbrown patties in front of me. Sam walked in and went to the coffee pot making him a cup of coffee and when he sat down she put the plate in front of him as well. He looked at me and said, "I thought you had school today?"

"So did I but apparently there is a problem," I said.

Sam stopped and asked everyone, "What are you not telling us?"

Grandma sat down and said, "Please eat and wake up before we speak to you both. I promise we will tell you both everything."

We both ate and when we got a second cup of coffee everyone sat down. Grandpa said, "Do you know what your fated is?"

Max looked up and said, "Its rare but its when the goddess selects a special person for you. Why?"

"Last night I was walking and checking the house," Regina said. "The fated mist was here?"

Looking up I asked, "You and Dad? I mean we know that it can happen after the loss of a spouse."

She chuckled and said, "No Massie. The mist was between yours and Sam's room."

Looking at each other we said, "Well shit."

Grandpa chuckled and said, "But wait there is more."

Grandma looked at him and said, "Really Frank?"

He gave her puppy eyes and said, "To soon."

"Hello," I asked. "What is happening."

"The hunters marked us," Grandma said. "The team went to pack and get Regina and Sam's belongings packed last night. When they returned this morning there was a note that said, We know where you are and what you all are. The council wants us to go into hiding. We will be leaving in a day or two."

"Wait," I asked. "What about our senior years."

Dad said, "Massie you and Sam being fated will mean in the next few weeks your magic will increase. You both have large targets on your back. I will not lose you like I lost your Mom. The story is going to be your other Grandma took a turn for the worse and we had to go. I have started the process with Regina to get your classes on home school."

I had tears in my eyes and I wiped them away and said, "Where are we going?"

"Massie we can't tell you until we are packed and ready to move," Grandma said. "All of Sam's and Reginas belonging are being spelled right now to make sure there is no way to have a tracker."

Dad looked at me and said, "After breakfast get your luggage set out and pack as much as you can. The council will be delivering crates within the hour."

Standing up I said, "Excuse me I am not hungry right now."

Running up the stairs I went into the room shutting the door behind me. I sat in the middle of my room and started to cry. Twenty minutes later there was a soft knock on the door and when I didn't answer Regina stuck her head in and asked, "May I come in?"

Nodding she came in and sat on the floor next to me. She wiped the tears from my cheek and said, "I understand you know. When I was thirteen my Dad was killed by the hunters and I had to leave everything that I knew. My Mom moved me twelve more times to keep me safe. That was before we met Matt and his family. I would give anything to be that thirteen year old girl again and be able to live a life without looking over my shoulder."

She put her arms out and I went into them. Pushing my hair back she said, "My sweet girl one day in the future I will be your mom in law. You can come to me about anything. I know I am not your Mom or Grandma but I will be here for you for anything."

I said, "Thank you. So Same is my fated for real? What does that mean."

She gave a soft smile as she leaned us against the bed. "Well it means your feelings for each other will develop. The mist formed a line to each of you and that's why your so tired today as it connected you both. It was a strong connection as the colors within were bright as well. The goddess chose you both and you will thrive from her blessings both as a couple as well as individually."

Looking around she said, "When the crates arrive I will help you pack unless you want to do it on your own."

Laughing I said, "I may need it but god knows my grams will need it more. Her kitchen and pantry alone will be a mad house."

Regina laughed and said, "Well the council just dropped off mine and Sam's suitcases packed full. Sam is kinda cranky right now because he bike is being shipped. My car is also with that transport and our belongings. Where we are moving we will be sharing a home due to you and Sam being fated. But don't worry I told them we needed a big house with a big kitchen for your Grandma. She stress bakes I noticed."

We stood up and I pulled my luggage out and asked, "So essentials until we get it all to us? I am good at packing a suitcase and they will weigh a ton."

She laughed and said, "A girl after my own heart."

There was a knock at the door and Regina opened it. Dad and Sam were in the doorway holding crates. Regina said, "I am going to see what Chloe would like me to help pack. Sam what are you doing?"

"Mrs. Chloe said to help Massie," He said. "I am not going against a direct order."

Dad said, "I will be back in a few minutes with more crates."

Both Dad and Regina left and Sam said, "After they leave more crates let's talk."

Opening all my of my suitcases on the bed I grabbed a crate and put it next to my closet. Dad and Regina brought in six more crates and Dad said, "We will be by in an hour to see what you have packed. Also Massie is there anything in your car you may need?"

Giving him a look he said, "You keep your car spotless I know but your car is going to be loaded in the first transport."

"No Dad she is empty," I said. "I will have stuff ready to go soon"

After they left Sam said, "This doesn't seem real does it."

"No it doesn't," I said. "I feel like I am falling apart."

He walked over and opened his arms. Going into them he held me and said, "You know this is our first hug ever. Do you want to address the elephant in the room."

I chuckled and said, "We might as well. But while we do that we might as well get to work. Would you mind packing all my books. Just let me get some stuff off the shelves."

He kissed my forehead and I felt electricity. We stood back a step from each other and said, "Woah."

He laughed and he said, "Well i know its not a real first kiss but I guess we felt a spark."

We both laughed as I gathered a few pictures and books adding them to my suitcase. He grabbed a crate and started to pack all of my books. I went to my closet and then went to the door yelling down, "Should I pack warm or cool weather clothes."

I heard Regina call out, "A mixture of both for traveling."

Shutting the door Sam said, "My coat was included but I also have swim stuff and cold weather gear."

Groaning I said, "Lord have mercy. I hope they do not complain I have so many suitcases plus my travel bag."

He said, "They bought me three suitcases and my travel backpack so I think your good you will have the same amount as me. So back to the topic at hand."

"Did you have any idea we were fated?" I asked.

"Not in the slightest," He said. "When you went to bed last night I thought wow what a cool girl. Like you this morning I woke up exhausted and on my ankle I saw a mark that looks like an infinity sign. Do you have one?"

Looking at my ankle I saw a mark and said, "Wow I have one as well."

"So what now?" He asked.

"Get used to each other I guess," I said. "Don't get me wrong your great and I love getting to know you. I guess we let it progress naturally? Do you have any bad habits I should know about?"

He laughed and said, "I am obsessed with my motorcycle. Speaking of which are you afraid of being on one?"

"No I am not when Grandpa was younger he said I needed to know how to ride on one," I said. "I guess his intuition was on point."

"Well what is your bad habit?" He asked looking up.

Taking a picture of him I said, "I love taking pictures to a fault."

"Do you mean I will be the subject in many of your pictures," He asked. "Or will I be the one saving you if you try to get a picture of the rail."

Laughing I said, "Both."

We continued to talk as I went through my closet. Folding everything as tight as I could to fit what I would need in my suitcase. By the time Dad had come back with movers Sam had gotten my shelves done and was filling crates with the clothes that were going on the transport. They took the crates as well as my reading chair. Dad looked at us and said, "We are trying to get as much as we can loaded today for transport. Massie your car was loaded in as well as a lot of the furniture from the living room already. Once that's full that will go. Grandpa is in the garage raising a fuss right now packing up more stuff. I tried to help him but he got cranky."

Looking at Dad I asked, "You tried touching Grandpa's tools. Your a brave man."

Sam whistled and said, "Brave man."

Dad laughed and said, "I get it. Let me know when you have more."

Dad left and when we finished my closet I grabbed all my personal items I use daily and packed them. Sam went into the bathroom and started to pack everything else in a crate while I started to pack up my makeup table. Since I did not have a lot of makeup as I did not use it I filled my bag adding it to the suitcase and kept a few pieces of jewelry out adding the rest to a clothing crate. Then I pulled out the table making sure nothing was behind it. Same helped me move that and my chair over to the pile of crates. Sitting at my desk I added my laptop, hard drives and camera into my travel bag. I put my purse into the top section of the travel bag as it was small. Looking at my phone I had multiple messages from Kara asking where I was. Sighing I texted back family emergency. Grandma walked in and said, "Come one you two its lunch time."

We followed her down and on the counter was a stack of paper plates and all the leftovers from the fridge including sandwich items. She laughed and said, "Eat up we will be having leftovers till we leave."

While I heated up sides from the night before I made a sandwich to go with them. Then I grabbed a slice of cake sitting down to eat. Sam had the same idea and sat next to me. Grandma looked up and said, "Massie doll do me a favor. When you done with your room. Please go into the room Sam slept in last night and pack that up as well. Leave the curtains up in all the rooms we do not need people being sneaky. The movers already cleared out the attic crawl space and please do not forget any pictures handing on the walls. Also both of you please bring your suitcases downstairs and place them nest the fireplace."

We nodded and when we finished we offered to help clean up. Regina said she has the cleaning and for both of us to continue on packing. When we got to the room I noticed my table and all the crates were gone. For the next few hours we continued to pack my room and when we finished we dragged my suitcases next to Sam's. We spent the remainder of the day packing up his room before we joined the family for dinner.

Massie may anderson- main

Dad- Michael

Grandma- Chloe

Grandpa- Frank

Regina-Dadcoworker fam friend   Sam- Her son Matt deceased husband

Kara- Best friend thinks we are moving to south America possible hunter

Mrs Davis- History teacher

The Emma Grace Chronicles

 My name is Emma Grace and I was saved by my Grandma Elsie after she realized I was a unwanted child. See my parents were well off thanks to my Grandma and I was the opps baby. Why do I say that? Because my parents had my perfect older brother and perfect older sister. Only if they knew the hard truth about their perfect children at the time. But back to where Grandma saved me. My parents had a huge home. They all lived in the main part of the house and I was in the maids room off the garage. I was never allowed to sit with them at dinner  and had to leave them alone.  I was also not allowed in the house starting at the time they had dinner.  But since I had the maids room I had my own kitchen. My mom would take me once a month to get food for my room and I was never allowed to tell anyone about how I lived.

Then one day I was sneaking some extra food from the kitchen as my mom never bought enough to last the month and she always assumed it was my brother and his friends eating everything.  The doorbell rang out and my mother yelled for me to answer the door. I opened the door and yelled, "Grandma!"

I never saw my mom move so fast in her life.  She came running down the stairs and said, "Mom what are you doing here?"

"Well, Cathy when I was speaking with Emma Grace last week she told me she missed me and I thought it would be a lovely surprise to come see her."

My mom looked like she was about to cry because she was officially busted. "Well, mother Emma is grounded so she cannot do anything. So you wasted your time coming to see her."

I looked at my Mom, "Wait why am I grounded? I did everything you asked me to do and I stay away from you?"

Grandma looked upset, "What did you say, Emma?"

My mom grabbed my arm and yanked me away from Grandma. "That's enough Emma."

I pulled away and hid behind Grandma. "No, I do all the cleaning and cooking.  I go to my room before you eat the meals I make and have to eat microwave food. I am not even allowed in the house because you lock me in the apartment before you all eat. I am twelve years old and have to live alone."

My mother went pale as a ghost. As she did my Grandma looked at me and said, "Show me your room."

I lead my Grandma to the hallway that led to the garage and opened the garage door. I walked across the garage and led Grandma to the maids room.  My room was simple and bare. I had a bed and a dresser. In one corner there was a mini fridge and shelves. On the shelves there was a microwave, toaster oven and a airfryer. Then I also had a small bathroom with a almost non existent shower. My Grandmother looked around the room and she looked so angry.

"Emma do you have a suitcase?" She asked. I nodded and she said, "Pack all your cloth and put all your dirty clothes in a garbage bag. You are leaving with me right now.  Take everything you want as you will not be coming back here."

I did as I was told and packed up my backpack, and 3 suitcases. I pulled one and Grandma pulled the other two. As we got to the door my mom said "Where are you taking Emma?"

Grandma looked at me and then back at my mom and said, "Cathy dear this is what is happening. Emma is coming to live with me.  When we get back to Florida my lawyer who I will be speaking to as soon as we leave is going to be drawing up custody papers. You will sign her custody over to me.  If you or Bill want to argue with me I will take back this house and I will call child services.  It will be all over town how you treated Emma. You will be blacklisted from everything."

My mom looked at Grandma and said, "Fine take her we don't want her anyway."

My Grandma looked at me and said, "Emma you are going to love Florida. You will have a big beautiful room on the estate and you will be treated as you should have been here."

With that Grandma led me to her car. She looked at me and said, "Why don't we go get some food and arrange to fly back to Florida after getting to the hotel."

We headed back to the hotel and went to Grandma's room.  Once we got to the room Grandma sat me down and said, "Emma I am so sorry that you had to go through everything that you went through. Your parents have always been particular when it came to how many kids they wanted. I should have watched them more closely. But you are the light of my life and I promise you you are going to have an amazing and adventurous life."

I jumped up and hugged Grandma, "Thank you Grandma I promise I will be the best girl ever."

"Oh my sweet girl you are the best girl already and you are going to be just fine.  Now, why don't we order some room service while I make a few calls." Grandma suggested. "Then after that, we are going to get you some nice clothes."

Grandma pulled out a menu and had me order whatever I want. I looked over the menu and saw that they had bacon cheeseburgers. Grandma smiled and said, "You know what Emma bacon cheeseburgers sound good. I think we need those as well as vanilla milkshakes."

After Grandma ordered our food I watched some TV while Grandma talked on the phone with a man named Frank. I didn't listen to what she was saying but she seemed really upset. I kept hearing please make it fast and I want them served as soon as possible. By the time she was finishing the call there was a knock at the door. Grandma headed to answer the door. When she came back she was followed by a man with a cart of food. The man set the food up on the table near the windows overlooking the pool. After he left Grandma declared, "Let's eat!"

The burgers were so big and I was so hungry. I couldn't remember when the last time I didn't have to microwave, air-fry, or have cold food. Grandma saw me eating the burger but I had not touched my fries.

"Emma you okay sweetheart?" She asked.

"Yes," I said and then asked, "Did the man bring ketchup?"

"Of course," She said handing me a few packets. "Is that why you hadn't ate the fries?"

"Mom said we cannot eat fries without dipping sauce and I was only allowed ketchup if it was on sale. So I had a lot of plain stuff." I said.

"Your mother is a idiot." Grandma said, "Forget what your mother said if you want something with your food you tell me. You are far to thin for girl your age."

"Mom said I am fat," I said.

"Emma you listen to me you are perfect. Just because your mom had issues with her size you are a pretty girl and perfect," She said.

I grabbed the ketchup bottle and put it on my plate as I ate my fries. Grandma smiled and said, "Thats my girl. Don't you worry when we get back to Florida you will see that things are so much different."

After we finished eating my Grandma took me to our local mall and we went shopping for all new clothes. My Grandma ended up buying another extra large suitcase and said, "We will go through all your old clothes when we get back to the hotel. When you were packing I saw some that were not very age appropriate for you."

After a few hours of shopping, we went back to the hotel and we went through all my clothes. Grams threw out a full trash bag. She looked angry after I said my mom just gave me hand-me-downs from her and my sister dawn. After she finished packing everything up except for my pajamas and outfit for traveling the next day she said that it was time for bed as we have an early morning. She also told me we would get food at the airport for breakfast as we had a very early.

The next morning Grandma woke me up early and had me get ready to go to the airport. I pulled on my clothes and Grandma took my sleep things and put them into a laundry bag. My Grandma made sure we had all our belongings and we headed down to the lobby where they brought the rental car around and loaded our luggage. Then we headed to the airport to head back home to Florida.

We arrived at the airport and my Grandma said, "Emma dear I arranged a special flight on a private plane. Normally we will not fly on a private plane and will fly business or economy but I want to get you back to Florida and settled. I need to know if are you currently in school. Or has she messed with you for that as well?"

I started to cry, "After I said to a teacher last year that I don't live in the main house. She pulled me out and signed me up for home school. I should be in 4th grade now, but I never even finished 3rd grade. but she would not let me go back. She said I was too stupid to keep a secret and I shouldn't have to go to school."

My Grandma looked like she was going to blow up. She calmed down a bit and said, "Emma sweetheart you are far from stupid. The way your parents and siblings treated you was horrible and quite illegal. I assure you you will never have to deal with this ever again. Once we get you settled in Florida we will get you into homeschool to catch you up and then next year we will get you back into school."

I smiled, "Thank you, Grandma! I missed school and my friends."

Grandma smiled, "Well we will get you back in school so you can make new friends. By the time we finish the home school you should be caught up so you can start fifth grade next year. I am so sorry you had to deal with all this Emma."

When our plane landed Grandma and I walked towards a man I never met. He gave Grandma a hug and she turned to me, "Emma my love this is Miles, and he is my boyfriend."

He bent down and put out his hand, "Hi Emma it is so nice to meet you. Your Grandma has told me so much about you. I can't wait to get to know you and I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of you."

He stood up and grabbed our luggage, "Let's get this party started! I am sure you both want to get home and get some stuff started."

Grandma laughed and said, "Well I am sure we will stop on the way home and grab some lunch for us."

Miles grabbed all our luggage and loaded it onto a cart. Grandma took my hand and we were heading through the airport to the parking garage. Once we found Miles car we loaded in and headed towards grandmas house. As I watched the trees go by I leaned against my bag and fell asleep. I woke up to hearing Grams saying, "Emma sweetie its time for lunch. Come on sweetie its time to wake up."

I sat up and said, "I'm sorry Grandma I was so sleepy."

She smiled and said, "Its okay sweetheart. We are almost home but we are at Cracker Barrel to get some lunch before we get to the farm"

Sitting up I said, "I have never been to a cracker barrel! I always wanted to stop but Dawn and Max always wanted fast food and I never got to pick."

"well Emma," She said I will make sure we go to the restaurants you want to try. I like to cook so you will not even have to worry about that."

We pulled up and parked. Miles opened the door to the restaurant for us and I walked into a huge store. Turning back Grandma and Miles were chuckling and Grandma took my hand and said, "This way Emma we will look around here after we eat."

I had never been in a restaurant this big before and I realized now why my sister and brother did not want to come because you have to speak to the servers. Our server came over and took our order, I loved looking around the restaurant with all the decorations on the wall. When my food came I got wide eyed and Grams said, "Its ok Emma If you can't eat it all we can bring the leftovers home."

Looking at my platter of chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and corn. My parents never took me out and this is the first meal I had in a restaurant ever. I started tearing up and Miles looked over at me and said, "Emma sweetie are you okay?"

Looking up I said, "Miles this is the first time I have ever been in a restaurant. My parents never let me go out with them and they always got fast food to go and they never got me anything. I always had to wait till we got home or bring a pb and j with me. They never really liked me at all did they."

Grandma came and sat next to me, "Emma sweetie never think about them again. You are safe with Miles and me. I have loved you since I found out you were born and I will always be here for you. Now dry those eyes and take a sip of your sprite, grab a biscuit and lets eat!"

Smiling I grabbed a biscuit and started to eat my chicken tenders. My Grandma was right I have a different life now and I cannot wait for the new adventures I will have.

Later that night we arrived at my grandmother's farm house on the outskirts of town. When we got out a woman came out and said, "Mrs Elise I did everything you asked."

SMiling she said, "Peria thank you for getting that handled so quickly. I would like you to meet My Granddaughter Emma she is the young lady I told you about."

Peria turned to me and took my hands, "Welcome little one. You are going to love living here and I am here to help guide you anytime you need. Now I am sure you are excited to see your new room. Let me know if you don't like anything and we can exchange it."

I turned to look at Grandma, "My own room...."

Grandma sighed and said, "You are not living in maids quarters here Emma you have a beautiful room right across from Peria. In this house we are all equal and although I have maids quarters Peria has her own room and I use the maids quarters as an office."

Peria took my hand and led me into the house with Grandma and Frank following behind. I couldn't believe how beautiful the house was and when we got to the staircase we went up. Peria stopped at a door at the top of the stairs and said, "Go on in it's all your sweetie."

I opened the door and walked into a bright and large room. There was a huge bed with a bright pink and purple comforter. There were matching curtains on the windows and a purple rug on the floor. On the desk there was journals in bright colors as well as puffy pens and a computer. I walked to the first door in the room and it held a huge closet that was empty. Walking over to the other I opened it and there was a huge bathroom with a tub and a shower. The bathroom had a bright pink shower curtain and stacks of colorful towels and rags. On the counter was body soaps and scrubs. As well as a brand new brush and hair ties.

Coming out of the room I hugged Peria and said, "Thank You I love it."

Grandma and frank were beaming and Frank said, "Well then I will bring your bags up Emma and you can get unpacked."

Grandma came up and said, "Well Emma I do have a few rules. The first is you keep your room clean and you always tell us the truth. I am going to contact the school board tomorrow and see about your homeschool and we need to get you started. You already missed 4 months of school. By golly you came home in just enough time Halloween is next week and we have to get you a costume so you can do the town trick-or-treating. Also is there any activities you ever wanted to do?"

Looking at Grandma I said, "I wanted to do dance. When I was in school we had in school dance class and I loved it."

Frank walked in with my luggage and said, "Well I guess we will have to go to Mrs Peggy about dance classes."

"Really," I said.

Grandma knealt down in front of me and said, "As long as you promise me that you give it a few months to try it out. If you decide you don't like it then you can quit. Just be aware that you might not be able to start until after the holidays."

Hugging her I said, "I promise."

"well young lady you have had a very trying and exhausting day. So I would suggest you take a shower or bath and start getting ready for bed," Grandma said. "When your done with getting ready some find me in the office downstairs and I will tuck you in."

"Okay Grandma," I said. Everyone left the room and I went into my bag to get some Pajamas. I went into the bathroom and just looked around. I could not believe everything that was done for me. I wish that my parents had done even a fraction of this for me. I could not understand what I did to make my mom so upset but I am glad I am here with Grandma now. I will make her and Miles proud of me and I will pay them back one day.

I took a shower and headed down to say goodnight to Grandma and Miles. I found them sitting in the library and Miles had the news on in the background. When I walked into the room Grandma's face lit up and she said, "Well Emma you found us. Are you settling in okay?"

I sat next to her on the couch, "I love my room and bathroom. It was nice to take a shower where the water actually worked and the room was not cold."

Grandma hugged me and said, "Tomorrow we will get settled and I will give you a tour of town. Then we will get you set up for school. Miles is better with computers so we have to get you one as I am guessing we will have to get you one for your school work."

"Really?" I said. "Oh that would be awesome. I am excited to get back to classes."

Miles spoke up from his chair and said, "That's a great look on things Emma. We will definitely get a computer for you tomorrow and get you set up for class."

I yawned and Grandma said, "Ok little miss its time for bed. Lets get you to bed and you can read for about an hour if you want. Peria picked up a bunch of books from the thrift store for you until we get a chance to go to the book store and get you something you would like more."

We climbed the stairs and I noticed a book case with a bunch of chapter books. I grabbed a babysitters club book and climbed into bed, "Thank you Grandma. I will start with this and thank you I love to read."

Grandma and Miles said goodnight and closed the door. I read for a few minutes until I could not keep my eyes open anymore and shut off the light and went to sleep. It was nice to sleep in a comfortable bed in a room that was mine inside the house. I finally felt like I belonged to a family who wanted me.


When I woke up the next morning I laid in my room and looked round. I looked at the room and felt calm and peaceful. I looked at the alarm clock and saw it was only 7am. I got up and changed for the day. It was nice to be able to chose a outfit that actually fit me. I went into the bathroom washed my face and changed. I cleaned up my bathroom and went and made my bed. Even though this was something I did regularly anyway I wanted to  make sure Grandma knew I was doing it.

I left the room and headed downstairs to explore the house. When I walked into the kitchen I found Grandma and Miles already up and drinking coffee at the kitchen counter. I walked over to Grandma and gave her a hug and said, "Good morning."

I sat down at the table and Miles asked, "Did you sleep well Emma?"

Giggling I said, "I was very tired I think I read a few pages of the book I started and stopped when the pages blurred."

"Well Emma you did have a very busy last two days," Grandma said. "I am afraid you will just as busy today getting things set up. We are going over to the school board today to get everything we need for your homeschooling and then we need to get you a computer so you can get your classes started. We have to stop and get you a Halloween costume as well."

"We will have a busy day today," I said.

"That we will," She said. "So first things first lets get some breakfast. I believe Peria is making french toast in the kitchen."

I hopped up and headed to the kitchen and Peria greeted me, "Good Morning little one did you sleep well?"

I smiled as I said, "Yes and I already made my bed and cleaned up my room."

"Thats a good girl," SHe said. "I hope you are hungry I made french toast and sausages for breakfast."

She put a plate in front of me and I felt shy for a moment and asked, "I never was allowed to have anything but cereal how am I supposed to top this?"

Peria walked over and said, "Never you worry, I like it with Cinnomen and sugar on mine with just a little syrup. Your grandma like its with syrup and Miles likes it loaded with syrup and the sugar mix. How about this We will do one the way I like it and one the way grandma likes it and you can decide."

I smiled and said, "I like that idea."

Peria showed me how to top the french toast and after I had eated both I said, "I like it the way you like it Peria. Just enough of both."

As I ate it dawned on me that I have missed out on a lot growing up and Miles asked, "Emma sweetie you look like your thinking hard about something. You want to share it with us?"

Looking around the table I said, "Mom and Dad kept a lot from me didn't they?"

"How do you mean Emma," Grandma asked.

"I didn't even know what french toast was or how to top it," I said. "They really did not want me in their life and how little I know really shows that."

The adults looked at each other and Peria was the fist to say something, "Well Emma what happened is done. You no longer have to worry about that now and you have your Grandma, Miles and myself to help you along. In a few weeks time this worry of yours will be in the wind like a bad memory."

Looking at her I asked, "Are you sure?"

"I sure am sweetie," She said. "Do not feel embarrassed if you do not know. Just ask us."

Nodding I continued to eat and said, "I can do that."

Later that day I went with Grandma and Miles to get my laptop to start my school. On the way home we stopped at the dance school and Grandma talked to the owner. She came over and knelt down smiling at me asking, "Emma would you like to start dance."

"Yes I would," I said.

"Well we are in the middle of rehearsal for our fall and winter shows," She said. "But I have a student teacher who would like to teach and I was thinking if you want to come on Monday nights you can start being taught. Chrissy is a great teacher and I know you will be able to catch up with the beginners class fast and come January you will be ready to join in the groups for a new dance season."

"Really," I asked shocked. "Thank you I will work real hard I promise."

We went into the office and Grandma paid the fees and took the list of items we would need for the following week. Going to the store we got a few different shoes and outfits. She also got me a special bag, sports bottle and towels for the work out. When we got home Peria took the outfits and towels to wash fresh. 

Miles set up the laptop and Grandma and I went online and registered for the classes. Grandma had called Mom and since mom pulled me out before I was halfway through the third grade I had to do both the third and fourth grade before I could start fifth grade the following year. The school board suggested that I the third through fifth grade and give myself another year. My Grandma laughed and said, "She will be ready for fifth grade before August of next year." 

We got emails for all my classes for the first half of third grade and Grandma set up all the video calls for the week. I was told I could work at my own pace and would have to meet with the teachers once a week to check in for all subjects and electives. We were lucky that I was able to meet the teacher for Math the day we set everything up. After dinner I brought my laptop downstairs as Grandma and Miles were watching television and I started looking at the class work. I logged into the math class and while they watched wheel of fortune and jeopardy I finished the first chapter of Math assignments. Miles sat behind me and said, "Emma did you really just finish the first chapter."

"Yes I did," I said. "I also sent Mrs. Miller an email so I can take the test once she looks over my work and sends me the code."

The rest of the week we had meetings with the rest of my teachers and by the time Friday afternoon came around my Math teacher called and told Grandma that I was ahead on my math. Grandma told her that she knew and was thankful that the Math teacher was so prompt in giving me the test codes. When the weekend came I slept in and when I woke up I cleaned up my room and went downstairs for breakfast. I joined Peria in the kitchen and she made me eggs. I asked her were Grandma was and she said her and Miles went to run a few errands. After I helped clean up the house I went upstairs and worked on my art class. I continued on an assignment that we were supposed do on the paint program. Working through the check list I finished the assignment and submitted it. I took the laptop to go sit on the porch to work on another art assignment and by the time Grandma and Miles came home I had finished four art assignments and was sending an email for the first big project code. 

Grandma looked at me and said, "Emma love lets see your completion percentages."

She looked at me and I said, "See I have been doing my classes correctly. I know this stuff and am happy I am finally back in school."

Miles sat down and said, "Emma do you think you might want to do something fun and relax?"

I laughed and said, "Miles I was working on an art project I was having fun."

Showing them the art projects I had to do Grandma was very happy with everything I was doing. She asked, "Well we were thinking of taking you for a drive down to the beach. Would you like to do that?"

Smiling I said, "Yes! I just need to put my laptop away."

Walking away I did not see Grandma and Miles smiling at me. I put my laptop on my desk on my desk and put on my shoes. When I was ready I met them downstairs. We got in the car and Grandma asked, "Emma how is school going?"

I said, "I worked on an assignment for each class and the focused on art for the rest of the day. I am waiting for my teacher to send me the code so I can do the first big project for the first semester."

"Do you think your on pace to be ready by August to start the fifth grade?" She asked.

"Yes," I said. "As long as I continue through the work like I did today I will be ready by August."

Miles asked, "Emma if we were to go on vacation over the Christmas holiday do you think you will be able to do all your work while on vacation."

"I get to go on vacation?" I asked. "Normally Mom's friend Jane watched me while they were gone and she was not very nice."

Grandma looked up and said, "Of course you get to go on vacation with us. We were thinking of taking a train up to Maine mid December and stay in a cabin near the coast till after the new year. What do you think of that?"

"That sounds so fun," I said. "I don't care where we go, just that we are going."

Emma-12(Aug 17) Monday nights dance

  3rd part 1-Math 15 English writing science history spanish computer science, art 10

3rd part 2-Math English writing science history spanish computer science, art  

4th part 1-Math English writing science history spanish computer science, art

4th part 2-Math English writing science history spanish computer science, art

Grandma Elise

Miles- Grandmas Boyfriend

Peria- Grandmas housekeeper

Frank- Lawyer



Sister- Dawn

Brother- Max

The House

When I turned eighteen years old just over a week ago I inherited a house. Not just any house but the most haunted house in town. I had not ...