In My Dreams (Stand alone)

Have you ever seen the old Nightmare on Elm Street movies? Where Freddy gets into your dreams and uses them against you? Well I would rather deal with Freddy instead of what I dream any day. My dreams are far from pleasant and lately they have been downright horrible. Thinking about it I used to have the worse case of insomnia and now I am fighting to stay awake so I do not have to dream.

When I had my first dream I thought it was due to my lack of a love life. I used to walk my neighborhood with my dog every night for exercise and in my dream I was alone walking. There was a thick fog around me and since I lived close to the water sea fog was a regular thing. Then I heard a voice and saw a man come out of the fog. He asked, "Do you know where we are?"

Being a southern gal I went to reply and I could not get the name of the city out. I said, "Why can I not say the towns name?"

When I looked at him I noticed his face was covered in shadows. Backing up a few feet I asked, "Why can I not see your face?"

He sighed and said, "Well I guess it is not just me I cannot see your face either."

"Are we dreaming?" I asked. "Did I make you up?"

He paused for a moment and said, "Then I can ask myself the same question because I thought I was dreaming this as well. My name is-"

He seemed to start coughing when he tried to say his name. I said, "Well it seems our dreams do not want us to know each other."

"Lets try this," I said. "I live in-"

I started to cough and said, "Well fine."

Looking around he said, "None of this looks familiar to me what about you?"

That is when I noticed I was not in my neighborhood either, Still looking around I said, "I have never been here before. I live near the water and thought I was dreaming about walking in my neighborhood as we always have sea fog."

He sighed and said, "Let's walk."

As we walked he leaned over and said, "I see hooded figures in the fog."

Looking at him I said, "I saw them before you appeared. I thought they were a figment of my imagination."

He chuckled and said, "I guess not. Look there is a pier lets go there and see if we can find anything."

As we walked towards the pier I saw more cloaked figures mixed into the fog and said, "It seems that we have  audience."

There was a cafe near the pier with a worker inside. My companion said, "I wonder if we should go into the cafe and speak with him. Almost like a NPC in a video game."

Laughing I said, "If this was a video game I wished I had my swords from the game or my swords in real life would work as well."

He asked, "You trained in swords?"
