The Puzzle Keeper (3 book series)

As I watched the security camera and I sighed. These guys will end up killing themselves before they work together as a team. Grabbing the microphone I said, "Come on guys there are ten of you and you all need to make it to the dining room when the buzzer sounds. If you do not you will be eliminated. I mean eliminated from life not just from the challenge."

They all stopped trying to escape their rooms and looked around. I felt bad for them because none of them knew the true stakes of this interview. Continuing I said, "Run to the dining room as fast as you can when the door opens. Keep your bags with you and follow the instructions."

You may ask if you know all the bad stuff that is going to happen then why don't you stop them. Well that is because I am here against my will as well. My co watcher and I Grandfathers designed this test for the military. It was supposed to be the end all in special ops training. When the government used it, it was for the most elite US spies. Then a secret organization within the US government took over and they tried getting our Grandfathers to up the ante. Instead of just knocking out the recruits they wanted them killed if they could not complete the training. When our Grandfathers declined we were kidnapped and brought in to encourage the players. Sam and I have to watch the players and give warnings in turn our grandfathers remain alive and if our Grandfathers do not work with the government we die. It sucks.

Sam came back from the facilities lounge and handed me a cup of coffee saying, "I hope more than two make it this time. We heard you give them a heads up and the powers that be seemed giddy."

Rolling my eyes I said, "Those asshats can fuck off."

He put his hand on my arm and said, "Easy Amy I am on your side. We were supposed to be in Mexico right now I get it. We will figure something out."

What people don't know is Sam and I grew up in our Grandfathers offices as we were born days apart. As the years went by we were best friends and have been thinking about dipping our toes into dating each other. We were going to try that with a trip to Mexico, but you know being kidnapped kind of ruined that. Our phone rang and when Sam answered it he said, "Yes sir we understand. We will give the instructions."

Looking at Sam as he hung up the phone I said, "The cowards couldn't even come in and face me this time?"

Sam chuckled and said, "You gave Johnson a black eye Amy. You can be a scary person."

Frowning I said, "Is it time?"

"Yes it is," Sam said. "You ready?"

Taking the microphone I said, "Okay everyone listen to me when the buzzer sounds head straight for the dining room if you do not make it there in time you will be dead you have 5 minutes."

Looking at Sam, he buzzed the doors and they opened. I said, "Move it everyone you have just over 4 minutes the doors start closing at four minutes and forty five seconds."

We watched as the participants take off running. I prayed they made it to the room in time. We watched and saw the first of the group arrive. At three and a half minutes all but two were in the room. At the four minute mark I got on the Mic and said, "Less than a minute you two move it!"

We watched as the last two dove into the room as the door slammed shut. I got on the Mic and said, "Great job everyone. Remember quickness and accuracy is key. Be more observant there was a map right on the door you all were pounding on that showed you the direct route to the dining room. Please be more aware of your surroundings."

Amy and Sam- Mains

Guards- Johnson
