📚Tea Time- Trailer Park Edition

First let me say there is no bashing of anyone who lives in a mobile home or trailer park community. But ;et me tell you like anyplace else there is drama. When I say drama boy oh boy I mean if the trailers could talk you would be like what, how, are you serious? So I live in central Florida and all of these stories come from the mobile home community I live in. These stories are not in any particular order and all names have been changed for privacy.

One thing about me i I work from home and people think that I do not see anything that happens here. Well my faithful reader that is not true in the least. I actually see more than most. Shall we begin?

A little after I moved in the person who owned the community sold it. The new owner has a lot of good intentions but he has chosen some questionable managers over the years. This is about the second Park Manager he hired. Lets call him Matt and his wife Diane. They moved in and introduced themselves and I thought this guy was hiding something but I try not to judge. My partner pegged this guy right from the start and because of that Matt did everything he could to cause drama against my partner. But let's get into the tea about Matt.

First thing Matt lied about was being retired special forces, a ranger, a cop and someone who works undercover for the federal government within the department of drug enforcement task force. First off who the hell admits to that. Especially if your a fed working undercover. It seemed strange that if there were any issues in the park he always said go ahead and call the cops but keep us out of it. Your the park manager and you don't want interaction with the police. 

Then Matt claimed that he has known the owner of the park for years and that he came out of retirement to do the owner a favor. He said he lived in a cabin in the middle of the woods out west and only came here so he could pick up his wife and kids who had been living in Florida. What? That is a episode of Jerry springer I did not want to look into.

The biggest thing everyone started noticing was they would only communicate with the residents that could be useful to them. One person they seemed to gravitate towards was Miss Connie. Now Miss Connie has her own tea coming up but she believed everything Matt and Diane told her. But hey I tried to not say anything to Miss Connie as she was the funnel who spread everything to the park. The one thing that Matt did was try to act like he was the go between for the park and the company who handles everything. So one day Matt see's me outside and says to me, "So you are aware you will have to pay extra pet deposits?"

Looking at him I said, "No that's not true when I spoke to May she said that there would be no deposits required after the owner took over. I have a email stating that."

He got a look on his face and said, "We will make arrangements. It is to be cash deposits."

Smiling I said, "Oh well I do not pay cash  to the park everything is electronic with the property management team. But do not worry I will give May a text and have that arranged."

He said, "I will contact May and arrange it." 

Afterwards I went to check my mail and my good friend Sally in the park asked me why I looked like I was gonna die laughing. As she worked for the park and has animals I told her what Matt had said. She was like no that's not true and she was going to contact May. Well we talk for a while and I go back home. After I walk in the door I get a call from Miss Connie. She is crying because she has a bunch of cats and the park is going to charge her cash deposits but Matt and Diane are going to work out a payment arrangement with May. I laughed and told her contact May yourself. She said no she couldn't as Matt said it would get her in trouble. I texted my friend and told her they hit up Miss Connie. Well I get a text the next morning from May saying she was on her way out there and she may need to speak with me after she speaks to Sally.

I said sure just give me a text and I can come out between calls. A few hours later I had not heard anything and texted Sally asking what was going on. She said she watched as Matt got his ass handed to him by May. He tried to play it off as I must have misunderstood the owner of the park. Matt knew he was losing control and they tried to play on the residents sympathy. Oh Diane is really sick and when she got better, Matt actually pretended to have Pancreatic Cancer. He told the owner that and that he was going back to his cabin in the woods with his family to die in peace. Then the lies began to unravel. Matt and Diana were meth addicts and the whole time they were here were trying to find their habit. 

Matt and his wife were given two weeks to leave the park or there would be police involvement. Last I heard his wife and him did go out west after leaving the kids with her Mom the next town over.

Oh and before you worry about the kids they are probably in a better place as the parents were dragging them to hotels in seedy areas. Oh and they stole a bunch from the owner before the finally left.


Now for Mrs. Connie. Oh there is many stories about Mrs. Connie but I want to share the tea about the time she blamed me for her sons boyfriend sending me a dick pick. See a while back my partner was working out of town. I HATED IT but he is good at his job and he liked what he was doing. Anyway one night we were on the phone and I told my boyfriend if he gets up early enough to call me before he heads to work. Be aware when he is not home in bed I sleep like shit. My partner also has a major back injury so when I say call me any time at all he knows I meant 3am call me.

So even though I had tried to go to sleep for the night I couldn't. As I was dozing watching TV I heard my phone go off. I saw a message that said hey. Now at this time my daughter was also close to having her baby so I was expecting a call or text from numbers I did not know. So I ask, "Who is this?"

I see a message that says, "Kyle" My partners good friends boyfriend. Then I am sent a dick pick right after. Kyle is a someone I do not like being around and to be honest with my partner being out of town I was sick to my stomach. I ran and checked all the doors. The next morning I asked Mrs. Connie if she gave my phone number to him She replies why and I said it doesn't matter my partner would be dealing with it when he gets back. Now by now my boyfriend already knows what Kyle sent me and I forwarded everything to him and I deleted everything off my phone.

After being jumpy at work all day and talking with my boyfriend she finally fesses up and said, "Oh last night Kyle had my phone he was supposed to call him parents after I went to bed." I forgot Mrs. Connie had a government issued phone. She tells me well he sent the same message to you and a few others. Get over it.

What the fuck. When I was younger I was a victim of sexual assault and this triggered me a lot. I was so upset one day I went to leave the park and the park manager saw I was upset. She new my partner was out of town and asked if I was alright. I told her what had happened. She asked me if my partner knew what happened and I said he did as I messaged him as soon as it happened. She had said Kyle has been suspected of causing damage in the park so they told Mrs. Connie he could not stay in the park anymore as it is causing to much drama. Mrs. Connie went ape shit. 

She saw me in the laundry room one day and yelled at me about telling the park manager. Then she had the nerve to accuse me of giving Kyle the wrong impression and he felt like it was something he could do. I have never hung out with Kyle and had made it known to my partner that he creeped me out. She told me to fix the problem. I told her she caused the problem as it was her secondary cell phone he used to send it. I also informed her that my partner was pissed. She yelled at me to fix the situation and walked away.

I went back to our house and continued to stress clean and when my partner called I filtered what happened. It made me mad that she accused me of initiating it as my partner is the love of my life and him being away made him worry about me. So I stayed in my house and only took the dogs out. Whenever I left the house I would only go outside if I had my fishing knife and mace. 

I did not tell anyone about what had happened because it made me physically sick to think about. But later that week the park had a meet up and when I got there Mrs. Connie tells me god would want you to forgive everyone. I turned to her and said, this is the last straw. Your god may want you to forgive everyone. But my god says do not forget and to stay away from the evils of the world. The park manager came over and told her to leave me alone.

I was angry and upset but time does have a way of healing things. Almost a year later Mrs. Connie has apologized and we have started to talk again. As for Kyle he is in jail for assault.


Who is the Daddy? We had a family living here. The parents are Claire and Bill. When I first met them something seemed off. They had a handful of kids and other people living with them. Bill was not the father to the children and it became evident that he was having a relationship not only with the mother but with their middle daughter Carlie.
