Working for the Crime Boss (3 book series)

Waking up I felt like my head was pounding and going to explode. From the little light around the room I am in I can see there is a wooden bed with a thin mattress. My chains gave me enough room to reach the bed and the toilet on the other side of the room. I did see a partially ripped up book next to it so I assume that is my toilet paper. There were two high windows and a small window on the door. Trying to stand up I felt like my head was spinning. I thanked god my chains are only on my ankle as I crawled to the bed. As I pulled myself up I felt the pain get worse and blackness took over my vision as I passed out.

A few hours later I woke up to a paper sack with food and drinks. Emptying the food onto my lap I found wet wipes and a roll of toilet paper. I also discovered a blanket at the end of the bed with a pillow. I opened the sandwich and started to eat as I heard, "Your awake good. Keep eating you need your strength. You have been kidnapped and will now be my masters new servant. You will do his bidding or you will be disposed of."

Looking around I said, "So when do I get to meet you or your master?"

There was silence to my question. Looking around I did not see anything but the toilet. If only they knew what they saved me from. At least here I wouldn't get beat for simply being me. I wondered if my family would even realize I was gone. I laughed and realized they would when their groceries were not in the kitchen and the meal was not made. Wondering out loud I said, "I wonder if they sold me to you."

A few minutes later the door flew open and a man in a black suit walked in. He had an angry look on his face and said, "Repeat what you just said."

Looking up I swallowed my sandwich and I said, "I said I wonder is my family sold me to you. Are you going to beat me also for speaking to myself."

He asked, "Your not a street worker?"

"What in all that's holy made you think that I was a street worker?" I asked.

"We were told that you were only seen at night," He said. "You go back to the same building with people in and out of it. Plus your clothes are tight fitting like a street worker."

"How old do you think I am?" I asked.

"With your body type we guessed you were twenty five or older," He said.

"Sorry to disappoint you I only just turned twenty one," I said. "As for the clothes I got my step-sisters cast offs and she is a size smaller than me and I have a bigger butt and tatas. But thank you for saving me, you saved me from another beating."

"Come with me," He said.

"Are you letting me go?" I asked.

He sighed and said, "No my boss has been watching you and he was quite disturbed from what you said. We are going to talk to him as I feel he has a lot more questions."

My stomach growled and I said, "Can i finish my sandwich I have not eaten in three days."

His look softened and he said, "Finish the sandwich your eating and I will get you more."

I finished the food and sipped the orange juice in the bag. After I finished the part I was eating I said, "I will save the rest for later."

He offered me his hand and helped me up. Following him out the door we headed to a set of stairs heading to the main part of the house. My bare feet echoed on the ground as we walked. When we got to the end of the main hall the man knocked on the door. We heard a deep voice echo, "Enter."

The man I was with pointed to a chair and I sat down. He took the chair next to me and the voice said, "Look at me."

Looking up I looked into bright blue eyes, then I took in his face. He was a younger man with a stern face but you could see kindness in his eyes. He looked at me and said, "We seem to have a problem."

"No we don't," I said. "You need staff and as long as you don't send me back I will do whatever you want. I will run your house and cook your meals. Please I will work for free just don't send me back. If you do you will have signed my death note."

He got a kind look on his face and said, "I looked in your bag and you had no identification what is your name?"

"Gabriella Martinez," I said.

"Phillip Martinez is your father," He said. "He has a daughter named Caroline."

"He has a step daughter named Caroline," I said. 

"Tell me your story," He said.

"My father is a horrible man," I started. "He was married to my Mom through a arranged marriage. She got pregnant with me on their honeymoon. From reading her journals he raped her multiple times while they were away and I was the result. He pretends to be the perfect family man but behind closed doors he is cruel and mean to people he cannot use. I can tell you so many things he has caused. When I turned eight my Grandfather passed away. No when my Grandfather was murdered he took over the family business."

He stopped me and asked, "Who was your Grandfather?"

"Martin McCabe," I said. "I am sure you heard of him."

He nodded and said, "Your Mom was Kimberly."

Nodding I said, "Yes she was. In her last few journal entries she stated that she thought that Dad killed Grandpa. A week later Mom went out and came back happier than usual. She said we were going to escape and to be ready. During the week she packed up a few suitcases and put them in the attic. One night my Dad came home and they fought. The next morning my Mom had a black eye and she said to herself soon Kimberly soon. That day my Dad went out to a business meeting and my Mom brought our bags down to the car through the servant quarters. She had told the Butler she was going to take me to the museum. He asked if boss knew. Mom said I mentioned it to him. The Butler nodded and called my Dad. We did as we said and went to the children's museum. She told me a friend was going to come and take our luggage and pick us up from the where we were. My Dad showed up while we were there and my Mom was surprised as he never did small activities like this with us. He told my Mom to go home and meet him out for dinner and left. We stayed for another thirty minutes and Mom told me it was time to leave when she saw a blue SUV pull up. We headed down the steps and a man with a gun stepped up grabbed my Mom's purse and shot her twice. I was grabbed from behind and something was shoved in my face I woke up later in my bed."

"Do you think he had your Mom killed?" He asked.

"I know he did," I said. "When I woke up he was sitting in a dark corner of the room. He said if you ever try to run like your whore of a Mother did I will kill you to. He walked out of the room and the maid came in and helped me get ready for bed. She told me to be a good girl and keep the peace. The next day he brought home Caroline's mom with Caroline in tow. He told the maid to take a camping cot to the attic and move all my belongings there as Caroline would get the best room in the house. She was the new prized child. The maid did as she was told and when I got to the attic I found our luggage and my Mom's purse. When I was called down to dinner I went to sit in my chair and noticed that the table was set for three. He told me I am now part of the staff and the maid will be training me. Anne looked at me and sneered saying, "What are you waiting for staff does not belong with the family while they eat. Caroline sat in her chair giggling."

Taking a sip of my orange juice I continued, "For the next few years he would still provide clothing and I stopped going to school. The news report was I perished in the robbery with my Mother. The rule was anytime someone was in the house I had to stay hidden. Then when the apartments opened Dad bought the penthouse suite. When we were moving I found boxes of my Mothers clothes which now started to fit me. He found me wearing one of her old shirts when we were moving and he went into a rage and hit me. He asked me why I would wear it and I told him they fit me. He hit me hard and said I should wear whatever I found because it can remind me what would happen if I ever run away. I had trunks of old clothes but soon they all turned to rags because after we moved I was the only staff member left besides the Butler. Now that I was older I could be out more as I did not look like the little girl he had supposedly lost. Caroline was treated like a princess and she would bring me her old clothes weekly. Most of it I could not wear to clean in. Obviously you know of my step sister and seen how she dresses."

He nodded and said, "No one ever put two and two together."

"No," I said. "The Butler would take me to the local church thrift store a few times a year and supply me with underwear and bra's. But two years ago he retired, that night he offered my father to take me off his hands. My father told him he was soft and declined the offer. The Butler passed away a few weeks later. I am guessing he was killed by my father as well to keep quiet about me. In the Butlers will he left me a lot of money. When the lawyer came to the house my father said the Butler was crushed when I passed away and to donate it to charity. The lawyer left and he beat me black and blue. Two weeks after that he called me to his office he said if anyone found out about me he would kill me. My step mother did the shopping twice and told my father I had to do it."

"Why didn't you run?" He asked.

"As much as I hate my life I do not want to die," I said. "For the last few years I could leave to go to the grocery store which by the way is a front. The staff reported that I came in and when I left with the supplies for the house. Once a week he would have step monster watch over me as I placed Amazon orders for more suppliers. She would complain it took so long and the beatings continued. You saved me from another beating as Caroline complained she hated the pasta I purchased last time knowing it was my fathers favorite. Even though he like it I know she would complain I would still get beat and told to continue to order it."

He nodded and said, "Now what to do with you."

"What is your name?" I asked.

"I am Kyle Worthington," He said.

"My father's rival," I said. 

"Yes," He said. 

"Well Kyle how would you like to take my father out," I said. "Because I can tell you I have heard your name a lot lately and he is coming for you."


He looked at me and said, "What do you mean he is coming for me?"

Sitting back I said, "When Caroline tried to get with you she had been ordered to. She bragged to me that getting you in bed would be a notch on her belt and make her look good to father. The plan was that she was going to get you to marry her and then you would meet an unfortunate fate."

The man next to me said, "Well Kyle you had your suspicions about her from the beginning. What do you want to do?"

"Sam I want you to look into the Butler who used to work for Phillip," He said. "Let's see if they gave away Gabriella's inheritance. I have a plan but Gabriella I think you might think I am crazy."

"What kind of plan?" I asked. "I am up for anything as long as it means I do not have to go back to them I really do not want to die."

Kyle laughed and said, "No death on my watch. I think we are going to bring you back from the dead. Technically when your Grandfather died the family was supposed to go to your mother. Then when she passed you should have had a conservator and it go to you."

"So now what?" I asked.

"Well how about this," He said. "You are a guest in my home. This should never had happened to you. When the proper people find out what has happened your father is going to be in a lot of trouble. Sam lets get Gabriella set up in the garden suite. Gabriella that suite was my late mothers and her closets and dressers are full. Please use the clothes in there you seem to be the same size. She had the taste of a twenty one year old as she like comfort over fashion. Also I am going to give you a card to use and if you like to cook I would be grateful. Place as many orders for food as you wish to fill the pantry and freezers full."

"Can I ask you a favor?" I asked.

He chuckled and said, "Sure."

"I will cook and clean while I am here," I said. "I find it relaxing. Do not kidnap anyone it makes you no better than my father."

He stood up and gave me a smile. Putting out his hand he said, "It's a deal and also Gabriella I will admit I was stupid to do so, however, I am glad that I did because you may be the key in ending your fathers reign of terror."

Sam led the way to my new rooms and asked, "Can you really cook?"

"Have you ever been to a dinner party at my fathers home?" I asked.

"Yes," He said. "That was you?"

"It was," I said. "So what is Kyles favorite meal?"

Sam said, "Kyle loves a good chicken and cream sauce. Me I am a easy guy I love smash burgers."

We both laughed and when Sam opened the door to the suite my jaw dropped and I said, "Holy shit this room is beautiful."

Sam opened the doors to the garden and said, "There is a fruit and vegetable garden in there as well. Bathroom is through the door and every other door and dresser is packed full of clothes. Go ahead and take some time to freshen up that bathroom has a great shower. Explore the clothes and I will be back with you soon so we can get shopping done."

Sam left closing the door behind me and I decided i needed a shower. Looking in the dresser I found under ware and bra's and Kyle was not wrong about me being his mother's size. Going into the closet I found a simple sundress and a pair of sandals to match. Going into the bathroom I found a tooth brush, brush and everything I would need. Looking under the counter I saw there were feminine products. After a long hot shower I took the clothes I was wearing and threw them in the garbage. Brushing my teeth I felt better than I had in a while. Taking a brush to my hair I got the knots out and pulled it into a loose bun.

When I was ready to explore the garden there was a knock on the door. Opening it expecting Sam and I found Kyle. He gave me a smile and said, "You look much better. Well except for the bruises."

"They will fade they always do," I said. "How can I help you?"

He held up his card and a tablet. He said, "Sam had to meet his wife at the doctors they are expecting a baby. I set up the web browser and a few accounts from stores that have delivery. When I say please load the house up I mean it we will need food and drinks here so we can proceed with taking your father out. I expect you to spend a couple thousand today. All of the places will deliver and put the orders under my name."

I took the tablet and looked at all the stores. I said, "Kyle I cannot purchase from Marson's that a front to my Dad's business. Everything else is safe because none of these stores know me." 

Kyle took the tablet and deleted it off the list. Handing me the tablet he asked, "Is there anything else I can do to help you before I start putting our plan into action."

"I have a few requests," I said.

"Sure," He said. 

"One if we are doing dinner's here give me at least twenty four hour notice I want to make you look like a king who values people by giving them heavenly food," I said. "Two would you mind if I order a few personal things that I may need. Three show me to the kitchen I need to see what I am working with."

He laughed and said, "Of course, absolutely and follow me. If you think you need any specific kitchen products or tools order it. We may be having quite a few intimate dinners with heads of families which you will be joining me in. I may be the muscle but I see you have the brains and we are going to use them. Sam said you were the one behind the meals at your father's home."

Smiling i said, "I may have lived in hell but damn if it didn't have an amazing kitchen. Also Sam said there was a fruit and vegetable garden inside the main garden. May I utilize it. I always loved gardening."

"Yes you may," He said. "Go ahead and order seeds if you want as well as gardening supplies. This is your home for the time being and I do not know how long this may take. So this is the dining room we will host all dinners in with guests. This door here leads to all the decor, dishes and silverware. This door here is the kitchen."

He opened the door and I was standing in the most beautiful kitchen ever. Looking at the fireplace I asked, "That works right?"

He said, "Yes, Why?"

"Oh you have a full set up to cook in that and with colder weather coming that is going to be a dream to cook over," I said. "I will order wood and believe me the meals will impress. So where are all the food items?"

He opened up a butlers pantry and inside pantry and I said, "Well I am glad I an ordering you do not have much in here."

Opening the fridge and freezer I saw very little food and sighed. Opening up cabinets I saw a large collection of plates dishes and mason jars. Kyle watched me as I explored and I said, "So we are basically starting from the ground up. Some of the open packages look worse for wear so I will need to see what is good and bad. Sam said there is an extra freezer?"

He pointed to the door next to the butlers pantry and said, "My mom loved to can vegetables."

I put the light on and said, "Well this is a huge supply room as well. I have a lot of work to do."

Seeing the tea pot I asked, "I am going to make some tea and start the orders. Please understand I am a work from scratch type of girl so there will be a lot of supplies and a lot of spices and baking items."

Kyle chuckled and said, "That is fine there is plenty on that card. I doubt you will spend over a hundred thousand dollars."

Sitting down I said, "I would joke and say is that a challenge but I could do it."

Pulling up the first link for wholesale meat I said, "I also like to save money and buy quality. A while cow and pig it is. They are a good supplier and will be here by dinner today. When would you like lunch?"

He looked at me and said, "We have food in here for lunch?"

I gave a look and he said, "Lunch around one would be fine I will be in my office till them and then make sure there is enough for you Sam and I."

He may had said something more but I was busy placing orders for the wholesale meat and selecting my preferences on the cuts. After I ordered the meat I took a moment and pulled some of the ingredients that were left and put together a vegetable soup from the items in the pantry. Looking at the herb collection I knew I would have to order more and later today start exploring what was in the garden. I was lucky to find a small bag of flour and made a quick soda bread to go with the soup. By the time Kyle and Sam joined me I had the soup on the table along with bread, butter, jam and sweet tea.

Sam said, "Man boss we are gonna get fat now."

Without looking up I said, "Doubt that most of the meals I make are good for you."

Kyle asked, "You going to join us."

"In a second I am almost finished with this order from Sam's Club," I said. "It was giving me issues with the alcohol portion of the order. I forgot there is a store limit so I scaled the quantities back a bit."

Hitting the order button it confirmed delivery before seven tonight. Putting the tablet down I said, "Sorry guys I want to have the kitchen up and running for tomorrow. I have five orders being delivered so far and two more stores to go. However once its all in I may need to get a few more things."

Kyle said, "That's fine the tablet and card are yours to use. So order what you need."

Sam eyed the bread and I said, "It will not bite you Sam. You can cut a slice or chunk if you want."

Sam said, "Boss first Gabby."

Kyle said, "Gabriella Sam."

Locking eyes with Kyle I said, "Gabby is fine among people I know. Gabriella in public."

"Do you want me to serve you all?" I asked. "I never thought to ask."

The guys laughed and Kyle said, "No Gabby when its us we can help ourselves. Even when its formal dinners I prefer buffets or family style. That shouldn't be a problem right?"

"Not at all," I said. 

I was going to serve myself when the service bell rang. I went to stand up and Kyle said, "Let me see who it is first."

He laughed and said, "Sam its our favorite butcher."

He opened the door and said, "Redman you old bull its so good to see you."

"Kyle my boy," He said. "When I saw your name on the order I had to do the delivery myself. Who else would order so much from me and not get special service."

He handed him a clip board and said, "A whole cow, a whole hog, sheep, bison, four dozen chickens, sausages all in various cuts."

He looked over at me and said, "I'm sorry Miss I have not seen my friend in a while."

"Redman this young lady is the reason for the order," Kyle said. "This is Gabriella my ward. She is also a fabulous cook."

He shook my hand and said, "It is my pleasure meeting you. So you knew what to order."

"Yes I did," I said. "Your quality speaks for itself."

"Well then Gabriella where can I put all of this?" He asked.

"Bring it all in I have to figure out which freezers they are going into," I said. 

When he brought in the boxes of meat I said, "Thank you Redman would you like to join us for lunch."

"As much as I want to say yes," He said. "I do have to get to the next delivery. I will take a IOU."

I opened the first box and Kyle asked, "Your not eating?"

"You both eat I want to get this organized," I said. "Besides I tasted the soup a lot when I was making it."

Lifting the first box I saw steak and headed to the freezer. Putting some stew beef in the meat drawer of the fridge I made quick work of putting everything away. When I sat down Kyle asked, "Did that fill the freezers?"

"Not at all," I said. "But the long freezer is almost full. I have a lot coming."

Taking the boxes I broke them down and placed them in the wood box for the fire place. Sitting down I ladled a small amount of soup into my bowl and asked, "How many people for dinner tonight?"

"Just you and I," Kyle said. "However I will be having a business meeting tomorrow can you prepare lunch for me, Sam, plus four other people."

"How much do you want to impress these people?" I asked.

"Last time I dined with them at their home they did a buffet with finger foods," He said. "Mid quality."

"I will do a lunch buffet. Mid to higher quality with flare," I said. "Easy yet spectacular. Will we be utilizing the dining room? Or will this be in the office at the table in there?"

"The dining room please for around two in the afternoon," He said. "What are you thinking?"

"Let me ask this," I said. "What kind of deal?"

"Construction," He said. "Oh you cheeky woman I see that smirk. Your gonna play on the trade?"

"Mini cheesesteaks, a pasta salad, potato salad, a cheese board and a selection of fruit plus desert," I said. "Oh and I will also make a vegetable mushroom cheese steak as well incase people do not want meat."

Kyle looked impressed and said, "Sam your right, I am glad I have the in home gym."

Lifting the tablet I placed the last two orders while the guys ate and asked Kyle if he can set me an account up for the dairy. He took the tablet and set it up and I did a order for them as well. Standing up I said, "I will clean up I am just going to organize the pantries a bit more before the remaining seven orders get here. Dinner will be served around nine tonight."

When the guys were done eating they put their plates in the sink and I put the soup in two containers. As I accepted the orders as they came in I spent the day cleaning the dining room, the kitchen and put everything away. When Sam went to leave he said, "Gabby I am heading out do you need anything?"

I smiled and handed him a container of soup, "Take some of this home to your wife. Kyle said she is pregnant and this would be good for her."

He took it and said, "See you in the morning."

Looking through the pantry I took stock on what I wanted to order more of. When I heard the dryer buzz I grabbed the dining room table cloth I had chosen and laid it on the table with a center piece, along with the salt and pepper shakers.

I prepared the buffet to place the dishes on with decorations. Going back into the kitchen I started pasta and potatoes on the stove to make the salads for the next day. Then I sat down and made the remaining orders for delivery the following morning. I knew that with everything I ordered I would be able to do just refresher orders after this and I will be able to help Kyle take out my Dad. Getting the pasta and potatoes into a ice bath I started making the mixes for the salads and chopping up the vegetables. When the salads were done I set a timer on the tablet and went into the garden. 

Walking through the garden I saw the vegetable and fruits. I sighed and said, "You poor things I will get you back in shape quick as can be. Running back to the kitchen I grabbed a wicker basket from the laundry room and picked lemons, limes, oranges. Looking in the beds of vegetables I found there were many still growing. Grabbing the rubbish bin I weeded out some of the bins and found a bush of parsley and basil. Grabbing handfuls of both I went back to the kitchen to cook dinner.

When Kyle emerged from his office he found dinner was ready. He said, "I smell something savory and something sweet."

"Well you are right on both accounts," I said. "The savory is a lemon cream chicken over fettucine and the sweet is the key lime pies I made for desert tomorrow."

"You made the deserts early?" He asked. 

"Well I wanted to make sure you approved so I made one for you to try tonight for desert." I said.

"The chicken smells delicious," He said.

"There is fresh bread as well," I said. "Not mine. I ordered from the Italian supply store. They sell proof and bake break and they are good if we are in a pinch."

"Before I go to bed I will make the dough for the cheesesteak rolls and let that proof over night," I said.

He sat at the table and I carried the pan over and sat down. He said, "Are you alright you are handling everything very well?"

Sitting down I said, "Kyle you saved my life. I have overheard my Dad and step monster lately and I was on the chopping block. One of these beatings would be the end of me. I want to help you take him down."

"Then what?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said. "Stay on as the head cook here?"

He let out a laugh and he said, "One hurdle at a time."

He platted his meal and I handed him a parmesan cheese brick and grater saying, "You know you want to. Oh and the butter for the bread is honey butter homemade."

I plated my food up and cut a slice of bread. I spread the butter on and took a bite waiting for him to be done with  the cheese. He handed it to me and I added a small amount on and mixed my pasta. Watching him take a bite I saw him smile and he said, "Damn Gabby this is amazing."

He cut a chunk of bread and tried the butter. He asked, "You made the butter?"

"I sure did," I said. "All it is is heavy cream in the mixer until it forms the butter. Worked out nice as I got butter milk from it for baking. If the  guys tomorrow brag about your food more people will want to do business with you and that will take business from my dad. I also made a garlic herb version of this to go on the cheese steaks bread before I toast the buns and add the meat. Also I did something else. When I placed my orders I got small and large to go containers so if one of your guests wants a snack for after we can send them away with a treat."

"Bribery in a good way," He said. 

"Of course," I said. "I also picked a printer up, ink and printer paper. If any of the guys say oh my wife would love this recipe I will have them printed up on the counter. If no one asks for them I will have them in a binder for next time."

"That is smart," He said finishing his meal. "Wow the spouse and you have a foot in."

Handing him the binder I prepared he looked through it and said, "That is great work. Do you add the recipes after you make the items?"

"I sure do," I said. "So in it is the butter's, the pie and salads. This will always be on the mantel by the fireplace."

He looked at me and said, "So there is a taster pie."

I went to lift the pan and he said, "I got this you get the pie."

He put the dinner pan and the bread on the stove and I grabbed one of the pies from the fridge and said, "Some people will pipe whipped cream on the pie before serving. I do not because some people may want it plain or with a mountain of whipped cream. The whipped cream will be in a bowl so everyone can do it to their preference."

He cut the first slice and placed it on my plate and then took one for himself. I added a small amount of whipped cream to my pie and he tasted the pie and added a larger amount. While he ate I said, "The limes used for the pie came from the garden. The fruit trees are so full of fruit I will be working on them all week. I will harvest some and place them in a basket incase the men want the recipe and you could be generous and say well the limes in this pie come from our personal garden I will have to give you some so the pie tastes the same."

He continued to eat and said, "I have one thing to say, damn Gabby this is amazing. I saw that there were two big bowls in the fridge what are they?"

"There are three actually," I said. "One is the pasta salad. One is a plain potato and one is a mustard potato with hard boiled eggs. Would you like to sample them?"

He nodded and I grabbed the three taster bowls I already prepared. Placing them in front of him he took the fork and tried each of them. He looked up and said, "Gabby you are a genius."

"Well if you get midnight craving those will be in the fridge for you as well as the leftovers from lunch and dinner," I said. "All the leftovers are on the bottom shelf of the fridge."

Standing up I put the food away and the bread on the mantel of the fireplace. Then I got the mixer out and made the dough for the rolls for tomorrow. After I got the roll dough finished I asked Kyle what time he wanted breakfast. He said he was not a big breakfast person but would let me know if he wanted something. I headed to my room and took a shower changing into pajamas. Pulling a robe on I went into the garden and sat on a chair. The breeze that came through held the first feel of fall.

Smiling to myself I relaxed in a chair. Looking at the sky I said, "Mama if you can hear me I promise I will be okay and I am going to take Dad down. I wish you were here with me."

What I didn't know is Kyle was standing around the corner watching me and heard me speak out loud to my mom. He softly said to himself, "Kimberly I promise you I will care for and protect Gabriella with my life. I will help her take down the man who killed your family."


The next morning I got up and dressed and headed into the kitchen. Getting the bowl with dough I shaped the rolls and set them for a second proof. Sitting with a cup of tea I placed a few more orders for delivery before the luncheon. I went into the fridge and heated up some pasta from the night before for breakfast as Kyle and Sam walked in. Kyle saw the pasta and said, "Leftovers for breakfast?"

"Why let it go to waste?" I said. "Besides pasta always tastes better the next day."

Sam laughed and said, "Well in that case I will just help myself."

I went to get up and Kyle said, "Gabby you do not need to serve us eat your meal hot."

Sitting back down I said, "Kyle I do have a question for you."

"Shoot," He said as he heated himself up a bowl.

"How are we going to explain me being here," I said. "Most people like to give compliments to the chef or cook. My Dad played it off as the cook staff left. But I know your not like that."

Sam sat down and said, "I never thought of that Kyle what do you think?"

"That's easy," Kyle said. "Your the Granddaughter of a dear friend who had to get out of a horrible situation. So you are staying with me as my ward until we can resolve the situation which is a very private and personal matter. Most of the people will be accepting of that answer and I will throw in that you were in culinary school overseas and as part of you staying here you are working through your issues in the kitchen."

"Damn man that is a great explanation," Sam said. "Now Gabby before they get here I will have you have everything placed out on the buffet. How will we keep everything warm?"

"Easy the long black platters boards are warming trays. I will place the buffet pans on them and they will be fine. The cords are hidden by the decor. The cold salads will be in the glass bowls in an ice tray. with the flowers I have being delivered tucked into the ice. The pies will be placed on ice trays I have in the freezer to keep the pies cold along with the homemade whip cream."

Kyle nodded and said, "You have the to go containers ready and recipes printed as well right?"

"Yes," I said. "How many men will there be again?"

"As of this morning six," He said. "Four people with Sam and I."

"Alright I will have four bags of the limes ready as well," I said. "After the food is served and you are having your meeting I will take the back door to the garden and work out there."

The delivery door rang and I went to let them in. After he left Kyle looked at me and I said, "Believe me when I say we have a lot of food but I think you will be getting a lot of requests for meeting and I want to be prepared for anything. I did want to place one order and you will have to set up one more account."

"What is it for?" He asked.

"Different woods for the fire place," I said. "Last night I was sitting in the garden and I felt fall in the breeze. Then I looked at the tablet and realized it is September twenty-fifth and realized before we know it I can use the fireplace to cook and that is when the rustic meals will start."

Sam looked up and asked, "Rustic?"

"Game hens on the spit using the fire to roast them with new potatoes in a pan underneath cooking and catching all the hen drippings," I said. "While i was looking through the kitchen I found all the tools and pans for the fireplace."

Kyle asked, "Do you have a place in mind?"

"Its loaded," I said. "They are a non affiliated store, and the owner is a sweetheart."

He set up the account and I ordered an assortment of wood to be delivered around lunch time. I said, "I will have them place the wood in the delivery area near the stairs in the shed that is empty. Do not worry I only dashed outside and saw there was an empty shed I did not go out or wander."

Kyle nodded and said, "I will bring down an envelope so you can tip the drivers or delivery crew. I normally tip $20 per person."

Nodding I said, "Got it."

Standing up I washed my plate and grabbed all the vegetables for the cheesesteaks. I added the meat in one bowl and seasoned it. Then I grabbed the elephant ear mushrooms and added seasoning to them as well. Placing them aside I started cutting the onions and peppers for each. The guys watched me and Sam asked, "Gabby do you know how to use a gun."

"No," I said. "I prefer knives and my skills with them are much better."

When I had everything ready I took the bread pans out and placed them in the oven. Setting a timer on the tablet I grabbed the board for the cheese and made a charcutier board that could rival hotels. Then I cut fruit and made a fruit platter. When the bread was done I took the rolls and slathered them with the garlic parmesan butter. I accepted all the deliveries and tipped each of the workers with the cash Sam brought me. I notated how much I tipped each time to track what we had spent. When it was time to cook the meat and vegetables I opened all the rolls and toasted them and then added the meat vegetable and cheese mixture. Adding them to the first buffet pan I placed them on the warmer tray I turned on. Then I finished the vegetarian cheesesteaks and added them on the warming board. With thirty minutes left I placed out the cold food and checked to make sure the cheesesteaks were holding up. Happy with the buffet I headed to the kitchen. 

Kyle came in and said, "Everything looks great and thankyou for the ice water pitchers on the table and the assorted drinks barrel. Keep the tablet with you and I will use the communication tool on it if we need you. It will sound like a door bell."

He took out his phone and the sound of a door bell came out of the tablet. 

Looking at him I said, "The recipes are in the binder and there are eight mesh bags of limes on the counter. I will be in the garden with my lunch."

After I ate I went back to the kitchen and added my plate to the dishwasher. Going back to the garden I emptied the orange tree of all of the fruits that was ready and went to start with the lemons when I heard the doorbell sound. Wiping my hand on the apron I walked to the kitchen with the basket I was filling.

Sam was in the kitchen and said, "They would like to offer their compliments to the chef."

Nodding I followed him through the door I went and stood next to Kyle. He stood up and said, "Gentleman this is Gabby my ward. She is the amazing cook who made the food you ate today."

The older of the men stood up and said, "Gabby this food has been amazing and Kyle told us everything here was homemade with the exception of the cheese and drinks."

Putting on the biggest smile I said, "I am so happy you like the food. Kyle is right everything but the cheese and some of the fruit is all homemade. Cooking is a passion of mine and personally I want to know what is in the food I am eating."

Another gentleman said, "Well Kyle has offered us the recipes if we wanted them and I for one will be taking them as my wife loves to cook and that bread was better than most shops. You are an amazing cook. Kyle do not let this woman go she is a genius in the kitchen."

Kyle placed his hand on my back and said, "I will get you gentleman the recipes. If you will excuse us."

I led the way to the kitchen and when the door shut he said, "They have been raving about the food while we had our meeting."

Taking a basket I added the recipe binder, to go containers and the lines to it and said, "Remember to offer leftovers. I am going to finish harvesting the orange tree."

He took the basket and I placed my ear to do the door and heard him say, "Now gentleman I hope we have your backing for the construction project."

Walking back to the garden with a new basket I finished harvesting the oranges that were ready. Going back to the kitchen I grabbed a bowl and washed some of the oranges. Sitting at the counter on a bar stool the older gentleman came in and said, "Gabby again the food was wonderful. I see you like the kitchen a lot."

"I do sir," I said.

"Oh call me Henry," He said. "What are you doing with all these oranges?"

As he washed his hands I said, "Well Henry first thing I am doing is making some home made orange zest to use in cooking and baking. Then some of the oranges will be juiced for drinking and the pith and rinds will be used to make pectin to make homemade jams. Waste not is my motto."

"What a smart girl," He said. "Were these oranges the same ones that were on the buffet?"

"They were," I said. "Would you like a few to bring home so you can enjoy them later?"

"I would love some," He said. "I took some food for later and the recipes for my wife. She is going to love the potato salad with the egg and mustard."

I took a mesh bag and handed him six oranges. He took my hands and said, "You are such a sweet girl I hope to see you again soon. But as we will be working with Kyle I look forward to our next meal as well."

"Well then I will have to make it a great one again," I said.

He turned to leave and I heard him say to Kyle, "That young lady is a gem boy I would scoop her up as fast as you can."

Chuckling I worked on the oranges and an hour later Sam came in and said, "They left do you want some help with the leftovers?"

"No but I will make you a few containers to bring home so your wife doesn't have to cook," I said.

"Thank you she will appreciate it," He said. "Its been a rough pregnancy and its hard for her to do much."

Going into the dining room I gathered the little food that was left and brought it into the kitchen. Making some boxes for Sam I put the very few leftovers away and went to get the dishes and clean the dining room. By the time Kyle and Sam came in I had the dining room cleaned and all the dishes washed. Sam saw the containers and said, "Well you both I will see you tomorrow."

He walked out the door and Kyle said, "Now we wait."

Looking at Kyle I said, "When Henry came in to wash his hands he said they were going to be doing business with you and could not wait until the next meal. Speaking of meals we have enough soup, pasta and buffet food for dinner tonight unless you want me to cook something new."

"No leftovers are fine," He said. "You impressed me today Gabby."

"What can I say," I said. "I love to cook. I believe we may have started a new trend for you. Everyone is going to want a meal when they come here from now on."

He sat there with a look on his face and was about to say something when his phone rang. Picking it up he said, "Henry how can I help you?"

He sat listening and said, "I can draw up the contracts tonight if you want to come by in the morning. Shall we have breakfast? No? Alright just coffee. See you at ten."

When he hung up I said, "I will make sure coffee is ready and I will make some orange muffins just incase he gets in a snacking mood."

Getting up I gathered supplies and pulled out the stand mixer. Looking at the mixer I said, "Nope your staying on the counter from now on."

Kyle sat there and watched me as I made the muffins and after I got them in the oven he asked, "Gabby I have a business proposal for you?"

Looking up I said, "I am listening."

"Marry me," He said. "Be my wife and join our families. Let us fight your Dad together."

"Kyle you have known me for a day and you want me to marry you?" I asked

He stood up and walked over to me. Leaning over he shut the water off and turned me to him. Leaning down he kissed me. When he kissed me I felt fireworks and when we pulled apart I said, "Kyle."

He said, "I will never harm you or make you do anything you don't want to do. We can wait for a while to get married but I can protect you."

"Yes," I said. "But can we please take this relationship slow."

He said, "Yes. By the way the house is your to explore and change to your tastes. Also when your ready we can start planning the wedding."

Nodding I stood there until the timer on the oven went off. That shook us out of our haze and I leaned over to get the muffins out of the oven. I took them out of the pan and placed them on a cooling rack and I saw Kyle eyeing them. I said, "Not until they cool."

He looked at me and took my hand. "Well let's look at the house then."

He gave me a tour of the house and we ended up at the attic door. When he saw me stiffen he said, "Gabby you are alright I wanted to show you a project you may want to tackle eventually. My Mom used the attic as a catch all and there is a bunch of decor in here. The basement is the same."

He put the light on and we walked in with Kyle holding my hand the whole time. The attic ran through the length of the house and I said, "Wow this is a lot of stuff."

"Wait till you see the basement," He said.

Gong down to the basement he said, "Mom collected a lot and I know you would think of something for everything. Also once we get married we can move into the master suite which you can remodel."

"Do you really only stay in your office?" I asked.

"Well I now have a reason to go to the kitchen and dining room as well," He said tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Well," I said. "If we are going to have a fresh start to our marriage maybe we can have a few charity events and auction the items we are not going to keep."

He put his head to the side and said, "That is a great idea we will have to think about it. Now for the room which I will hope years from now will be very special to us."

We stopped at a set of doors and I asked, "What is this room it lines the entire garden?"

Opening the double doors he said, "Its the ball room. I would love for us to be married in here as my parents were married in here as well."

He flipped the light switch and said, "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful," I said. "Your Mom must have designed the room."

"Why do you say that?" He said. 

"Its similar colors to her or may I say, my room." I said. "So you said there is a master suite. Do you want to show me?"

Taking my hand he led me up the staircase and said, "My room is next to the office for now, but I would love to move up here with you once we get married."

Opening the doors at the end of the hall there was a huge sitting room, master bedroom and master bathroom. Looking in the closets I said, "I guess we have a lot of work to do."

"We?" He asked.

Pointing to the second closet I said, "I am going to assume you will want some of your Dads things. When would you like to be married?"

He smiled and said, "Well I am going to assume you want to get the house ready. But I was thinking this spring or summer. Plenty of time to really get to know each other and no pressure or rush."

"Alright how about July thirtieth," I said. "But how about this if we are doing this and starting fresh I want to do something special. Lets us do something to help people and make you look like the most generous man ever. Let us host a few charity events in the ball room. The items we decide not to keep in the house we can hold auctions for or high end sales for charity and announce our engagement in mid January. Then as the home becomes ours we can open more rooms and show everyone how we are a united team. Also my Father will not be able to touch me with me on your arm. We will keep the story as we have it until the wedding."

"I like that," He said. Pulling me into a hug he said, "I was foolish to kidnap you but I feel like us meeting was fate."

Looking up I kissed his cheek and said, "So do I?"

Taking his hand I led him out of the room and he asked, "Where are we going?"

"Well we are going to the kitchen so you can try the muffins," I said. "Then I am going back to the garden to make plans because she is going to be beautiful for our wedding. You can join me if you want to?"

"I would love to," He said.


After Kyle tried the muffins I made for his meeting we went to the garden and he watched as I sat next to a garden bed. He looked at me and said, "Gabby that garden bed is empty and full of weeds."

"You think so?" I said.

"I will bet you it is," He said. "If I am wrong I will clean up dinner for ten days."

"Oh how nice it will be to not have to clean up," I said. "But if I am wrong what do you want."

"To see what is under all those clothes," He said.

"Deal," I said.

Grabbing a basket I moved it next to me and pulled the first head of garlic out of the garden. I gave him a look and continued to dig more up. As I lifted more dirt I pulled out more and more heads of garlic. He sat there and said, "How did you know?"

"Easy," I said. "When garlic is ready to be picked the tops die off like this. Normally they are picked a little sooner but they can still be stored and used."

"You really like homemaking don't you?" He asked.

"I love gardening," I said. "Most of the gardening beds need to be gutted and redone. I ordered seeds and bulbs. This bed is going to be new carrots. Rule of thumb is you never plant the same thing twice."

"Won't the cold kills them," He asked.

"No," I said. "Because after I plant the seeds and water the dirt I am going to lay hay on the beds to hold them for the winter.

He sat looking at me for a moment and asked, "What kind of budget would you like for remodeling the house?"

Laughing I said, "Well you can be thankful the kitchen is not being touched. I love the kitchen and want to keep it as it is. For the ball room I want to keep that the same way as well but I would love to change out the curtains. I can call around and find out the costs for them, As I have been living in darkness for so many years I would love to let the light in. I am sure we will need to clean the walls down and polish the floor. I will be able to do some of the work myself and the rest I get vendors. I will come to you though once I have a list to see who you would prefer."

Nodding he said, "Alright then. I will set you up a account starting with a half million in it for the remodeling of the house. I know it sounds like a lot but you will be surprised how fast that may be spent."

Yawning I said, "That is a lot. I was hoping to keep a strict budget."

He laughed and said, "Never mind about the money and you are exhausted lets put the garlic in the kitchen and get you to bed."

Lifting the basket I took his hand as he helped me up. Placing the muffins in a container I asked, "Don't you have to get your contracts done?"

Kyle laughed and he said, "Would it sound bad that I was sure they would agree I made them before the meeting?"

"Not at all," I said. "I will make sure there is a tray ready and will bring it and the coffee in once Henry gets here."

He said, "So you can check in?"

"A friendly face and fresh muffins to sweeten the deal," I said. "Besides I like Henry I know his reputation but I know he does a lot to help people in need. I worry about him because he is on my Dads list of adversaries."

Kyle nodded and said, "We will have to have a business dinner just the two of us to go over all that."

Chuckling I said, "You may want to have the meeting in your office without food."

"Why is that?" He asked. "Because I get all food crazed when I eat and you are in the room."

There was a moment I thought I insulted him and then Kyle burst out laughing. He said, "Your right I do go to LaLa land when you in the room and there is food."

I did have an idea though, "Maybe you can let Henry know about our engagement. Tell him we are going to keep it a secret for a while as we want time to revel in it ourselves. Play on the heart a bit."

He nodded and said, "I will feel him out when we have our sit down."

Yawning again. Kyle turned me toward my room and said, "Okay Miss you have had a long day and need a good night of sleep."

I waved and said, "Good night Kyle."

When I went to walk away he took my hand and said, "Thank you for everything Gabby."

Kissing his cheek I said, "Same to you."


I was woken up by Kyle the next morning. He was sitting on the side of my bed rubbing my back saying, "Gabby I need to talk to you."

Stirring from sleep I asked, "Did I over sleep?"

"No," He said. "Sam just called me. His wife Julie is not doing so well and he does not want to leave her alone. Would you mind helping keep an eye on her today. She is seven months along but she has not been handling it well. I was not sure what your plans were."

"Oh course," I said. "Your Mom's wheel chair is in the corner. I will help with Julie and it would be nice to have some input on the ballroom. You know from a woman's perspective. Will we be letting them in on our secret?"

"I am sure Sam already mentioned you," He said. "Not who you are but about you being my ward."

Nodding I said, "She is in my capable hands. I will make a nice lunch for us for around two if you are alright with that?"

Kyle smiled and said, "Julie has been craving fried chicken."

Nudging him off the bed I said, "Alright then I need to run to the kitchen."

He said, "Gabby slow down its only seven in the morning. We are both in our pajamas still."

"Well I have to get the chicken to thaw so I can make lunch later," I said. "Wait here."

Going to the kitchen I pulled a few bags of chicken tenders out of the freezer and put them in the sink with cold water to thaw. Going back to my room I said, "We still have an hour till my alarm goes off. Lets lay down and watch the morning."

Opening the curtains I climbed into bed. I moved over and patted the mattress saying, "Come on scary man its to early to be up yet."

He climbed into the bed and said, "I could get used to this."

Laying back against him I said, "I know we have that big ole suite upstairs but the garden view from here is beautiful."

He chuckled and said, "You know the master bedroom is above this room. The patio is above us and it is massive. If you want we can make an upstairs garden as well with planter boxes and miniature trees."

"I would love that," I said. Closing my eyes I dozed off for a while longer.

An hour later Kyle woke me saying, "Rise and shine Gabby."

Yawning I asked, "Did you sleep at all Kyle?"

"No," He said. "I rested a while with my eyes closed but Henry will be here soon enough so we need to get up and moving."

Sitting up I stretched and said, "Well let me find some clothes to get out of the jammies and I will be in the kitchen in a bit."

Kyle left the room and I got up to get dressed. Pulling on soft pants and a shirt I slipped on soft shoes. Heading to the kitchen I started a pot of coffee. Pulling out the coffee service tray I set everything up while I waited for the coffee to brew. Kyle came back and grabbed a cup of coffee as I filled the coffee service tray. Adding muffins to a basket and creams and butters I put the tray on the cart to take to Kyles office. Turning to him I said, "Let me know if we have any upcoming dinners this week so I can plan a menu."

Sam walked in pushing a petite woman in a wheel chair. Smiling I said, "You must be Julie how are you feeling?"

She laughed as she took my hand and said, "Gabby I am so glad I am not the only gal around anymore. I wish I was not a burden with having you baby sit me."

"Oh your not being babysat," I said. "Kyle is letting me remodel and I need a friend to help. I will pay you in fried chicken."

She gave a brilliant smile and said, "Oh you have a plan?"

Sam said, "She knows everything, Kyle gave me to fully inform Julie."

"Well then you know who I really am," I said. "Please for your safety do not say anything."

"Not at all," She said. "I had the displeasure of meeting your Father and Step Mom I cannot wait for them to get their due. So which room are we going to start on?"

"We are going to look around the ball room and see what needs to be changed," I said. "I had suggested a charity sale after the ball room has been redone. But we cannot use the ballroom unless its cleaned and done first."

Kyle took the cart and said, "I left a few notebooks on the table for you so you can make notes. Once you make a list we can see who we need to hire."

"Good idea," I said. Leaning up I kissed his cheek and said, "You know where we will be. Sam there is coffee on the counter and muffins save what's on the cart for the meeting."

Sam stopped from taking items from the cart and said, "Your good."

Turning to Julie I asked, "Are you hungry?"

She said, "I would love a muffin in a bit but right now I am feeling weary on eating due to this little one doing flips."

Laughing I said, "Well lets go to the ballroom and see what we can do."

We went to the ballroom and listed all the changes that I wanted to make. Julie helped me figure out what I wanted to go and I had a list of things I wanted to do. As I started to push her to the kitchen Kyle and Sam came out with Henry. He gave a large smile and said, "Gabby sweetheart its lovely to see you today, Julie sweetheart when will your arrival be joining us?"

I took Henrys hand and asked, "Did Kyle give you some muffins for the road?"

Henry patted his carry bag and said, "Oh yes he did and I cannot wait to have lunch with both of you ladies on Saturday."

Julie patted her belly and said, "Well Henry you better be bringing your lovely wife and hopefully this little one decides to be a team player."

He laughed and said, "Of course I am bringing Edith and I told Kyle but she loves seafood and lighter fare for lunch."

Smiling I said, "Well I hope she likes family style I have a nice menu in mind already."

He let out a hearty laugh and said, "Wonderful."

Julie and I went on to the kitchen and I started to get oil ready in the pan as I made a prep line for making the fried chicken. Julie looked over the notes we had made and used the tablet to find the curtains I wanted to replace in the windows. As the oil heated I made a garden salad and then I started to fry the chicken. As the chicken cooked I set the table and added all the condiments and fresh bread.

Taking a small piece of chicken I handed it to Julie and she took a bite as she said, "Gabby this is ticking off my craving. That and the salad I have had some weird salad cravings lately."

Smiling I said, "Good I want you to be happy with it. Your not offended that I have been sending food home with Sam?"

She chuckled and said, "Not at all I am so thankful that you have and I did not need to cook. Send me your leftovers."

Gabriella Martinez- main

Kyle Worthington- Crime boss Sam- Beta(Julie)

Phillip Martinez- Father  Caroline Martinez- Step sister Anne- Stepped mom

Martin McCabe- Grandfather Kimberly- Mom

Redman- Farmer family

Meeting people- Henry(Edith)
