Hey all my Tumblr series can be located HERE I hope you all enjoy the pre-post drafts
"Well, Beth, it's an application for my position," I will stay on till your baby is born and you are back from maternity leave as you are the most qualified person here to run this post and research facility. I will train you, and when you get back, I will stay on a while longer to ensure everything runs smoothly, and then she is all yours."
Abandoned and Found
We were in the car driving through a country road. Something seemed off in the car. Almost as if the other shoe was about to drop. Tom had picked me up from what was supposed to be our new home as my job had required me to move to a small town in Florida. After what I thought was a relaxing weekend together, packing up the house and having my parents load their van with a bulk of the house items including all my belongings. We were heading back to the new house now as I had to be back to work the next afternoon. I looked over at my partner Tom and he had a look on his face that actually scared me.
"Tom, you look stressed are you okay?" I asked. He was so focused on the road I didn't think he heard me. So I leaned over and touched his arm. He seemed to jump when I touched him.
"What Beth," He growled.
"I asked if you were okay you seem stressed," I said, pulling back in my chair. "What has gotten into you."
He gave me a look and went to say something then stopped. He pulled over to a rest stop, "Do you have cell service?"
I looked at my phone and then back to him, "Yes, I do, why?"
"We need to talk," He said, turning towards me, "You are not going to like what I have to say."
"Tom, what's going on? You're not acting like yourself." I said.
'Well Beth you are not going to like this but this whole weekend has been a lie. I faked this whole weekend to put up with you so all of the household items and your stuff could be packed up and you would be moved out. As that house is in my name, I am keeping it. You can keep that tiny house you purchased and I will live like a king in the house I own. I want to be with my girlfriend. She is younger and better than you could ever be." He said smirking. I knew something had been going on, and this confirmed everything. I am glad before Tom picked me up on Friday I had removed him from everything but the bank card.
I looked at him and laughed, "So this whole weekend was a game to you? Well, Tom your in for a rude awakening."
I looked up to see my parents pull into the rest stop behind us. I got out and grabbed my bags from the back seat. I walked over to my dad and handed him all my belongings and told him to wait in the van with mom. My dad wasn't happy, but he did as I asked. I also went on my phone and shut off Tom's card.
I climbed back into the car with Tom, "Okay Tom so this is what is going to happen. With the exception of that house everything else was mine. You have no access to the money in my accounts and you have 24 hours to return my car back to me as it is in my name . Or better yet that young girlfriend can come and get you from here."
"You have to be joking Beth. I only work part-time how am I supposed to pay for anything?" He yelled.
"It's not my problem Tom I never prevented you from working full time and I am not going to pay for you and your girlfriend. That card you had in my account was only a card for emergencies. I never put you on my credit cards or car loans you want the girlfriend you don't get the benefits of having a wife." I leaned over and took the keys from the console and got out of the car. "You can get out of the car at anytime Tom."
I walked over to my parent's van and my dad opened his window, "Dad, why don't you drive down the way to the Cracker Barrel I will be right behind you in my car."
"What's going on Bethie?" He asked.
"I will explain when I get there," I said. "No worries Dad I am okay."
Tom was standing in front of the car when I was walking back to the car. "By the way Tom just so you're aware I already had a lawyer involved. Last week your phone sent me an overage alert to our plan and I discovered your data and text messages. Your phone will be off on Wednesday. I called my lawyer and per our prenup, you cannot come after me for anything. You will be getting nothing."
I walked over to the driver's side of the car and opened the door. "Also Tom by chance did your girlfriend know that we were still sleeping together?"
"I don't see why that matters Beth?" He said as I climbed into the car.
"Oh, Tom for someone who likes to pretend you know everything you really are foolish," I said as I started the car. "I guess you will figure it out eventually."
I started the car and pulled out of the rest stop and met my parents in the parking lot of Cracker Barrel. My mom looked very concerned and my dad in his typical manner looked at me and said, "You handle your shit Bethie?"
I smiled, "I sure did Daddy."
"Good," He said. "Let's get some lunch and you can tell me and Mom here what's going on."
I followed my parents into the restaurant and after we ordered my mom took my hands and said, "Bethie what's going on? Why did you leave Tom at the rest stop?"
I sighed and sat back in my chair. "Mom and Dad I am divorcing Tom. I found out last week that he has been having an affair and that he had been having her stay at the house when I was not there. I found out first from the phone records, Then I had Kara's husband Matt watch the house as he is a licensed private investigator. I have been paying for everything and Tom was having a grand ole time. I went this weekend to see what would happen but he admitted everything to me at the rest stop. All of the belongings in the car are mine and mine alone. He made sure all of my things are out of the house now."
My dad looked angrier than ever, "Why that little shit."
I laughed, "Dad it's ok. Before I came home this weekend I blocked him out of everything. Investments, banking, everything. As for him coming after me for anything... Well, the prenup I had him sign states he gets nothing if he cheats. I have documented proof that he has cheated. There is also one more thing. You're going to be Grandparents. I found out two days before Tom came and got me. He doesn't know and I am not saying anything until we go to court for the divorce. I am going to seek full custody and no contact."
"Well," My dad said smiling, "I never thought we would be Grandparents as Tom never came across as a man who wanted children. Bethie, Mom, and I will be there to help you. We were thinking of moving up your way as we don't have anything left for us in Spring Hill. That is if you want your parents this close to ya."
"Dad you and mom what to live out in the country?" I asked, "I thought you hated mowing the lawn."
My mom started laughing, "Oh Bethie your dad loves sitting on his lawn tractor and mowing. Your dad also loves gardening. I guess once we buy a home with some land your dad can finally have the garden he has always wanted. Not the five-foot plot he has now."
The waitress brought our food and we started to eat. My dad and mom looked happier than they have been in years. As I ate I also realized the weight I had on my shoulders had finally started to lift.
After we ate lunch and shopped in the store we headed over to my house. My dad backed into the driveway and saw the house across the street was for sale. I knew what he was thinking right away as he saw the greenhouse in the backyard.
"Excuse me ladies I will be right back and Bethie do not lift anything heavy." He said as he crossed the street.
I walked into the house and turned down the AC to a much cooler temperature. I grabbed the burgers out of the freezer and threw them on the stove to thaw. My mom walked in and sat at the kitchen counter.
"Bethie," She asked. "Are you sure your okay?"
"To be honest with you Mom not really but what am I going to do? I didn't make this decision lightly Tom has been having this affair for months and all the while I was paying for almost everything and setting up for what I thought would be our life here." I sighed, "I am glad it is over now and I will let Tom know about the baby during the court proceedings because it is the right thing. But you know as well as I do he probably will not want anything to do with him or her."
Mom went to say something but Dad rushed through the door. "Grace my love you need to come across the street and see this house."
I started laughing as Dad pulled Mom out of her seat and lead her across the street to the neighbor's house. With Dad being this excited I can see them being my neighbors within a month. I walked into my office and started up my computer to see what needed to be caught up on. The first email I saw was from work letting everyone know that we start ground surveys on Tuesday and to make sure we have a good pair of hiking boots. I looked in my closet and realized I will need to get a new pair this week unless there are some in the boxes of the remaining amount of my belongings.
I sat thinking about how things were really going to change now. When I found out I was pregnant I was excited to share this with Tom. Then the discovery that he was cheating turned the thought of a traditional family upside down. I turned my attention to the computer again and the next email was from my lawyer. It had the title, 'Papers Being Served Monday'. I looked up to see Dad standing in the doorway.
"Well, Bethie I am sure this is not the way you envisioned having a baby. But Bethie girl I am so proud of how you stood up to Tom." He said as he sat across from me. "Listen Mom and I know it's going to be hard for you. But we will help you with the baby so you don't have to worry about daycare. Also, you knew I never really liked Tom. If you feel there is going to be an issue when he finds out you let me know."
I smiled, "Thanks, Dad. I have spoken to work about a possible child in the future and was told as long as I am in the office I can bring the baby with me and set up a playpen and everything. But the idea of the baby staying with you makes me really happy as well. So are you and Mom going to be my neighbor?"
Dad smiled and said, "You bet Bethie girl. Mom is on the phone with the realtor now putting a bid in. Mom and I have plenty of funds in the bank to cover the cost of the house and the owner is ready to accept. Knowing this is a cash closing he is super excited because that means he can start RV life sooner. We are trying for a two-week close date. He did ask though if you would mind seeing his RV outside while he loads it up with what he is not selling."
"He is more than welcome to leave it outside as long as he needs. Is his Driveway long enough?" I asked.
"He is going to park it along the lawn," Dad said as Mom walked into the room.
"Well, Bethie in two weeks' time we will be your neighbors. The realtor accepted the booking and the seller already accepted so we are good to go. Oh, the seller wanted to let you know he was going to sell the lawn tractor but he will sell it cheap if you want it." Mom said, "If you want it head over and look at it now. We can write him a check. I am sure Bethie won't mind holding it in her garage or shed for two weeks."
I looked at Dad smiling and said, 'Go dad you can put it in the gardening shed in the back yard. The thing is huge and I am trying to decide what to do with it right now."
Dad jumped up and ran out the door with our laughs following him.
Mom looked at me and said, "That man gets excited about the simplest things in life. I guess that is a blessing. You know, once you have this baby, you will never get rid of him."
Laughing, I said, "I kinda figured that. Dad was always an amazing dad who was there for everything. I can't imagine him being any less of a grandfather."
Mom smiled, "Beth, are you ready to do this without a husband."
I frowned, "To be honest, Mom, not really. But I have had some time to think about things lately. Things would have been different if Tom wouldn't be a cheating asshole, but he was. I think I will be okay between bringing the baby with me to work and you having this little one when I can't."
Mom gave me one of the looks that said I don't believe you, but she didn't say anything else. She did smile and say, "Well, I will be glad to watch the baby, and you know your dad will move heaven and earth to have the baby--"
"Charlie," I said. "The baby's name is going to be Charlie. Charlie Grace for a girl and Charlie Stephen if it's a boy."
That did it, Mom was suckered in, "After your Daddy?"
Smiling, I said, "Who else would I name the baby after Mom."
Dad walked in and said, "Named what?"
Mom looked at him with tears and said, "The baby's name is to be Charlie. Charlie Grace for a girl and Charlie Stephen if it's a boy. After you, my love."
Dad sat down and said, "Well, I'll be since we never had a boy ourselves and still get someone named after me. Bethie, this is an honor, and I cannot wait to meet the baby. But enough of the warm and fuzzy, I will cry. How about we go swimming, and then I will fire your new grill up for a test run!"
Dad will always be Dad, I thought. Smiling, I said, "Dad, that Grill does needs to be taken for a spin. Do you want to get the rest of the stuff out of the van first?"
Smiling, he said, "Nah, we are okay for now. It's not going anywhere, and I had an idea for that shed of yours. You have a big enough garage to house all your lawn stuff. The way that shed is you can make that a guest house or even have it moved a few feet and make it into a pool house. I saw the pool does not have access to a bathroom or a shower, and you already have the plumbing attached to put in a bathroom. I am betting when they installed the shed, that was the original owner's intention."
"Wait, the holes on the floor on the left side are drainage?" I asked. "When I looked at the shed, I wondered what it was. Will it be hard to add more pipping? Moving it and making it into a pool house is a great idea."
Dad nodded and said, "It sure is. The pipping is not underground, I looked, and it runs along the side of the shed. When Mama and I move in next month, I can get that done for you if you decide to make that a pool house. It shouldn't cost you much, and you also will need to get a baby fence for the pool installed. Don't go cheap but spend the money and have a professional service come in and do that."
Standing up, I said, "Yeah, there is a bunch of stuff I want to do before the baby is born. There will be a time crunch as the baby is due in about seven and a half months."
Mom smiled and said, "Beth, you are not alone, Daddy, and I can help. I suggest you make a to-do list of what you want to do for each room and what you want outside, and we can spend a few weekends knocking it out. But I agree a dip in the pool sounds great. Let's get our suits on and relax before dinner."
Smiling, I headed to my room. I knew things would be different as a single mom. But I am blessed that my parents have my back and are willing to help me. Changing into my swimsuit, I thought of all the new things in my life and realized I was ready for this new chapter.
The following morning I woke up and started to get ready for work. When I came out, my parents were in the kitchen drinking coffee. My Dad jumped up and said, "Morning Princess, I made breakfast sandwiches. Here is yours, and I also couldn't help myself, so I made you lunch for today. All the stuff you need or could want to grow a baby."
My Mom laughed and said, "You know your Dad. When it comes to taking care of his family, he cannot stop himself."
Trying to stop laughing, I looked into the lunch box and said, "Wow, Dad, you realize I cannot possibly eat all of this. Even if I have been a bit more hungry than I used to be, you never know."
I sat down as my Dad placed my plate in front of me with a breakfast sandwich and home fries. I dug in and ate it all. My Dad looked happier than I had ever seen him. When I finished eating what he gave me, he asked, "Still hungry?"
Giggling, I said, "Yes. Oh my, I am going to be huge."
Dad handed me another sandwich and sat back down. He cleared his throat and said, "Beth, you work outside and are very active, and you will have this breakfast will be burned off by noon. So you know Mom and I are heading home for a while today and start packing up the house and talking with a realtor. Do you need anything from us?"
"To be honest," I said. "I have all my belongings, and with you both moving here, I want nothing to do with that town or anyone in it. I ask that you do not mention the baby yet, as I am speaking to the lawyer about the best way to proceed later this week."
In unison, my parents said, "Of course."
I stood up, went to the kitchen drawer, and pulled out a set of keys. "These are your keys, and if you want to store stuff in what will be my pool house till you move, you are more than welcome to. You can also move stuff to the garage if you need the space. By the time you all get moved in, I will have the to-do list done for the house, and we can make a game plan. I appreciate everything you are willing to do to help me."
Mom came over to me and hugged me, "Beth, you know Dad, and I would do anything for you. Do you mind us staying here on and off until the move? We would appreciate it."
"Of course, you can stay here anytime during the move," I said. "Focus on your moving first, and we can get everything around this house else done after you are in yours."
Dad gave me a look and said, "We will be back here Friday afternoon with our first load of moving boxes. So I would suggest giving me a small to-do list so I don't annoy you or your Mom over the weekend."
"Dad, you could never annoy me," I said. "I promise I will have a fun activity for you."
Dad sat down and drank more of his coffee with a happy smile. After eating breakfast, I hugged my parents and headed off to work. I got in my car and had to think about how I would break the news of the baby to my team.
I pulled up to our main office, which sat right outside the park system, and gathered my stuff to bring inside. It was a beautiful spring day, and the lake in the distance was shimmering under the morning light. Looking around, I decided I was blessed to hold such a job. I walked into the building and went to find my boss, Sam. Sam was an elderly man in his late 60s and nearing retirement. Although he joined us on many of the tasks we did in the park for the last few months, he stayed closer to base while we went out on calls.
I found him drinking coffee at his desk and knocked on his door. He looked up and smiled as he said, "Beth, How was your weekend? Did you get Tom moved in?"
I sighed and said, "Can we talk?"
He sat up and said, "Sure thing Beth, What's going on, you seem serious?"
I walked in and shut the door behind me, "Do not fear Sam seriously. I am not going anywhere. But I have some news."
"Go on," He said.
I told him everything from finding out Tom had been cheating on me to the fact he was never planning on coming to live with me. I told him I had left Tom at the rest stop and came home with my parents, and my parents bought my neighbor's house.
He blew a slow whistle when I told him everything and asked, "Did you get a lawyer yet?"
Nodding, I said, "Yes, I did. But there is something else."
"What's going on Beth?" He asked.
"Did you mean it when you said we could bring our children to work if we could not get a sitter?" I asked.
"I am two months pregnant, Sam," I said. "Once we got home, I was going to tell him. But then he pulled over and told me that he was having an affair and that I was to go with my parents. They had seen us pull in and pulled in behind us. I also told him that all the accounts he had access to were now mine, and he could no longer use them. I told him I arranged for all the utilities in my name to be closed this morning. I left him with nothing, and I am glad Dad had me sign the prenup before we got married."
"So then you're gonna be having a baby and would need to be bringing her or him to work?" He asked.
"Only when Mom and Dad can't babysit," I said. "I am a researcher, Sam. I love what I do here. My parents know that and are willing to help me succeed with being a mom and my job."
"Hells bells, Beth, you have had a weekend, haven't you," He said. "You are a damn good researcher and a natural-born leader. So you are making this easier on me. Fill this out."
I took the clipboard and said, "What is this, Sam?"
"Well, Beth, it's an application for my position," he said. "I will stay on till your baby is born and you are back from maternity leave as you are the most qualified person here to run this post and research facility. I will train you, and when you get back, I will stay on a while longer to ensure everything runs smoothly, and then she is all yours."
"Sam, I don't know what to say," I said.
"Beth, Just say yes." Sam said, "But onto other things, have you thought about what you're going to say to your soon-to-be ex-husband."
Sighing, I said, "Sam, I have not honestly thought about it as this. Knowing he has been cheating on me, I doubt he will want anything to do with the baby."
"Sam, I don't know what to say," I said.
"Beth, Just say yes." Sam said, "But onto other things, have you thought about what you're going to say to your soon-to-be ex-husband."
Sighing, I said, "Sam, I have not honestly thought about it as this. Knowing he has been cheating on me, I doubt he will want anything to do with the baby."
"You need to tell him Beth," Sam said.
"I will," I said. "I am just trying to find the best way to."
"Well for now you are going to fill out that application and give it back to me so I can hire you on," Sam said.
Sitting in his office I filled out the form and handed it back to him. He smiled and said, "Well you have it I just have to put it by my boss. I will be seeing him later today."
Going to the office everyone started to arrive and we waited for Sam to walk in to start our day. Looking over at the group he said, "There has been some reports of coyote's in the area and we also had reports of a few corpses of deer. Please go check the trails and see what you can find. If you think that its not a coyote please report back to me. Also I want everyone to be in teams due to the coyotes."
Sid an older worker called out, "Hey Beth wanna be my point gal today?"
Laughing I said, "Sid you trying to get me alone?"
He let out a hearty laugh and said, "Nah you are a great driver incase something happens. Let me grab more coffee and I will meet you at the rig."
Grabbing my bag and lunch box I headed out to the Rig we would use. Climbing into the drivers seat I waited for Sid. Once he climbed in I asked him, "What's going on Sid?"
He said, "I heard you talking to the Boss child and I know you are pregnant. Do not worry I have your back and will not say anything. Do you want to talk about the promotion he offered ya."
"You mad?" I asked. "You have been here a lot longer than me?"
"Do you think I want that responsibility," He said. "Hell I am not going anywhere and you will have to fire me before I leave. Besides I like my lunch breaks fishing. You will be just fine."
Laughing we headed to the south trail and kept a look out for corpses. We came to a clearing on the river and I said to Sid, "Let's look for tracks."
We saw tracks along the water's edge and then back into the woods. After taking some pictures I looked into the water and saw a blanket floating into the water. I nudge Sid and said, "Hey Sid you have your rod?"
"Beth when don't I," He said. "What's up?"
"Bring your rod here," I said. Do you see that blanket hooked on something in the middle of the river?"
He came over and said, "Let me see if we can fish that out."
He casted his rod and hooked the blanket. He started to pull it in as he said, "Man this is heavy."
He pulled until he got it to shore and had me hold the rod. He went to check on it. Looking at me he said, "Beth go to the rig and call headquarters. Stay in the rig and tell them to get the police here now."
I got Sam on the walkie and told him what Sid said. Staying in the rig until Sam and the police arrived. When they did Sam went over to Sid and had the police come over. Getting out of the rig Sam came over to me and said, "Beth you don't want to see it?"
"Sam if your having me take over I should be able to handle everything," I said.
He nodded and we walked over. The officer had pulled the blanket off what we had found and there was a body of a young woman. I looked at the officer and said, "I found the blanket in the center of the river. I am going to assume he body was caught on the rocks."
The officer looked up and said, "We have a detective and a coroner on their way. If you would not mind waiting at the rig everyone we are going to secure the scene."
Going back to the rig i pulled up the water levels from the last week and said to Sam. "Sam the water levels were low until last night. If I had to venture a guess the crime scene could be anywhere three miles north."
"Well then can you and your partner show us along the river?" Asked a voice behind me.
Turning to a man in jeans and a flannel I said, "I would be glad to but you also need to know we were out here checking for tracks of predators. There is no camping in this area so if she was camping alone or with a group we may have a bigger problem."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
Sam stepped up and said, "Beth is right. Most predators like the coyote, wild hog and most bears will not chase a human to the water as they do not want to put a lot of effort into a hunt."
"Why go for a hunt when you can get an easy kill," I said. "Deer, bird, rabbits and squirrel."
He looked at me and asked, "So what are you saying?"
"I do not want to tell you how to do your job sir," I said. "That young lady was murdered."
He put his hand out and said, "Detective Hanson."
Shaking it I said, "Grace. Also I checked the water levels they were low all week until last night so scientifically this water is at a standstill. I would wager she was killed within the last twenty four hours."
He cocked his head and asked, "Why would you say she was killed?"
"The bruise marks around her neck," I said. "I am a scientist sir I look for details."
Nodding he said, "Well then is there a path along the river we can walk?"
Sam said, "We will take the truck and drive it. As Grace said we were out here looking for predators."
Beth- Main
Tom- Ex-husband
Mom- Grace
Dad- Charlie
Sam- Boss
Co-Workers- Sid
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