The Dream Sequence (3 book series)

Ever since I was a child I had vivid dreams and nightmares. I read once that things you see in your dreams you would have to have seen in real life or learned about somewhere. Those dreams have been the base of some of my stories. But what happens when those dreams seem a little to real. Like the actions in those dreams seep into real life. When I saw seep into real life, this is what I mean. One night I was tossing and turning in my sleep. In the dream I was having I was running through the wood being chased by a creature I could not really see, but I could see the movement in the brush of the woods. When my partner woke me up I had leaves in my hair. I had not left the bed or the house.

I have had dreams where I believe that  I have been transported to other locations before in my dreams. I believe I have dreamt of meeting my partner in a dream before and he does not remember it. I cannot mention it to him as I am afraid that the darkness that are in those dreams could hurt him and I do not want him to be harmed.

My dreams as of late have been nothing but exhausting. Although I do not remember them I wake up exhausted and have trouble getting up in the morning. This past weekend I have slept till noon each time. I am hoping that I can start to figure out what I am going through as I would like to get things done without sleeping and being late for work.

The last dream I dozed off to sleep and woke up in my bed with my partner beside me, but something seems off. Our bedroom in reality is small but waking up there is extra room around us. Walking through the house there are things that seem off. Paintings on the wall we do not own or little decorations that we have in different places in the house. Walking into the bathroom I see the door across from it that leads outside. The door is a different door and when I open it instead of stairs it has a patio. Beyond that instead of empty lots  our home is fifteen feet from the woods. The problem with this is our home is just blocks from down town. 

Going inside I shut and lock the door behind me. Since I was up I went into my office to start my day. Sitting at my desk I noticed everything around it was different. My drink stash was already out and my laptop was open. As I have cats I always make it a point to close my laptop every night as the cats think it is a butt warmer. The drinks set up were drinks that I would not drink as well. I always have water, tea, coffee and sometimes a pop. Sitting next to my desk was a cappuccino and red bulls. 

Sitting at my desk I took the red bulls and got up to put them in the fridge. When I walked into the kitchen my partner came out of the room and said, "Hey babe does the house seem off to you?"

"It does," I said. "I went into the office and my office was set up with a bunch of different drinks that I do not even drink."

He took a Red Bull from my hand and said, "We do not even buy these?"

"I know," I said. "There is also a cappuccino sitting at my desk." 

He raised his eyebrows and said, "You do not drink cappuccino's unless we are at a fancy restaurant."

Nodding I said, "Babe look out the back door we are now fifteen feet from the woods."

He gave me a look and went out the back door. I followed him out and he said, "We live three blocks from downtown how are we backed up to the state forest?"

"State forest?" I said. 

"Listen babe," He said. I sat with him and heard the sounds of the river flowing. "So how did the river move twenty miles closer to our house?"

My alarm for work went off and I sighed, saying, "Listen we will figure it out I have so much to do at work today." 
