These stories are ghost stories that happened when I was growing up. These will be video stories that can be seen on YouTube under my playlist Ghost Stories.
The Ghost In The Basement, The Girl On The Side Of The Road, The Possible Doppelganger, The Sounds Of A Childs Laughter, The Shadow Creature's
The Ghost In The Basement
This story comes from my Grandpa Richard.
When my mother was pregnant with my brother, my parents decided to move back to Florida. My Grandfather told me this story the night before he and my father left to set up our house for our move back to Florida.
When I was four years old, we lived in an older apartment complex in Keansburg, New Jersey. There was nothing special about this apartment complex. It had a brick exterior and we could hear everything outside or next door. From what I can remember the room with the TV had stairs going up to the bedrooms and then in the kitchen, there was this weird brown door that led downstairs to the basement and my playroom. My playroom contained the laundry machine, my toys, and a big furnace.
I hated my playroom with every part of my four-year-old body, however, my mother insisted I go play down in the basement to get out of her hair when she was taking care of my baby sister. The feeling that the room gave me was one of fear, especially near the furnace. My toys were on the far side of the room opposite the furnace. As a child, I would stay as far away from the furnace as I could.
My Grandfather said one day he was off from work and had just come back from visiting a friend. He was going to take me to the park and asked my mother where I was. She had vaguely said that I was downstairs and went back to what she was doing. So he headed downstairs to my playroom to come to find me.
When he came about halfway down the stairs, he saw I was standing on the bottom step with my arms crossed looking over at the furnace. Then he said I shocked him because he heard me say, "I said go away. You are just a mean man."
My Grandpa thought I was talking to an imaginary friend. That was until he came down two more stairs and was able to look toward the furnace. He said that in front of the furnace was a black shadow that looked like a man. He said he bolted down the stairs to get to me faster, Then he said I got angry and yelled out, "I said go away!"
He said the shadow had started moving towards me until I screamed. Then the shadow man pulled back and started to disappear into the furnace. My Grandfather didn't wait to see if it was gone. He scooped me up and ran up the stairs as fast as he could. That night at dinner he told my parents that we needed to move and proceeded to tell them what had happened. My parents did not believe him and said he was being foolish, or that he had been drinking. He said that he was going to put my toys up in the bedroom I shared with my sister in the morning. My mom started to argue with him saying my room wasn't big enough for my things and my sisters. He argued that my sister was with them in their room at the time so there should be no problem. Then he made it clear he would move out and not help pay his half of the rent if my stuff was not brought up to my room. She agreed to allow all my toys to be moved upstairs.
The next morning my mom went downstairs to do a load of laundry. She came running back up the stairs and said that all of my toys were moved and thrown around. Later that day my father and Grandfather moved all my toys upstairs. After all my toys had been moved upstairs to my room, my mom would have issues with the laundry that was hanging up in the basement to dry. There would be times she would hang up the clothes or put them on a drying rack and she would come back down to find them on the ground or back in the washer soaked. My mom thought my Grandfather had been messing with her for a while and then it started happening while he was away working. We moved a few months later to a different home in Keansburg, New Jersey.
But that is a different story…
The Girl On The Side Of The Road
This story happened a few years ago while I was going through a nasty separation from my ex-husband. One thing that would always make me feel better was to drive along our local beach area. Although, the biggest reason why it made me feel better was because I would take my kids with me as well. I had a route that I take, and this particular night my daughter knew I was stressing and told me she would watch the kids since they were sleeping. She practically kicked me out the door, saying I should get gas for the truck and take a drive. Usually, I would argue and all load the kids up and take everyone with me, but I decided to take her up on the offer and have some time for myself. Stopping at the local gas station, I filled the gas tank and grabbed a drink. Then I was off on my route to relax and enjoy music and relax.
When I got to the start of the main road heading to the beach, I glanced at the produce stand at the corner and saw a girl standing next to it, looking toward the main Highway. I thought nothing of it. Some people who have homes on this stretch of road or some people who are hiking in the state park area have rides pick them up at the produce stand to avoid having to travel that road. People try to avoid this road at night because it gets very dark, and it is common for deer and black bears to be hit and killed by cars on this road. So when I got up to where the historic post office sits, I had to slow and do a double take as that very girl was sitting on the steps to the post office with her head down.
I headed towards the bridge and realized this was the first time I came through there at night without someone fishing off the bridge. The air seemed to shift from friendly and calm to foreboding and eerie. Following the road, I came to a point where a marsh on one side of the road and a drainage pipe that goes into a field. Sitting there on one of the drains was the same girl with her back to the road. I thought it was off that she was there when I did not see any cars pass when I stopped on the bridge to look over the water. As I passed her, I thought that would be the last I saw her, but I was wrong, there standing on the bridge right past the Jenkins Creek boat ramp, I found her again, and she was facing the river with her back facing the road again.
Shaking my head, I realized the hair on my arms was up, and I had goosebumps. As I got to a sharp curve in the road to head toward the remaining beach area, she was on the side of the road within the sharp bend. After seeing her multiple times, I figured she was a spirit. As I approached her, I slowed down, and as I went past her, she turned towards me, and she had no face. Where her face should have been was a black mass.
I sped up and took off. When I got to the main road that headed to my house or the boat launch, I turned to go to the boat launch. Pulling in, I sat in a parking spot and decided to stay there for a while. If she followed me towards the beach, I did not want her to follow me back home to my kids. I watched the water for an hour and then headed home. Thankfully, I did not see her again that night, nor any other time I went that way after the fact. I became more vigilant than I usually was after that incident.
The Possible Doppelganger
Everyone who knows me is aware I firmly believe in the paranormal. I have lived in many haunted houses and had a lot of ghostly experiences. As we fast approach All Hallows Eve, the veil is beginning to thin, and this happened.
This experience happened to me while I was working. Please understand my family respects my work from home and will not talk to me while I am on a call with a customer.
I work from home doing customer service. I had a call come in for work, and I had turned my chair, so I was facing my large monitor as I was exhausted this morning and was helping a customer. You must understand we live in a smaller mobile home, so I hear everything even while working. I hear my partner get out of bed and go into his dresser that we share. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the drawer open and hear the squeak it makes when it opens. I see clothing moved in the drawer and the drawer shut.
As I am still helping my customer, I did not turn around, and I am thankful I did not. I hear what I thought was my partner leaving the room as the door squeaks as it opens and closes. I hear my partner walk through the house and the front door open and close. After the call ended, I went to make the bed so the dogs could lay on it, and when I turned towards the bed, my partner was still sound asleep.
Was it his doppelganger? Was it a ghost? I told him about what happened when he woke up thirty minutes later, and he said, 'The house was locked up' until he went outside a few minutes ago to take a phone call. I even checked our security camera, and there was nothing but the stray cats outside the entire time. Any thoughts?
The Sounds Of A Childs Laughter
The sounds of laughter can be a joyful and heartfelt experience. Who does not like hearing the sound of a child laughing? When is the sound of a child's laughter, not a happy and fun experience? When alone in the woods and walking a trail, spend time with nature.
We were fishing at one of our local fishing spots we enjoyed along the river a few months ago. This location is a popular spot for us and many others. I did not think anything weird would happen when I decided to take a walk on the trails around the fishing area. It was a sunny and peaceful day, with the light coming through the trees and the birds chirping.
While walking, I made some silent walking videos on the path to share on my YouTube account, nothing out of the ordinary. When I went deeper into the woods, I realized that the sounds of the birds and insects got a bit quiet, and although I was still filming, I started to turn around more. I started looking around because silently, almost like a whisper, I heard a new sound coming from these woods.
The sound of laughter and children giggling. As I was along the river, I thought maybe a family with children was coming past on a boat. But as I watched and waited, no small boat or child came into sight, and the laughter started to come from behind me. I turned and saw shadows out of the corner of my eye. I had heard rumors that black-eyed children had been seen recently along this area from people on the river.
Could the laughter of the children be those black-eyed children? Were they trying to get me to leave the walking path? I know I headed back to where my family was fishing, and when I went through the trail's entrance, the sounds of birds and insects started again.
The Shadow Creature's
I have seen shadow people all my life. They have never bothered me. Growing up, I have always thought they were my friends. Most of the time, I catch them out of the corner of my eye, and as an adult, I would see them watching me from around the corner or down a hall. Then I moved to where I live now and encountered something new. Living in my place for about two weeks and began seeing the shadow of people in my new home and around where I lived. I acknowledged them and left it at that. My son had gone to sleep at his sister's house for the night, and I was sitting outside sketching. I heard feet shuffling, so I looked up and saw a shadow person and said, "I see you. If you need something, you have to let me know. I do not read minds."
The door knob to the door I was leaning against started to rattle. When I looked back at the shadow creature, it was closer. I said, "Are you telling me to go inside?"
I laughed, and the doorknob rattled again. From across the road, I saw another shadow creature. Sighing, I said, "Come on guys, I am off tomorrow and enjoying sitting out here. It's not hot out, and I like being outside."
Then I noticed that they kept looking toward what my future boyfriend's rental would be. We had just started to talk and get to know each other. I looked over and said, "I just met him, guys. The lights in his house are off, so he is not there or sleeping."
The shadow person near me came closer and raised his hand, pointing up, and then I got why they wanted me to go inside. I opened the door, shutting my light off, and said, "Well, I'll be."
On the roof of his trailer were four shadow creatures. These did not look like normal shadow creatures. But weird-looking distorted creatures. One looked like a spider and human hybrid. Another looked like a human but with multiple arms. The third looked like a human. But its body arched backward with its legs and arms on the ground. It looked like it had a second body in the middle. The fourth and final one would be the one I met personally. It looked like a shadow man but built like a linebacker. It also had wings. I thanked the goddess at that moment that I had warded my home the night I moved in.
Both the shadow creatures were now between me and my boyfriend's trailer. My doorknob rattled again. I went inside, pulled out my spell book, cast a protection spell for myself, and then cast one for my now boyfriend. By the time I finished, I was weak and tired. I went outside again, this time to walk my dog in my yard, and said to the shadow man still watching over my house, "That should help a bit."
It nodded, and I went inside to go to sleep. But before I did, I looked out my window as I could see my boyfriend's trailer, and I noticed the creatures were mad. They had been dipping into the trailer when I first saw them, and now it looked like they could not enter his house. I smiled and said to no one in particular, "Not on my watch."
The linebacker-shaped head popped up when I said it and looked at my house. I knew it heard me, and it knew what I had done. My doorknob to the front door rattled again. I said, "Guys, I will be fine. They are not the scariest thing I have faced."
The door rattled again and popped open. Sighing, I said, "Fine, I will go inside and watch a movie."
Later that night, I woke up feeling like someone was watching me. Looking around the room, I saw one of the shadows at the end of my bed. I said, "We are not going to make it a habit for you to come into the house."
It put up its hands, pointing to the window. Knowing it was trying to tell me something, I nodded and looked. The linebacker was on my driveway pacing. It could not get on or next to my house. Checking my clock, I saw that it was four in the morning. I went to the door and looked out. There were lights on in my boyfriend's house. I took a breath and went outside. The linebacker stopped pacing and looked at me. I said in a calm voice, "Sorry pal, there is a new sheriff in town. He is under my protection, and you will not harm him."
The plastic chair on the driveway shifted, and I said, "Before you mess with someone, you may want to know where she comes from. I have dealt with a lot more scary creatures than you. I am a descendant of the ones they could not burn or torture. My guardian will protect me."
It jumped to the trees, and I heard a voice that said, "This is not over."
The Ghost In The Basement
This story comes from my Grandpa Richard.
When my mother was pregnant with my brother, my parents decided to move back to Florida. My Grandfather told me this story the night before he and my father left to set up our house for our move back to Florida.
When I was four years old, we lived in an older apartment complex in Keansburg, New Jersey. There was nothing special about this apartment complex. It had a brick exterior and we could hear everything outside or next door. From what I can remember the room with the TV had stairs going up to the bedrooms and then in the kitchen, there was this weird brown door that led downstairs to the basement and my playroom. My playroom contained the laundry machine, my toys, and a big furnace.
I hated my playroom with every part of my four-year-old body, however, my mother insisted I go play down in the basement to get out of her hair when she was taking care of my baby sister. The feeling that the room gave me was one of fear, especially near the furnace. My toys were on the far side of the room opposite the furnace. As a child, I would stay as far away from the furnace as I could.
My Grandfather said one day he was off from work and had just come back from visiting a friend. He was going to take me to the park and asked my mother where I was. She had vaguely said that I was downstairs and went back to what she was doing. So he headed downstairs to my playroom to come to find me.
When he came about halfway down the stairs, he saw I was standing on the bottom step with my arms crossed looking over at the furnace. Then he said I shocked him because he heard me say, "I said go away. You are just a mean man."
My Grandpa thought I was talking to an imaginary friend. That was until he came down two more stairs and was able to look toward the furnace. He said that in front of the furnace was a black shadow that looked like a man. He said he bolted down the stairs to get to me faster, Then he said I got angry and yelled out, "I said go away!"
He said the shadow had started moving towards me until I screamed. Then the shadow man pulled back and started to disappear into the furnace. My Grandfather didn't wait to see if it was gone. He scooped me up and ran up the stairs as fast as he could. That night at dinner he told my parents that we needed to move and proceeded to tell them what had happened. My parents did not believe him and said he was being foolish, or that he had been drinking. He said that he was going to put my toys up in the bedroom I shared with my sister in the morning. My mom started to argue with him saying my room wasn't big enough for my things and my sisters. He argued that my sister was with them in their room at the time so there should be no problem. Then he made it clear he would move out and not help pay his half of the rent if my stuff was not brought up to my room. She agreed to allow all my toys to be moved upstairs.
The next morning my mom went downstairs to do a load of laundry. She came running back up the stairs and said that all of my toys were moved and thrown around. Later that day my father and Grandfather moved all my toys upstairs. After all my toys had been moved upstairs to my room, my mom would have issues with the laundry that was hanging up in the basement to dry. There would be times she would hang up the clothes or put them on a drying rack and she would come back down to find them on the ground or back in the washer soaked. My mom thought my Grandfather had been messing with her for a while and then it started happening while he was away working. We moved a few months later to a different home in Keansburg, New Jersey.
But that is a different story…
The Girl On The Side Of The Road
This story happened a few years ago while I was going through a nasty separation from my ex-husband. One thing that would always make me feel better was to drive along our local beach area. Although, the biggest reason why it made me feel better was because I would take my kids with me as well. I had a route that I take, and this particular night my daughter knew I was stressing and told me she would watch the kids since they were sleeping. She practically kicked me out the door, saying I should get gas for the truck and take a drive. Usually, I would argue and all load the kids up and take everyone with me, but I decided to take her up on the offer and have some time for myself. Stopping at the local gas station, I filled the gas tank and grabbed a drink. Then I was off on my route to relax and enjoy music and relax.
When I got to the start of the main road heading to the beach, I glanced at the produce stand at the corner and saw a girl standing next to it, looking toward the main Highway. I thought nothing of it. Some people who have homes on this stretch of road or some people who are hiking in the state park area have rides pick them up at the produce stand to avoid having to travel that road. People try to avoid this road at night because it gets very dark, and it is common for deer and black bears to be hit and killed by cars on this road. So when I got up to where the historic post office sits, I had to slow and do a double take as that very girl was sitting on the steps to the post office with her head down.
I headed towards the bridge and realized this was the first time I came through there at night without someone fishing off the bridge. The air seemed to shift from friendly and calm to foreboding and eerie. Following the road, I came to a point where a marsh on one side of the road and a drainage pipe that goes into a field. Sitting there on one of the drains was the same girl with her back to the road. I thought it was off that she was there when I did not see any cars pass when I stopped on the bridge to look over the water. As I passed her, I thought that would be the last I saw her, but I was wrong, there standing on the bridge right past the Jenkins Creek boat ramp, I found her again, and she was facing the river with her back facing the road again.
Shaking my head, I realized the hair on my arms was up, and I had goosebumps. As I got to a sharp curve in the road to head toward the remaining beach area, she was on the side of the road within the sharp bend. After seeing her multiple times, I figured she was a spirit. As I approached her, I slowed down, and as I went past her, she turned towards me, and she had no face. Where her face should have been was a black mass.
I sped up and took off. When I got to the main road that headed to my house or the boat launch, I turned to go to the boat launch. Pulling in, I sat in a parking spot and decided to stay there for a while. If she followed me towards the beach, I did not want her to follow me back home to my kids. I watched the water for an hour and then headed home. Thankfully, I did not see her again that night, nor any other time I went that way after the fact. I became more vigilant than I usually was after that incident.
The Possible Doppelganger
Everyone who knows me is aware I firmly believe in the paranormal. I have lived in many haunted houses and had a lot of ghostly experiences. As we fast approach All Hallows Eve, the veil is beginning to thin, and this happened.
This experience happened to me while I was working. Please understand my family respects my work from home and will not talk to me while I am on a call with a customer.
I work from home doing customer service. I had a call come in for work, and I had turned my chair, so I was facing my large monitor as I was exhausted this morning and was helping a customer. You must understand we live in a smaller mobile home, so I hear everything even while working. I hear my partner get out of bed and go into his dresser that we share. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the drawer open and hear the squeak it makes when it opens. I see clothing moved in the drawer and the drawer shut.
As I am still helping my customer, I did not turn around, and I am thankful I did not. I hear what I thought was my partner leaving the room as the door squeaks as it opens and closes. I hear my partner walk through the house and the front door open and close. After the call ended, I went to make the bed so the dogs could lay on it, and when I turned towards the bed, my partner was still sound asleep.
Was it his doppelganger? Was it a ghost? I told him about what happened when he woke up thirty minutes later, and he said, 'The house was locked up' until he went outside a few minutes ago to take a phone call. I even checked our security camera, and there was nothing but the stray cats outside the entire time. Any thoughts?
The Sounds Of A Childs Laughter
The sounds of laughter can be a joyful and heartfelt experience. Who does not like hearing the sound of a child laughing? When is the sound of a child's laughter, not a happy and fun experience? When alone in the woods and walking a trail, spend time with nature.
We were fishing at one of our local fishing spots we enjoyed along the river a few months ago. This location is a popular spot for us and many others. I did not think anything weird would happen when I decided to take a walk on the trails around the fishing area. It was a sunny and peaceful day, with the light coming through the trees and the birds chirping.
While walking, I made some silent walking videos on the path to share on my YouTube account, nothing out of the ordinary. When I went deeper into the woods, I realized that the sounds of the birds and insects got a bit quiet, and although I was still filming, I started to turn around more. I started looking around because silently, almost like a whisper, I heard a new sound coming from these woods.
The sound of laughter and children giggling. As I was along the river, I thought maybe a family with children was coming past on a boat. But as I watched and waited, no small boat or child came into sight, and the laughter started to come from behind me. I turned and saw shadows out of the corner of my eye. I had heard rumors that black-eyed children had been seen recently along this area from people on the river.
Could the laughter of the children be those black-eyed children? Were they trying to get me to leave the walking path? I know I headed back to where my family was fishing, and when I went through the trail's entrance, the sounds of birds and insects started again.
The Shadow Creature's
I have seen shadow people all my life. They have never bothered me. Growing up, I have always thought they were my friends. Most of the time, I catch them out of the corner of my eye, and as an adult, I would see them watching me from around the corner or down a hall. Then I moved to where I live now and encountered something new. Living in my place for about two weeks and began seeing the shadow of people in my new home and around where I lived. I acknowledged them and left it at that. My son had gone to sleep at his sister's house for the night, and I was sitting outside sketching. I heard feet shuffling, so I looked up and saw a shadow person and said, "I see you. If you need something, you have to let me know. I do not read minds."
The door knob to the door I was leaning against started to rattle. When I looked back at the shadow creature, it was closer. I said, "Are you telling me to go inside?"
I laughed, and the doorknob rattled again. From across the road, I saw another shadow creature. Sighing, I said, "Come on guys, I am off tomorrow and enjoying sitting out here. It's not hot out, and I like being outside."
Then I noticed that they kept looking toward what my future boyfriend's rental would be. We had just started to talk and get to know each other. I looked over and said, "I just met him, guys. The lights in his house are off, so he is not there or sleeping."
The shadow person near me came closer and raised his hand, pointing up, and then I got why they wanted me to go inside. I opened the door, shutting my light off, and said, "Well, I'll be."
On the roof of his trailer were four shadow creatures. These did not look like normal shadow creatures. But weird-looking distorted creatures. One looked like a spider and human hybrid. Another looked like a human but with multiple arms. The third looked like a human. But its body arched backward with its legs and arms on the ground. It looked like it had a second body in the middle. The fourth and final one would be the one I met personally. It looked like a shadow man but built like a linebacker. It also had wings. I thanked the goddess at that moment that I had warded my home the night I moved in.
Both the shadow creatures were now between me and my boyfriend's trailer. My doorknob rattled again. I went inside, pulled out my spell book, cast a protection spell for myself, and then cast one for my now boyfriend. By the time I finished, I was weak and tired. I went outside again, this time to walk my dog in my yard, and said to the shadow man still watching over my house, "That should help a bit."
It nodded, and I went inside to go to sleep. But before I did, I looked out my window as I could see my boyfriend's trailer, and I noticed the creatures were mad. They had been dipping into the trailer when I first saw them, and now it looked like they could not enter his house. I smiled and said to no one in particular, "Not on my watch."
The linebacker-shaped head popped up when I said it and looked at my house. I knew it heard me, and it knew what I had done. My doorknob to the front door rattled again. I said, "Guys, I will be fine. They are not the scariest thing I have faced."
The door rattled again and popped open. Sighing, I said, "Fine, I will go inside and watch a movie."
Later that night, I woke up feeling like someone was watching me. Looking around the room, I saw one of the shadows at the end of my bed. I said, "We are not going to make it a habit for you to come into the house."
It put up its hands, pointing to the window. Knowing it was trying to tell me something, I nodded and looked. The linebacker was on my driveway pacing. It could not get on or next to my house. Checking my clock, I saw that it was four in the morning. I went to the door and looked out. There were lights on in my boyfriend's house. I took a breath and went outside. The linebacker stopped pacing and looked at me. I said in a calm voice, "Sorry pal, there is a new sheriff in town. He is under my protection, and you will not harm him."
The plastic chair on the driveway shifted, and I said, "Before you mess with someone, you may want to know where she comes from. I have dealt with a lot more scary creatures than you. I am a descendant of the ones they could not burn or torture. My guardian will protect me."
It jumped to the trees, and I heard a voice that said, "This is not over."
Getting My Tonsils Out
When I was in my junior year of high school I had a problem with my tonsils. My mother told me it was because I didn't clean my instruments for band. When I was on my fifth case of tonsilitis throat the Doctor insisted that I have them removed. My Mom was so angry as it meant that I would have to go to the hospital in Brooksville Florida.
The day the surgery arrived we were told to arrive at seven in the morning. My mother ended up bringing my siblings with us as an excuse to leave so they could be dropped off at school. The nurse asked her if she did not want to wait while I had the surgery and my Mom told her there was nothing she could do here and she had other children to tend to. After signing all the paperwork I was left in the outpatient center and they left.
My room was right next to the nurses station so they came in and talked to me and the Doctor was shocked to see that she left her sixteen year old child alone.
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