Monday, March 19, 2018

Youtube- Ghost Stories

 These stories are ghost stories that happened when I was growing up. These will be video stories that can be seen on YouTube under my playlist Storytime.

The Ghost In The Basement, The Girl On The Side Of The Road, The Possible Doppelganger, The Sounds Of A Childs Laughter


The Shadow Creature's

I have seen shadow people all my life. They have never bothered me. Growing up, I have always thought they were my friends. Most of the time, I catch them out of the corner of my eye, and as an adult, I would see them watching me from around the corner or down a hall. Then I moved to where I live now and encountered something new. Living in my place for about two weeks and began seeing the shadow of people in my new home and around where I lived. I acknowledged them and left it at that. My son had gone to sleep at his sister's house for the night, and I was sitting outside sketching. I heard feet shuffling, so I  looked up and saw a shadow person and said, "I see you. If you need something, you have to let me know. I do not read minds."


The door knob to the door I was leaning against started to rattle and I looked back the shadow creature was closer and I said, "Are you telling me to go inside?"

I laughed and the door knob rattled again and across the road, I saw another shadow creature. Sighing I said, "Come on guys I am off tomorrow and I am enjoying sitting out here. It's not hot out and I like being outside."

Then I noticed that they kept looking toward what would be my future boyfriend's rental. We had just started to talk and get to know each other. I looked over and said, "I just met him guys and the lights are off so he is not there."

The shadow person near me came closer and raised his hand pointing up and then I got why they wanted me to go inside. I opened the door shut my light off and said, "Well I'll be"

On the roof of his trailer rental were four shadow creatures. Not people but weird-looking creatures. One looked like a spider and human hybrid. Another looked like a human but with multiple arms. The third looked like a human but it was arched with its legs and arms on the ground and it looked like it had a second body in the middle. The fourth and final one would be the one I met personally. It looked like a shadow man but built like a linebacker. It also had wings. I thanked the goddess at that moment that I had warded my home the night I moved in.

Both the shadow creatures were now between me and the trailer and my door knob rattled again. I went inside pulled out my book and cast the strongest protection spell I had for myself and then I cast one for my now boyfriend. By the time I was done, I was weak and tired. I went outside one more time to walk my dog in my yard and I said to the shadow man still watching over my house, "That should help a bit."

It nodded and I went inside to go to sleep. But before I did I looked out my window as I could see my boyfriend's trailer and I noticed the creatures were mad. They had been dipping into the trailer in the beginning and now it looked like they were warded from his house. I smiled and said out loud to no one in particular, "Not on my watch."

The linebacker-shaped head popped up when I said it and looked at my house. I knew it heard me and I knew it knew what I did.

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