The Watcher's (5 book series)

We are the most secret organization in the world. We watch over families of historic or biblical lines and we have been around since the time of Christ. My reason for existing is to protect this family and everyone who is related to it. When I came into existence I watched over them and have seen their joy, happiness, heartache and pain. They cannot see me but I am always there.

The family I watch over is the Helensons. This family was granted favor by the watchers and we helped them escape Pompeii before the volcano erupted. The first in this family was Ester and she was granted favor for the kindness she showed and her faith in doing what was right. A week before the eruption she had received a message her aunt was ill and she took her entire household to care for her. Doing so saved twenty three lives. Well twenty four if you count her soon to be husband who was a guard who snuck out the night before the eruption to follow after her to declare his love and ask for her hand.

He found her that night and they were wed immediately. The following day he was going to return back to Pompeii to advise he had wed when they heard about the tragedy. Ester and her husband helped the very few people who had escaped Pompeii and made sure they thrived in their new homes. A year after the tragedy in Pompeii Ester and her husband Mikal welcomed their first child Sarah. They were over joyed with her birth and soon enough we watched as Sarah began to grow. 

One night I was floating in the garden when I heard a maid Calla complain to her love saying that its unfair that Sarah has everything as a baby and she struggles to care for such a spoiled child when her own child does not have everything that Sarah has. He gave a wicked smile and said, "Why don't you remove the problem?"

Calla gave a wicked grin and said, "We may have to. Ester was always kind to our child, maybe she will accept our child as a replacement if we were to remove Sarah."

Watch Calla go back inside and her love leave I went into the nursery and saw Sarah sleeping peacefully on her bed. Going into her parents chamber I whispered into Esters ear, "Calla wants to harm Sarah."

Ester woke up and said, "Sarah."

Mikal woke up and asked, "My love what is it?"

I heard a whisper in my ear and it said, "Calla wants to harm Sarah."

Mikal jumped out of bed and ran to Sarah's chambers. Lifting the sleeping child he brought her back to his and Esters room. He said, "Calla is not in the maids chamber only her little one."

Ester said, "The voice I heard was the same I heard when we fled Pompeii."

She stroked Sarah's hair as she heard a loud screech. Ester got out of bed and called her own personal maid to sit with Sarah. Mikal and Ester went back to the nursery where they found Calla cradling her son. She said, "I only left to check on Sarah and when I came back he was dead."

Ester said, "You were not in here Calla. There was a whisper in my ear that said you wanted to harm my Calla. Mikal came in and brought Sarah to our chamber and you were no where to be seen. Only your child was in the bed."

A guard came in holding Calla's love and another man. Calla cried, "Our son is dead."

Her love chuckled and said, "I know. Our son is a bastard and I will not accept him. I sent my man to kill him before you could say who the father was."

Calla sunk to the ground as she said, "You said we were to marry."

Ester kneeled down to Calla and asked, "Calla were you going to harm Sarah?"

She looked at Ester and said, "No. I said you would adopt my son as your own if something happened but I would not harm the child. The gods would damn me. They did I was gone to long and my child died while I met with him in the garden."

Ester held her and said to Calla's love, "You killed an innocent child instead of doing the right thing?"

He sneered at Ester and said, "You give your brat everything and the children in the home nothing."

The guard holding him said, "That is not true. Ester and Mikal provide everything for our children and when they are ill its Ester herself who cares for them. Sir what should I do with them?"

"Lock them in the cell in the basement," Mikal said. Turning to two more guards he said, "Fetch the clergy for the child then fetch the palace guards for those two. Let them know someone killed and innocent child in Esters household."

Calla's love looked up and said, "I am a man of importance they will do nothing to me."

Ester stood and said, "I am an advisor to the queen and she will not be so kind. Come Calla say goodbye to Samuel the clergy will be here soon to prepare him for his right of passage."


1. Ester/ Mikal- Sarah

Calla (sarah maid) Samuel- Son who was killed
