The Count Down


We were watching TV while eating breakfast when there was an alert from the emergency broadcast system. The message read, Our fellow Americans, the world as you know it will change in seventy-two hours. The timer has started. It is not the end of the world. Please prepare and try to stay in your homes. All foreign citizens contact your embassy or head to the nearest airport to head to your country of origin. All airports are arranging flights to go home effective immediately. 

We watched as a seventy-two-hour timer started on the screen. We sat in silence for a moment, looking at the screen.

72 hours left at 9 am

Looking at my husband, I said, "I am so glad we are ready for what is coming our way. We should lock the gates to the estate and put the no trespassing signs up."

He looked at me and said, "Me too. I wish people had prepared as we told them to. Hell, even some of my own family thought we were crazy. Want to take a walk with me? We need to get everything secured."

"Sure," I said. Looking out the window, I said, "The governments could have waited till the spring to do this. You know it's getting cold outside, and people will panic."

He handed me my jacket and said, "I know and am willing to bet that's what they want. We need to lock the gate to the river as well. The dock and inlet are good, but I do not want people to be able to get onto the property."


We headed outside to lock down our property and I can hear you now asking Gracie you know something. What is going on? You are not wrong exactly. I knew of a few plans that were going to happen and since their first one didn't work they were moving onto the next. See my Grandpa worked in the government and when he got sick My fiancée Matt and I moved to his cabin in the woods to take care of him. When we moved in he told me he was giving me the home as a wedding gift. He had already cleared all the rooms but his. He told us that he had two stipulations. One we got married right away and two we start to prepare for the brave new world the worlds governments were going to start. 

We sat around the fire as he told us what the government planned. First the world put us at a standstill when they released covid. The powers waited with baited breath to see if that would slow the population growth and help the worlds climate as well as their hold on their people. When their forced quarantine did not increase the peoples dependency on the government as much as they liked covid magically started to go away. What people did not know what that some of the vaccine's were laced with a timer so people who were terminal or had mental or medical issues would start to fade away. The vaccine was pushed through and the government did not realize there was ways to stop the timer. Most people who were given the timer actually stopped their own deaths by eating certain foods or smoking marijuana, drinking and doing drugs. That and the government did not count on so many people not wanting to get the vaccine. 

This whole time Grandpa had me preparing for the next phase. He had us become preppers and every week he had us spend three hundred dollars and add to our food stock and emergency supplies in our hidden basement. At the end of the timer the worlds powers were going to release EMP's world wide. For the last few years we have been canning freezing and getting our food stores up. Our basement is also EMP proof as Grandpa had designed it that way so we have solar power converters and ways to power all our freezers for when the time came. When he had his cabin built into a mountain surrounded by lime rock and the walls, floor, ceiling and doors are all lines with EMP resistant material. Our hidden basement even passed the gaze of government officials when they came for Grandpa's funeral and thought we only had a small stocked pantry in the kitchen.

When Grandpa passed away we made sure that we still went grocery shopping every week and bought the staples like flour, sugar, butter, powdered milk and assorted canned goods and meats. Not including candles and mini propane cannisters. Since the basement was the size of the house we made sure to add shelves and had everything organized. Now its full to the brim and my greenhouse produces a lot of what we need. We also started raising animals and have chicken, cows, horses, rabbits and sheep. We also designed the dock that we can fish from it without having to open the gates to the river that goes past our home.

We walked over to the gates and placed no trespassing signs on the gate. As we shut the gate as Mr. Newcomb our neighbor who was fishing on his boat waved and said, "You kids be safe now. My Geraldine and I are battening down the hatches as well. I just have a hankering for fish for dinner."

Matt asked, "Do you need any help with anything?"

"No son I am good," He said. "I am guessing the kids will be running from the city in the next day or so. Thankfully when we prepared we took them into account. You kids prepared?"

Matt nodded and said, "We listened to Grandpa when he told us to."

"Good," He said. "So did we and when they asked me if I wanted a pace maker I said no. Geraldine is happy as a clam now with me eating more healthy."

We all shared a laugh and I said, "If you need us you have a key to the door between our property's okay?"

He called back, "The same goes to you."

We watched him continue on fishing when Matt's phone rang. He answered it as we walked up to the front of the property. I heard him say, "Scott I have been telling you and Penny to start getting ready for something big that is happening we are securing the property now. You and Penny will not make it here in seventy one hours. Everyone is trying to escape the city. Do not get in your car is that clear. If you do you will not make it here."

Matt looked pained as he said, "We are locking down the property now Scott. Everyone in our area is so we can stay safe. If you want I can send you some money for supplies." 

I put my hand on his shoulder and he took it as he said, "Scott they grounded all planes as of noon tomorrow. They are only allowing people to fly back to their home state. I love you brother but there is no way to get you here. I am sending you money now to get supplies."

He stopped walking and said, "Scott you will not get to us in time. You need to stay out and get supplies. Can't you just listen to me we are not your plan B and you will not be staying with us. Gracie and I told you something was coming and we are not going to let you live off of us."

71 hours left 10am

Turning to me he said, "He hung up on me, Scott kept saying they were on their way to us as we live in the mountains and will be safe. They live a week away and he will not make it."

Pulling Matt into my arms I said, "We tried to warn them Matt. Four years worth of trying to convince them. Scott is stubborn that's for sure."

Matt's phone rang again and he answered, "Scott I am serious do not head this way. No Scott we are not opening our home to friends of yours. We are not allowing anyone here go get supplies you will need them. The house is secure and we are going to shoot first and ask questions later."

Taking the phone I said, "Scott it is Gracie listen very carefully there is going to no travel in 24 hours. The authorities will make you stay wherever you are. Our home is not a hotel and no one is coming in is that clear. Oh Maggie will be here in an hour? She listened? Well at least she was smart. Get to the store Scott and bunker down. Good luck."

We got to the gate and found Maggie pulling up. She hopped out of her RV and hugged us. She said, "Gracie I listened to your Grandpa and have been stocking up the RV for years. Every storage bin is full of supplies as well as every space in the RV. Matt, Mike will help you with the farm we just want to be safe with Chloe. We are winterized and will be living in the RV. We even added a wood stove to the RV. I just want my family safe the cities are falling into chaos."

Looking at Maggie I said, "Did you get the panels and converter?"

"Yes," she said. "It is in a EMP safe box till the 72 hours are over. I can help with the gardening as well or farm chores we are not asking for a hand out."

Nodding at Matt he said, "Ok I will direct Mike on where to park. What is with the trailer?"

She laughed and said, "Like I said I listened to Grandpa. I ran out of room in the RV so I added a trailer. Once we get the sliders out I will be bringing in more supplies and looking for wood for the stove. I am sure you have branches down we can cut up."

As Matt directed Mike where to park she asked me, "So I take it they are putting us back to the olden days?"

"Yes they are," I said. "We are guessing they are going to drop EMPs before the 72 hours is over. Our electronics are stored in EMP safe room inside EMP storage bags. We have 1 TV and our phones out for now. They will be added to a bag later this morning and will only use them sparingly."

Maggie nodded and said, "Same."

Once the guys parked the RV Maggie said, "Well she will make a good home. Probably won't run in 72 hours. But Cloe is safe and that's all that matters."

"You should know Scott was trying to convince Matt to let him, Penny and a group of friends come stay here," I said. "It is not going to happen we told him not to come."

She sighed and said, "Yeah I figured he would try that. He called me after the timer started and asked if I could buy him plane tickets for a few people. I told him no. He got mad at me and started to scream and cuss. I told him Matt has been telling him for the last few years to prepare for something big and him and Penny went vacationing all over the world. When I told him good luck and I love him he hung up on me."

70 hours left 11am

Mike and Matt came out of the RV with Cloe. Taking Cloe from Mike, Maggie said, "What can we do to help?"

Matt said, "You ladies can start on the barn chores if you want. Mike and I are going to walk the walls and get some of the bigger limbs that are coming down cut so you have wood for when shit hits the fan. We do not want little miss getting cold at night."

Walking to the barn Cloe started to clap when she saw our horse Samson. Samson walked over to the gate and Cloe reached out to pet him. Loving the attention I scratched his ears and said, "Come on big guy Cloe isn't going anywhere and you all need your breakfast."

Matt came in with a portable baby play yard and some toys setting it up so Maggie could help me. She said, "I am glad Cloe is off formula now. Do you drink the milk that you get from the cows?"

Looking at her as I milked Betty White our main milk cow I said, "We sure do and it is more gentle on our stomachs than processed milk. But if Cloe can't handle it I am sure we have powdered milk as well."

"I do have powdered milk," Maggie said. "If you have some raw milk we can give her a small cup and see what she likes."

"Do you have a cup?" I asked. 

"I can get one why?" She asked.

"After I get the cream off of the milk, the milk is ready  to go," I said. "I will pour a bit in a cup for her to try. I will watch her if you want to get cup and see if our girl can handle it."

Maggie ran and got a cup and after I strained off the cream I poured a bit of milk and said, "Chloe do you want some milk?"

She took the cup and took a sip. She sat down and drank the cup down saying, "Hmm more."

Maggie said, "Well little bit a little more than you have to rest your tummy."

I showed Maggie how to check the chickens and gather the eggs. I handed her half the eggs and said, "Put those on your counter for you I will bring the rest in the house. I was going to get some dinner started on the wood stove just incase shit hits the fan early. You guys want to eat with us tonight?"

Matt and Mike walked in and Matt said, "What are we having?"

"I am going to make a pot of vegetable and barely soup on the wood stove," I said. "I am going to make biscuits to go with it and serve some of the pickled eggs and vegetables to go with it."

Maggie looked towards the orchard and asked, "You have apples left on the trees?"

"Sure do," I said. 

"Lets swing by there," She said. "I will put together a apple cobbler for desert."

Mike said, "You have Cloe babe I am going to help Matt with chopping wood. By the way guys do not be surprised if Scott tries calling you he has called Matt four times. Matt said he will not allow Scotts friends here and since Scott did not prepare, he is on his own."

The guys walked away and Maggie lifted Chloe up. Grabbing a basket we went to the orchard and I said, "We picked up a bunch of apples from the ground and sorted them yesterday. But if you find more grab them. I think Matt and I will have to lay tarps down to start catching them. Last year I made jars and jars of apple sauce and pie filling. Last week I went around to so many stores and bought out all the mason jars I could find. Chloe will have more than enough apple sauce."

When we got to the orchard Maggie showed Chloe how to pick up apples and put them in the basket. We picked a bunch of apples for the apple crumble. When we told Chloe it was time to go in she gave us a fuss until I said, "Chloe do you want to help Aunt Gracie get vegetables to make soup?"

She walked over and put up her arms. Picking her up I said, "Okay love lets get a new basket and we can make soup."

69 hours left 12pm

We grabbed a new basket and went into the house. When we opened the door to the greenhouse Cloe sat down and I handed her a small pot of dirt and a spoon. I told her to help me plant a plant and gave her a onion bulb. She looked happy and slowly dug through the dirt. We harvested herbs, carrots, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, peas and green beans. We went into the house and as I prepared the soup Maggie put Chloe down for a nap before starting to sort and prepare the apples for a large apple cobbler.

Maggie asked, "What happens if Scott shows up?"

"If he somehow gets here he will not be allowed in," I said. "We have been telling him for years now to prepare and he is not going to use us because he wanted to play instead of prepare. His friends will not be allowed in at all."

Maggie looked out the window and said, "Cops just pulled in."

"Lets wait and see what they tell Matt and Mike," I said.

We continued to cook and thirty minutes later Matt came in visibly upset. He came over and hugged me. Then he hugged Maggie and said, "Thank you for preparing like we told you/"

"Matt what happened," I asked. 

"Since we were not answering calls unless we knew them, the airline sent officers to see if Scott, Penny and their six friends were invited to move here," He said. "The FAA is restricting air travel and when I told the police no they were told to stay in Florida and not to come. I made it clear that his friends and him were not welcome here."

The officer's called it in and while on the line asked again, "Are you sure?"

When I said, "I am positive I can show you the text messages. The officer said thank you and before they left Scott called me. Scott said Penny and him will be coming with their friends. I told him the house is on lockdown and they will not be welcome here.  We will use force to keep them out. I had him on speaker phone and he said there was eight of them and four of us they will take over the property. The officer told him on speaker that people have the right to defend their property and can shoot to kill. Scott said we will see about that and ended the call. There is a APB out for Scott and Penny nationally due to him threatening us."

Matts phone rang again and he picked up saying, "Hey Steve man what's going on?"

We watched him talk to his business partner and good friend. He looked at me and I nodded. We listened as he said, "Hey man its to dangerous where you are. Load up your RV with all your supplies and get Shannon and the boys here. Bring everything this is what I have been warning you about for years. If Shelly is driving the truck make sure she has a loaded gun on her. Call me when you get to the gate."

Turning to us he said, "Steve watched as his neighbors across the street who are loud and glorified preppers were thrown out of their home by their kids. What their kids did not know was that all the supplies are in the RV which the parents took and drove to their property where they have their stock pile. Steve is afraid of what will happen if people find out they had their supplies. Kyle has Steve's SUV loaded down and he will be here with Shannon who has her SUV loaded down. The RV is packed with the rest of the emergency supplies."

Looking at Maggie I said, "I guess we need to make a few salads to go with the soup and bread."

Chloe woke up and said, "Dirt time?"

Maggie laughed and said, "Yes dirt time."

I looked at Matt and said, "I know Steve's RV is huge I would have him park it near the front wall. That way we can also have a look out point. We have the water hose there and there is piping for the sewer as well."

Matt nodded and he asked, "Are you sure about letting people in?"

"Matt we would only let people in who are prepared," I said. "Your brother has always been someone who takes more than he ever gave. Remember when him and penny got married? He wanted us to host everyone here and pay for the wedding since we had gotten married here."

Maggie looked up and said, "He wanted me to give penny my wedding dress. When I said no that is for Cloe he went off. It was Mom's dress and one day I want to pass it down to her."

"Well there is nothing we can do now," I said. Turning to Matt I asked, "Was the boys bringing their partners?"

"Kyle is bringing Sam," He said. "Sam is a prepper who just started but his car is loaded with supplies. Mark is bringing Tabby. She has been shopping for weeks now because as Steve said her oh crap meter is going off. She had a pull behind travel trailer and will be following Steve. From what Steve said it is full up with supplies and so is her truck."

Maggie sighed and said, "Well if Scott shows up at least it will be a fair fight."

68 hours left 1pm

Maggie and I went back to the garden to start making salads to go with dinner. By the time we were done we had made loaded potato salad, italian pasta salad and a antipasta salad. Maggie looked at cloe who was having trouble keeping her eyes open and said, "I am gonna take her to the RV and get her a good nap in before dinner. That and it will give me a chance to organize the RV a bit for living."

I waved and walked out to the orchard and picked up more of the apples on the ground. Bringing the third basket to the porch I heard honking at our gate and saw Steve and his family pull in. When I walked up Shannon pulled me into a hug as she shook saying, "Gracie its horrible out there people are going crazy."

I held her as she cried and saw Mark holding onto Tabby and comforting her. He looked up and said, "People are already trying to get other peoples supplies. Before the turn off to your house we saw a few cars with bodies. Police were everywhere but its chaos."

Looking at Matt I said, "Get settled and I will tell you all the truth about what is going on."

Shannon said, "It's bad isn't it."

"Yes," I said. "It is. If you all need me I am going to the orchard. I am picking all the apples that dropped and I am laying tarps down so we can lift and drop into a basket. Matt before you and Mike go to chop more wood. Can you please get the milk fridge into the protected box."

Mike said, "Come on man. I will help, Cloe is bragging Aunt Gracie gave her good milk."

Steve asked, "What can we do to help?"

I sighed and said, "Get your camp set up. Being near the wall we can climb up and keep an eye out. Once your set up we will meet on the porch and I will explain what is going on."

67/66 hours to go 2pm 3pm

An hour later Matt came up and said, "Everything is done for now and ready. Ready to tell them?"

Nodding I said, "Yeah they deserve to know."

Sitting on the rail of the porch I looked at everyone and said, "You all remember my Grandpa. You can thank him silently for saving our lives as he was dying."

Matt held my hand as I continued, "Covid 19 was created world wide to do population control. The worlds population is over eight billion people. Internationally we are running out of food and pollution is slowing killing people off. When Covid was released internationally it was meant to take out part of the world population. The governments did not realize that quarantining and the human spirit would counteract that. Then when the vaccine was released it was a death sentence with a timer.  Again the government did not do their research and most people who were given the timer actually stopped their own deaths by eating certain foods or smoking marijuana, drinking and doing drugs. That and the government did not count on so many people not wanting to get the vaccine. Now they are on the next phase of their plan and that is to put the world into a stand still by releasing EMPs to stop the worlds electrical grid. They are doing it now due to winter approaching and the prediction for a bad one so more people will die off. Their goal is to bring the world to under 3 billion people or less and there will be no government assistance. That is why we have been telling people to prepare for a long time."

Shannon looked up and said, "My Mom."

Matt looked at Steve and asked, "Where is she?"

"Thirty minute drive from here," He said.

I looked at Matt and said, "Before it gets dark go. Take my truck and bring guns."

Steve, Matt, Mike and Shannon loaded up in my truck. Maggie and I shut the gate behind them. Sam and Kyle walked up saying, "Grace why don't we help you with the barn chores and orchard till they get back. Tabby is on the RV now on look out duty with binoculars. Up there she can see for a long distance. Mark is making himself useful and already grabbed a wheel barrel and is going along the front wall gathering twigs and broken branches for all our fires. While he is at it he is also bagging up leaves to keep the ground clear. If someone wants to play dirty they could launch fire to the ground cover and we would all be in trouble and you have ten acres of firewood. We will help him as well after we get chores done in the barn and the orchard."

"Well lets start in the orchard," I said. "I was laying tarps under the apple trees to catch the apples so we can make applesauce and pie filling. Also keep a jar for food scraps as we feed that to the animals."

We made ourselves busy and waited for everyone to return.

65 hours to go. waiting 4pm

64 hours to go. - Waiting 5pm

63 hours to go - waiting 6pm

When I was going to call Matt to find out what was going on we heard Tabby call out, "They are back."

We opened the gate and the truck pulled in with a pull behind camper attached. When they got back Matt hugged me and said, "It was chaos."

Shannon got out of the truck with her Mom and an elderly man. I walked over to them and said, "Your safe now."

Shannon's Mom took my hands and said, "We may not be out of the woods yet."

Looking at her I asked, "Why not?"

Shannon put her arms around her Mom and the old man. "Gracie this is Henry, Mom's special friend. The problem is they both have a pace makers and when the EMP's go off they could be affected. Henry had the travel camper full of emergency food and they have supplies but they will do no good for them if their pace makers go kaput."

Henry held Shannon's mom hands as he put his head to hers and said, "Well Cas we had a good run."

"Woah," I said. "Good run my ass we didn't recue you two to have you take a walk on the wild side. But I am sorry to say you two will be living like hermits in a cave for the next few days. Do not worry we will make sure you both have food and a bathroom come with me. Well grab some stuff to keep you occupied for the next few days."

Grabbing their bags we went into the house I opened the trap door to our hidden prep basement. Shannon looked at me and said, "I wondered where you stored everything."

Laughing I said, "This is their best option. All our EMP fragile items are in here until later. Its lined with EMP proof material and its built into the limestone hill. But also we have a spare room down there I am going to use as extra storage for all the items we harvest. The greenhouse is thriving and that covered counter that lines the entire wall in the TV is mason jars and buckets. This room has a bed in it with a table and a bathroom." 

We helped Henry and Cassandra down the stairs. I said, "We will bring you meal trays three times a day and there are plenty of snacks as well. I would suggest you both get comfortable and I have a bunch of books and games I can bring you."

Henry asked, "Do you have any puzzles?"

"I sure do," I said. "Give me about an hour and I can bring you all down a big basket of things to do."

Cassandra looked around and said, "Well I am thankful. Once we are safe to come out of our cave we can help with the little one while you all do things around the farm. Plus henry here loves animals and gardening so you will have to chase him from the barn and greenhouse."

"I saw you also have a river behind the house," He said. "I can catch all of us fish to eat as well. Do not worry Gracie we will be of use here and will pull our weight."

Shaking my head I said, "You can live your best life. Let us make sure first you survive the next few days. We have to shut the main door and the outer door to this area to keep you protected but in a few days you will be back in the fresh air and ready to party with the rest of us."

We went upstairs and I grabbed a laundry basket loading it with puzzles and games for Henry and Cas. Shannon went out to the RV and brought in some more puzzles and art items for her Mom. She said, "I went into Henrys camper and he was not kidding that him and Mom have supplies. The boys are out there cleaning up the property. Tabby has a book and has taken first shift on guard duty."

Taking a food tray out I placed a small pot of the soup and bowls of the salads we made on it. Then I placed some bread and the leftover pie I made the night before with butter and crackers. Shannon grabbed the basket and I grabbed the tray and we brought it down to them. Henry whistled when we came in and he said, "Look at this Cas, its better than the trip we took a few months ago and we can eat early like we like to. Gracie you are a blessing in disguise."

"When we go up we are securing both doors," I said. "When we get up in the morning I will bring you breakfast. Is there anything you do not like?"

Cas took my hand and said, "We are not picky eaters. I see you have a small fridge down here so we will be fine."

62 hours to go 7pm

We went upstairs and secured all the doors to keep Cas and Henry safe. I decided since there was so many of us we would do a buffet style meal. Tabby came in and said, "Do you have a bowl and plate safe for outside? Mark is on guard duty now and we were going to bring him his food to eat as he watched for anything out of sorts."

Going to the cabinet I took out a hot thermos for the soup and a larger container for everything else. Maggie dished up some apple crumble and placed it in a small Tupperware bowl. She said, "We may want to move a RV to the river so we can watch for people trying to get in from there as well."

Matt walked in and said, "No need for that. I got my old hunting stand out of the barn and we are going to set it up in the morning. Also while waking the property we saw a lot of the winter berries are starting to bloom. That and it was a good idea getting the tarps down because the apples are falling."

Handing the food to Tabby I said, "Can you let everyone know dinner is done and we will be eating in a few minutes."

She smiled and said, "Sure will this looks and smells so good."

Leaving we placed the bowls on the counter along with plates for the salads. When everyone came inside we said a prayer for all those who did not prepare and started to eat. Shannon took a bit of the soup and said, "This is so good. But now that we are sitting here how are we going to handle meals and such."

"Well," I said. "We can eat what we have first and everything harvested or fished can be split among each other. Also I love big meals like this so us ladies an plan to do pot lucks as well. Unless you all have other suggestions."

Steven laughed and said, "Team work. I was thinking once the EMP's go off people are going to be frantic. We have a limited about of perishables. If your okay with it I was thinking and have the room. Maybe we can store the supplies in your hidden room to make sure if anyone gets in they would not get a lot. Then we can use Maggie's trailer to store more wood."

Everyone agreed that would be a good idea and I said, "So then we can keep snacks in the houses and all the food in the main house then. All of us can work together to create big meals every day. Shannon do you want to run down and talk to Cas and Henry about it and see what they think?"

Shannon ran downstairs and came up a few minutes later and said, "Henry and Mom are on board as that gives them room in their camper to move around. He said, Take it all but leave him a few cookies and chips."

We laughed and ate. I put on the TV and we watched the news reports about the Chaos. Tabby said, "Do they world powers really think they will be able to smack everyone into submission?"

"Honestly I think they do," I said. "When Grandpa was passing away so many higher ups came in to talk with him and see what was going on here. They do not realize that people can hide just as much as the government."

61 hours to go 8pm

Kyle said, "When we were working doing the government jobs a few months ago we noticed the government has old school cars hidden in a back parking lot we were paving. Those cars would not be affected by EMPS and when we got a bit to close the security team threw a fit."

Matt said, "They have planning this for years. We have an old school motorcycle as well as a vintage 1940's truck under cover on the back of the property so we can get around if we need to. But that is why we have the wagon and all the horses."

Mike said, "Speaking of I think we should get the barn chores done. I will take next watch after Mark. That way we always have someone on the look out."

Tabby stood up and said well now that the RV's will be useless I have to ask, "How will we be doing laundry?"

Smiling I said, "We have that covered."

Taking the ladies and Kyle outside I showed them the hand crank washer i got from the 1920's along with the clothes lines set up. I said, "I have spare parts for it and it will take a full size comforter. We also have solar panels and converters in the basement for the camper washer and dryers we have."

Going back in I said, "I am putting my phone off in the EMP bag tonight and hopefully will wake up early enough. I will start making coffee and breakfast at around 6."

Maggie lifted up Cloe and said, "I will see you then. Gracie in the morning after the start of the chores I will help gather more apples and we can start on the apple sauce and pie filling."

Tabby said, "Mark and I are going to work on the front of the property gather branches and getting some of the bad limbs down so we can stock the fire wood. They said its going to be a bad winter and we need to be ready. I thank god I have a wood fireplace in my camper."

Kyle said, "Sam and I will gather the apples so you can start prepping them and pick what is on the trees. I also noticed you have berry bushes towards the river. We will get those as well if a freeze comes through they won't be any good for anyone. Also why I am at it first thing in the morning I am gonna set a few fish cages in the river to see if we can get some fish for tomorrows dinner."

Shannon said, "I will help you get everything cleaned up and will be back in the morning to help you cook breakfast. If you have flour handy I can make a bread dough to proof over night and I can make some biscuit dough as well.

The guys went to the barn as we cleaned up the kitchen. Looking at the soup and salads l said, "Well lunch will be left over tomorrow. We have a lot of soup and salad left. We can add that to the bread left from tonight and tomorrow and have Maggie make another crisp."

Taking out a couple jars of hash from the upstairs pantry. Running downstairs to the basement I pulled out a few packs of bacon. Making sire the doors were secured I went to the garden and grabbed some mushrooms, potatoes and onions to go with breakfast. Heading upstairs I took a quick shower and laid in bed. When Matt came in he jumped in the shower as well and when he got out he said, "I am so tired but its good to have help. But we are gonna be on a farmers schedule now."

"I agree," I said. "I was thinking we have a bunch of supplies but maybe you and the guys should spend an hour or two over in the forest at the other side of the river and see about hunting for pig, deer and such. I heard the wild turkeys again."

Leaning over and kissing me he said, "That sounds like a good idea. Do you have jars as we have very little freezer space."

"I have close to a 1000 empty jars," I said. "Our pigs are not ready for harvest nor are the sheep. Also after the emps are released we need to let the rooster in so we can start getting babies."

"Well we have time," He said. "Lets go to sleep we have a lot to do in the next few days."

60 hours to go 9pm Sleep

59 hours to go 10pm Sleep

58 hours to go 11pm Sleep

57 hours to go 12am Sleep

56 hours to go 1am Sleep

55 hours to go 2am Sleep

54 hours to go 3am Sleep

53 hours to go 4am Sleep

52 hours to go 5am 

Just around five am we heard knocking on our bedroom door. Matt set up and said, "Hello."

"Hey guys I am sorry to wake you but I am just coming off guard duty and you need to see what is happening," Steve said.

Matt and I got up and we went over to Steve and Shannon's RV and climbed up. Looking out to the west we say a orange glow and Shannon said, "That's the airport. There was a low rumble which woke me up. I thought it was thunder and Steve jumped down and ra. n to get you both. It has burning ever since."

I said, "Did you see any planes?"

Steve said, "No."

Tabby climbed up and asked, "What is going on?"

We pointed at the airport glow and she said, "Well I guess we will be watching things today for sure. I am next to watch."

Shannon took my arm and said, "Well I guess we should get to work."

Laughing I said, "Well that works for me last night I grabbed some bacon out of the freezer, has from the cabinet and grabbed some mushrooms, potatoes and onions from the garden. Once we bake the biscuits and bread we can get stuff going. I told Scott him and the guys should take a few hours and cross the river and try to hunt. The freezers are pretty much full but we can smoke, can and store anything that is caught. Besides the wild pigs make some great bacon."

She said, "That is a great idea. We can also make sausages your room downstairs would be the perfect room for hams and sausages to cure. Do you all have a smoker?"

"We have a smoke house that Matt built when he wanted to experiment," I said. "We have Hams and sausage in the basement curing now. I also have a bit of wax dipped cheese aging as well." 

51- hours to go 6am

Going into the house we started making breakfast and thirty minutes later Maggie joined us with Cloe. Sitting her in the highchair she started a breakfast desert. When everything was ready Shannon made a tray and brought it down to her Mom and Henry. She came up and said, "They were already up and working on a puzzle. When I brought the food in Mom handed me the soup and said, They loved it and when I told her its for lunch she asked if we could heat it for her. They like the fact we are using leftovers."

Maggie looked up from feeding Cloe and said, "Food is going to become a hot commodity. Matt said him, Matt and Steven are going to go hunting this afternoon for a few hours. Saving everything will save us in the end. But if the guys hunt it I am sure us ladies can make something from all of it."

50-45 hours to go 7am-noon

We sent a container of food out to Tabby who was on watch and called everyone else in for breakfast. When breakfast was done Shannon and Maggie cleaned everything up while I started wrapping the refrigerator into the EMP cover. We were not sure if it would help save it but we would try. 

After the guys finished the barn chores they said they wanted to do a longer hunting trip during lunch so I filled them up thermoses of soup and Maggie made them all egg sandwiches from breakfast leftovers. When they left we sat down peeling the apples that Kyle was bringing in as Sam went up next to do guard duty. As we prepared lunch I made myself a thermos of soup and a container of salads and went to do the next watch. Switching with Sam I saw everyone go into the house for lunch and I sat and sipped my soup as I worked on a blanket I was making.

44-42 hours left to go 1pm- 3pm

Mr. Newcomb walked out of his gate and walked over to the wall and called up, "How are you all doing Gracie?"

"We are doing good Mr. Newcomb," I said. "Did you speak with your kids?"

"Yeah I spoke with them," He said. "One of my boys has a place out of town and he took it to heart when I told him to start preparing a few years ago. His basement is stocked. My daughter went to her in laws place a few hours from here. They have a huge estate and plenty of supplies as they listened. My older son said nothing is going to happen and he will be fine. I told him not to be a fool and he told me that if something happens him and his friends will hike out here. He got angry when I said no he is the only one welcome and no one else will be allowed. I may have to call on  your crew to help me defend the land."

"You know we will help you," I said. "We have a look out all the time up here on and on the river after everything happens."

"My gates are reinforced steel and they are locked," He said. "My niece Shannon asked if her and her boyfriend could bring their RV and stay here. She is on her way and her boyfriend is a ex marine. Ella is worried about them traveling. Also did you kids here the boom this morning?"

"We did Steve was up on watch saw the airport light up," I said. "We came out and saw the glow. It looks like someone shut it down."

Shaking his head we were about to say something when a RV pulled up and a head popped out. Mr. Newcomb said, "Shannon girl you had Aunt Kay worried when you both did not arrive this morning."

She got out with a younger man and she said, "It was rough getting her Uncle Paul. This is my boyfriend Chuck."

They shook hand and Chuck said, "We did not want to worry you sir but its bad out there. Shannon deserves an award for keeping the RV on the road and saving the trailer when people tried to stop us and take it. I was on leaning out windows taking pot shots trying to keep everyone away."

He nodded and said, "Kids this is my neighbor Gracie her Grandpa was the one who told us to prepare. You will meet her crew later. Lets get you inside and set up."

I waved and watched as they pulled in and started setting up. The rest of the time was calm and peaceful. I continued to work on my blanket and keep watch as everyone would stop by as they did their chores and chatted. Maggie came up around three thirty to relieve me and said, "Kyle and Sam have been in the back acres gathering apples and berries all day. They also found a bunch of wild garlic and brought in baskets of that as well. But Kyle is happy as a clam because his cages caught enough cat fish for all of us to eat and store. Sam already got them ready for us to cook. The guys are not back yet though. But Cloe is with Shannon and having fun I am here till dinner for look out duty. I had cloth and am sewing Cloe a few pants so I brought that up here to work on."

Pointing to my bag I said, "I did the same with my crochet. You will see an RV at the neighbors as his niece and her boyfriend are going to stay with them. I am happy about that as her boyfriend is ex military and will be a good show of force if needed."

Going into the house Shannon looked up from the pot she was stirring and said, "Well Cloe will be very happy this pot is apple sauce."

"Where is Cloe?" I asked.

"Kyle knew that we would be starting dinner so Sam and him took her to the orchard as she wanted to pick up the apples," She said.

We both laughed as I asked, "Fish for dinner?"

She opened the fridge and said, "Kyle was so happy with the baskets he is going to place them out again so we can freeze filets."

"Well what would you like to make with the fish?" I asked.

"Girl we are going easy tonight," She said. "I had four boxes of instant cheese grits in my RV I grabbed two of them and I figured we could use the rest of the salads up tonight. There is also a bunch of bread and biscuits we can heat up as well. Waste not want not."

41-39 hours to go 4-6pm

Sam ran Cloe in and said, "We will be busy tonight the guys just returned from hunting. Gracie Matt said he needs the baby pools."

"They are in the barn next to the milk fridge," I said.

Picking Cloe up I said, "Let's see what they got huh?"

When we went to the patio next to the barn the guys were carrying up two pigs, a large amount of turkeys and a buck. I said, "Oh my god you guys had a successful day."

Matt gave me a huge smile and said, "We were very lucky. After dinner we are going to start breaking them down. Tabby is getting wood together for the smoke house now. We can make sausages and smoke the ham and bacon along with any fish and stuff we cannot fit in the freezers."

Shannon walked up and said, "Leave a huge leg of the deer out for tomorrow we can slow cook it on the grill and make a special dinner for our last night as we knew it."

"That sounds like a great idea." I said. "Let us get some fish started for your Mom and Henry."

We went inside and started getting the fish prepared so we could bring dinner down to Cas and Henry. When I delivered them dinner I asked, "How are you guys handling things down here?"

Henry laughed and said, "We are handling things better than we could. I feel like a child being grounded to his room."

Smiling I said, "We are almost there and then a day or so after. I am worried they may drop multiple EMP's on us."

Cas said, "We will do whatever you think is best. To bad they do not have EMP cloth that I could sew us some shirts to wear under our clothing."

Looking at her I said, "That is not a bad idea. Let me see what I can find. Do you need anything else while I am down here?"

Henry said, "No you and Shannon have us set up real good."

"If you need anything call us via your phones," I said.

Going back upstairs I helped Shannon cook dinner and when dinner was ready Sam came in and said, "I am switching with Maggie and doing the next watch. Do you have a container I can put dinner in?"

Handing him a bigger container he plated everything and went outside. Maggie joined us a few minutes later with Cloe in her arms. She was saying, "You were driving Daddy crazy huh silly girl."

I pulled out the highchair and asked, "Anything interesting happen while you were up there?"

"No it was eerily quiet," She said. "Gave a creepy feeling."

Shannon nodded and said, "Yeah after the sun goes down it gets spooky even if we are up and looking over things. When I relieve Sam I am going to bring my knitting with me to work on and a big ole lantern."

The guys came in and Matt said grace. Thanking god for the food that we have and the game we were able to hunt and fish. We were almost finished eating when Sam called us and said, "Get out here."

We left Cloe with Tabby who offered to clean up and we ran and started climbing the RV. Matt asked, "What's wrong?"

He handed Matt the binoculars and said, "Look at the airport."

Mike looked and said, "That can't be right the airport was on fire this morning what are they doing?"

Taking the binoculars I said, "Those are camps. I need to go see Grandpa's journals. Maggie come with me."

We ran inside and up to the landing that held a trunk with Grandpa's journals. She asked, "What are we looking for?"

"See if there is any notes about camps," I said. "This is the one for before the EMPS. I have the ones for after."

38 hours to go 7pm

We read through the journals as Steven and Mike joined us. Steven said, "Wow Gracie your Grandfather did not work for the government. From what I am reading he was at the bottom of the rabbit hole."

Mike chuckled and said, "I know this is going to sound weird but do any of these journals say anything about aliens, monsters and cryptids?"

Maggie handed him a journal and he read and said, "Shit."

Laughing I said, "They want to be left alone more than we want to be."

Steven said, "We are not alone out here are we?"

"No," I said. "We are safe though. They will not harm us. Those creatures want the same most people want and that is to be left alone."

Maggie said, "I found something."

She handed me the journal and I read it to everyone. "Within forty eight hours of the EMP release the governments may create shelters for all scared people who are alone, homeless or have special needs. If people go to these shelters they may not make it out. The authorities will also have anyone traveling taken to these shelters as well as a way to control the population. Do not leave the compound unless necessary. If you have to leave for any reason make sure you always have a look out and a quick way out. If you are more than a mile from your home they will take you. Gracie share this news if you need to but be aware that people talk and there are many wolves in sheep's clothes. If you have to flea go over the river our special friends will know how to help."

Mike gave a nervous chuckle and said, "Does he mean who I think he does?"

"Yes Mike," I said. "He means bigfoot."

Standing up Steven said, "We need to tell everyone here to stay put but for now we need to keep the creatures of the world a bit hush hush."

"I agree," I said.

37 hours to go 8pm

We went back to everyone who was now around the fire pit as Matt cleaned the deer and got animals into the smoker or bagged for the freezers with Sam's help. When Matt saw me he said, "So the camps are supposed to happen?"

"Yeah," I said. "People who get put into them will not make it out. So if we go anywhere outside the compound we need to stay within a mile from home. I we have to start pillaging which with all our supplies we should not need to, but if that time comes we will have to be very careful."

He said, "My brother will be in one of these camps."

"Maybe you should try to contact them one more time Matt," I said. "He isn't coming here but knowing what we do now may save his life."

Steve took the knife and said, "Take a break man I got this."

Matt walked to the house while he pulled out his phone and dialed. Walking over I sat next to him and as he said, "No man you cannot come here with your friends. I told you before your not living off of us. But if you have a lot of people hold up somewhere and get supplies. Ok well listen to me if you are traveling anywhere more than an hour from your house the police will arrest you and put you into camps. If you go to these camps you are not going to make it out. I am trying to warn you but you are so stubborn you do not care."

I heard his brother yell and I took the phone. I said, "Scott shut up and listen to me. My Grandfather worked for the dark side of the government since he was eighteen years old. The world powers are going to be killing off the people, Not helping, KILLING. The world population is at 8.7 Billion people and the powers at be are going to bring it down to under three billion. You think your not the only one who is going to try to take what they need. The government is counting on it. You steal you will die. They are going to put marshal law into place in the next few hours. We have been warning you for years and only a few people listened. Stay out of those camps at all costs. My homestead is for people who contribute and you have nothing to give."

Scott said, "Your fucking with me Grace. The government would not do that."

"Yes they will," I said. "In thirty six hors EMP's are going to be released. Anyone in a plane will be killed when they fall from the sky. If you speeding down the highway your car will lock up and crash. The airport near me had explosions this morning at around five. Now we can see tent cities going up and they are tent cities meant for people to die unless your useful. There is so much about this world that you do not know and the government is going to be our enemy. Listen you have a group good get to one of your houses and get as much supplies as you can. The more resources you can gather the better. If you ever trusted me do it now, Why do you think my Grandfather moved Matt and I up here and gave us the property. Why do you think we became preppers once we moved up here and told you to do the same instead of traveling around the world. Hell even at my Grandfather's funeral the feds came to offer their condolences and check and see what we had."

"Swear on Matt," He said.

"I swear on Matt and all our lives," I said.

He said, "Alright. If we ever see you again I hope its under better circumstances."

As he disconnected the call I turned to Matt and said, "I hope he listens."

36 hours to go 9pm

We helped the guys get the animals butchered and as we were going into put the food in the freezers we heard planes go overhead. Looking up Maggie said, "Those are military escort planes."

Mike came out and said, "Cloe is asleep. Maggie you might want to get some sleep you signed up for the four am watch."

Maggie said, "Let me help Grave put everything away in the freezers and I will head to bed."

Mike went back to help the guys as Shannon came over with a leg of deer. She said, "Maggie I am going to place this is a cooler to marinate overnight in the kitchen. Then I am heading to bed."

When we finished filling the freezers full I went out to Matt and said, "Everything else has to go in the smoker or in a cooler so we can can in it in the morning. I am heading to bed as I am on breakfast duty then on the RV right after."

He kissed me and said, "When I am done with all this I will be up."

Going into the house I took a shower and headed to bed. Setting my alarm for three in the morning so I could take the watch then. Placing the phone in a bag to protect it from the EMP's I fell asleep.

35-30 hrs left 10pm-3am

Waking up that morning to take the next watch I saw Matt had not even come to bed. Getting dressed I grabbed my bag of yarn and headed to the look out point. Going outside I saw Matt on the look out point and joined him.

He smiled when he saw me. Standing up he said, "Good morning sweetheart. I would suggest you go back to the house for a moment and grab your EMP safe bag. We need to be careful today incase they decide to start early."

Running back into the house I grabbed my phone bag for the EMP bag and joined Matt in the look out point. When I settled into the chair I said, "Tabby will be here at five to relieve you."

He climbed down and said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I said. Settling into the chair I watched the lights from the airport and started to work on the blanket with light from the lantern. I was still working on the blanket when I heard Tabby come out of her camper and climb the stairs.

29-28 hrs left to go 4- 5am

Tabby smiled and said, "Good morning."

"Good morning Tabby," I said. "Nothing has changed since I got up here."

Nodding at the blanket she said, "Well at least we get to work on our crafts."

Laughing I said, "So true."

Standing up I said, "Well I am going to get breakfast started."

"Well I have my EMP bag ready," She said. "With the world changing it seems way to calm."

"I agree," I said. "If there is any change raise the alarm."

Going inside I stoked the fire to the wood stove and started the biscuits and bread I had in the oven. Walking out to the barn I gathered eggs to make a breakfast casserole. Going into the house I started to cut up ham, potatoes, onions and peppers. Making a small pan for Henry and Cass I got that in the stove first. When the biscuits and bread were done I prepared a breakfast tray with fruit. As I waited for the bake to be done I made some cheddar grits and dished them up as the casserole finished, topping it with cheese. Checking the bog pan of breakfast bake I knew I had a few more minutes and ran the tray down to them.

27-26 6am-7am

Knocking at the door Henry answered and said, "Good morning Grace. I will say we have been living it up here like we are in a five start hotel."

"Well today please keep the door sealed for your hotel," I said. "Since you have a microwave we will bring things down to heat up for the next forty eight hours. I am worried that they may punch the button early."

Cas said, "Whatever you think is best."

Smiling I said, "I want to keep you safe. If it means you have to stay in the five star hotel we have then so be it. Would you like anything to hold you through until we can get you out?"

Henry smiled and said, "I know you have the apple orchard. Could we have some fresh apples?"

Chuckling I said, "I think we can get that for you. Let me get upstairs and get everyone fed and I will go pick a small batch."

Cas said, "Thank you."

"Your welcome," I said as I secured the door. Going upstairs I found Shannon in the kitchen.

"You have everything ready," She said. 

"I wanted to get this done," I said. "We need to make some food for your Mom and Henry for the next few meals. I am worried that the government may pull the trigger early. I was thinking of a good salad and sandwiches and a small pot of soup. Henry asked for some apples as well from the orchard."

Shannon nodded and said, "Well we will bring them everything after breakfast. I agree I am worried that they might go early as well."

Sam came in with Kyle carrying armfuls of wood. Placing the wood in the wood bin Sam said, "It is getting a bit cool out and I think we need to keep a small fire going in each of the homes. Will Grandma and Henry be alright down there?"

"I was down there a few minutes ago," I said. "The temperature is quite comfortable.  We need  to make sure this morning that we load all the extra supplies in the hidden basement. People are going to be scared once the electricity is gone."

Kyle asked, "Are we sure the basement is EMP proof?"

Chuckling I said, "It has been tested. Right before we moved up to take care of Grandpa he let off a condensed EMP. We are safe."

Shannon said, "Well boys why don't you get everyone so we can eat breakfast."

Kyle said to Sam, "I will get everyone. Get your food in a container so you can switch out with Tabby."

I handed Sam a container and asked, "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee please," He said. "I do not think any of us will be getting more than naps the next two days."

Maggie walked in with Cloe and said, "I hope we get naps today. The only well rested one among us is Miss Cloe."

Taking Cloe I placed her in her highchair and said, "Well when we are done with breakfast we are going to pick some apples for Henry and Cas would you like to help?"

"Yes!" She sang. "Now?"

"No maam," Maggie said. 'Its time for breakfast.

24 hours to go 9am

Everyone came in and we said the blessing over the meal. Matt said, "I can't believe we are at the twenty four hour mark."

"I know," I said. "When we first came here to take care of Grandpa I never thought what he said would come true. So many things are going to change today."

Shannon sighed as she said, "I hope one day I will be able to get to the old house. But to be honest we had all the important things in the RV already before the announcement."

Maggie said, "Same here. It killed me to leave our home but living right near the city we knew it would be chaos in town and couldn't put ourselves or Cloe at risk."

Sam ran in and said, "You guys get out here something big is happening."

Tabby sat next to Cloe and said, "Go I got her."

We all ran outside and climbed on top of the RV. Chuck yelled, "Something big is happening at the airport they brought in a bunch of military trucks."

Grabbing my binoculars I looked at the airport. I yelled back, "Those are no electric vehicles. They are stagging for when the EMP's go off."

23 10am

Turning to Shannon I said, "Go to the kitchen and make some sandwiches and a cheese board. Along with a few easy meals we need to get their door secure and the EMP blanket over it. We are not risking anyone. Everyone else get inside and eat. Once we are done all supplies and electronics to the basement. 

Everyone headed back to the house and I joined Shannon in the kitchen eating as we made Cas and Henry food to get them through. Maggie ran to the orchard with a big bowl and picked apples. 

22 hours to go 11am

Forty five minutes later we had a few trays of items and a cooler full of drinks ready for Cas and Henry. Going down the stairs with everything Henry said, "I have a feeling something is going on."

Nodding I said, "Henry we can see the airport and they are stagging for EMP launches. This is the food for the next few days to keep you inside and safe. We are securing everything now."

He nodded and said, "Well I am glad you all are getting everything done. Once we get out of our cave we will be out there pulling our weight."

Maggie said, "You are pulling your weight by staying down here and being safe. When your out and about you will do what you can but for now your doing the best to stay safe and letting us take care of you."

Handing him the two way communicator I said, "We will keep you posted."

Pulling me into a hug he whispered, "If anything happens to me bury me near the river next to the orchard."

Nodding I pulled back and said, "We will make sure your fishing chair is ready so you can fish and crab when this is over. I am gonna have Matt get the ice fishing hut ready so you can fish on the icefishing dock we have."

21 noon

20 1pm

19 2pm

18 3pm

17 4pm

16 5pm

15 6pm

14 7pm

13 8pm

12 9pm

11 10pm

10 11pm

9 midnight

8 1am

7 2am

6 3pm

5 4pm

4 5pm

3 6pm

2 7am

1 8am

The Brave New World 

Gracie/ Matt Mains

Samson, horse Betty White-cow

Scott/penny Matt's brother

Maggie Scott's baby sister Mike cloe

Steve/Shannon Mark(Tabby) Kyle(Sam) 

Henry and Cassandra (sahnnons mom)

Mr. Paul Newcomb- neighbor wife Kay Niece shannon boyfriend Chuck
