Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Ghost/Weird Journal

My life is full of weirdness. I mean seriously all during the time I was growing up and into adulthood, everything has always been odd and weird no matter what I did. I am used to seeing shadows out of the corner of my eyes. That and hearing things that are out of place. Then my favorite thing is things being moved or opened or lights on when I know everything has been shut off. 

I joke about things that happen in the chat we have at work. I am always advised to keep a journal of what is happening. So here is the me keeping track of what is happening.

As of March 7, 2023

We keep hearing an old-school phone ring. I am taking about the phone sound for the old school box phones. Not only am I hearing this but my partner has also heard the phone ringing as well. One day I was hearing it from the hall way in our home and my partner ran outside and went around the whole trailer. He did not hear it outside although we were hearing it from the inside.  This has happened randomly a few times in the last few weeks.

I had a weirdly creepy experience also.  Earlier this week my partner had to go to sleep early for work. I was up watching videos on my phone and I heard one of our dogs coming down the hall. I turned to see which of our babies was coming through the house and I see a shadow on the opposite end of our trailer with white eyes. I actually closed my eyes and shook my head thinking watching TV on my phone messed with my eyes but it was there watching us.  I jumped off of my bed and headed to the living room and when i came around the bed and headed to the hallway it was gone.

The case of the rocking chair

We got this old rocking chair from a neighbor of mine. Its a little worn but it reclines and as we do not have room for couches or love seats we go with chairs. Not a bad thing right. Well wring because this chair has a tendency to rock on its own.  I mean it will literally start rocking away and none of the animals or any of the humans have touched it. The first time i saw it rock on its own i was in the same room folding laundry and all the dogs were in the other room and the only cat with me was Rambo. 

The rocking has become more prominent as it will also rock while we are in the room just cooking or sitting at the kitchen table.  I will update this when I have more information.


Walking in the woods

Over the weekend we went to our favorite fishing spot to hang out and fish. Fishing is fun but after a while, I started to feel a little overheated and decided to go for a walk in the woods to relax and get out of the sun.  I started walking into the woods and as I was enjoying the peaceful walk in the woods with the sounds of nature and the occasional sounds of people celebrating a fish caught. I walked a bit of the way in taking pictures and videos of the surroundings around me and as I got to the curve in the bend that takes you further away from the fishing spots I heard a child laugh. I thought Maybe that a kayaker may have pulled off so their child could have a potty break. I called out hello and said I am just walking through the trail and received no response. Stopping to not stumble on someone who might be using the bathroom I listened for a person. I then faintly heard a child giggling and the crunch running through the woods. Something in me told me to go back. I had my camera out snapping pictures and recording video as I walked back but something primal inside of me told me to keep walking and not to look over my shoulder. Almost back to where I could jump off the path and onto the beach, my boyfriends voice echos out to me calling my name. He asked why I was gone so long. I told him and his dad what I heard. Explaining to them there were recent reports in the area of the black-eyed children. For the rest of the day I stayed put where we were fishing.


Here is a newer update. We have started to have things being moved. Little things like my vape being left on my desk and then going into the kitchen and my vape is on the kitchen counter when I walked out there.  I also have an obsession with old cook books and I would leave a book in one location and the book would be moved to a different location.



The bouncing lights. Our security camera has started capturing lights that appear out of nowhere and bounce all over the yard. I joke they are the incredible bouncing lights. I am trying to get the lights uploaded to my youtube page. We will see what I can capture and upload when these things happen.

Other than that tho just a bit of knocking and the clock ringing at weird times.



So this happened today. When Red left go to work today he made sure the door was shut and locked. However, here is the strange thing. The camera glitched and did not show him leaving until he was almost off frame. I took a break around 1015 from work and went into the kitchen to see the front door open and one of our cats were missing. Rambo thankfully only goes outside and under the house immediately to take a break. At first I was upset I messaged red and said you left the door open. That was until i watched the video camera and saw that door handle glimmering as if it was being turned and the door pop open a few times before Rambo got out. Thankfully Rambo came in an hr later but good to know the ghosts are popping the door open now.



I suffer from Migraines. I ended up having to take a few hours off of work for this today. After about 20 min I dozed off. I woke up groggy with something telling me to get up. I sat up and looked down the hallway and there standing at the beginning of the hallway was a massive shadow figure. I opened and closed my eyes as it resembled my partners dad in high and width. I opened and closed my eyes and it started moving forward towards me. I said out loud, " I am not in the mood for this shit today I feel like crap leave me alone." It stopped and then as it went to take a step forward my cat Tolly jumped between us and hissed and the shadow man disappeared.



This week hurricane Idelia went up the florida coast. I am blessed to say where I live there was no damage, However my heart breaks for the people along the beach area. two days later and the water is still going down. As a native Floridian I know hurricanes and storms are a natural occurrence and is part of our normal. However, leading up to the hurricane and the remaining part of the week everything seems off and weird. Many people I know are having issues sleeping. Personally I cannot wait till 6pm this evening when I am off of work and am able to just zen and relax. 


Everyone who knows me is aware I firmly believe in the paranormal. I have lived in many haunted houses and had a lot of ghostly experiences. As we fast approach All Hallows Eve, the veil is beginning to thin, and this happened.

This post is in real-time. I work from home doing customer service. I had a call come in for work, and I had turned my chair, so I was facing my large monitor as I was exhausted this morning and was helping a customer. You must understand we live in a smaller mobile home, so I hear everything even while working. I hear my partner get out of bed and go into his dresser that we share. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the drawer open and hear the squeak it makes when it opens. I see clothing moved in the drawer and the drawer shut. As I am still helping my customer, I did not turn around, and I am thankful I did not. I hear what I thought was my partner leaving the room as the door squeaks as it opens and closes. I hear my partner walk through the house and the front door open and close. After the call ended, I went to make the bed so the dogs could lay on it, and when I turned towards the bed, my partner was still sound asleep. 

Was it his doppelganger? Was it a ghost? I told him about what happened when he woke up thirty minutes later, and he said, 'The house was locked up' until he went outside a few minutes ago to take a phone call. I even checked our security camera, and there was nothing but the stray cats outside the entire time. Any thoughts? Let me know in the comment section below.



After what happened on 9/20 I thought things would be calmer but I guess I was wrong. Last night while I was cooking dinner my partner told me he was going to take a bath which hello's his back and leg problems. I told him no problem with that as I had to get dinner made. Well as I was making dinner I felt that someone was watching me. I had a glass on the counter and I could have sworn my partners reflection was caught in the glass. When I went to turn around and ask him if everything was okay he walked away. I finished what I was doing and walked to the bathroom and asked what he needed. He asked why and I said he was just in the hallway. He told me he had been in the tub the entire time. Creeped me out and I went back to cooking but made sure one of the dogs was in the kitchen with me.


So I am a big horror movie buff. I had just finished watching Dr Sleep. Side note the movie was great, however if you get a chance READ THE BOOK. More detailed. Anyway I finished watching the movie and was gonna make a play list for youtube to fall asleep to. Then I had this nagging feeling that I needed to go to the kitchen/living room and just stay in there. At first i ignored it because work at 9am and I wanted to do things befor I started work. But the feeling got so strong I could not ignore it anymore. So I dragged myself into the kitchen and started cleaning as my partner and his dad were asleep. It took about fifteen minutes for that feeling to pass. I thought maybe I sensed something outside but after checking the windows and the security camers there was just the stray cats. I do not know what caused it but after I went back to my room I started the TV thread and feel right to sleep.


Have you ever felt like there is something constantly battling against you? I live in a haunted home and community. Like everyone here has seen something or heard something that is just a bit off from the paranormal world. The last few weeks it seems like I am waging a battle to consistently keep my home clean and maintained. There will be times where I am the last to bed and the first to get up and will wake up to random messes. At first I thought it was our pets as we do have 4 cats and three dogs. But then most of the time my dogs and all but one of my cats is in our bedroom with us all night. I am not saying its paranormal yet but the one cat in the outer rooms sleeps when we sleep and I am considering running a feed to see whats causing the messes. Any thoughts.


We lost our dog Rodeo last Christmas to a aggressive cancer tumor in her mouth. Discovered it on Thanksgiving weekend and she passed away on Christmas Day. My partner and I have both felt her with us and seen glimpses of her in the corner of my eye. I also believe she is the one who sent out now almost year old kitten JJ to us. But last night I ate dinner very late and went into the kitchen to get it as everyone else had ate and was in bed already. I was dishing up the soup I made and putting the rest away when she was there and standing next to me. She bumped her big old head against my leg. I looked down thinking for a second it was one of our other dogs and said, "You know you do not like soup."

It took me a second and she barked I knelt down and said, "I miss you."

She bumped my head again and backed up. I closed my eyes to wipe away tears and when I opened them she was gone.


Laying in bed I woke up feeling ill a few days ago. When I did I went to the bathroom and walked into the living room to look out the window. Now normally I would be looking at the road and our small little yard. This time though looking through the window I saw fields and a barn. Closing my eyes I thought I had to still be dreaming. When I opened them again I was in a cabin in the woods with a large fire place and a set of stairs leading upstairs. Feeling my head head hurt more I closed my eyes again and when I opened them I was back in my living room.


Sitting in the bedroom I hear noises coming from the other room. The problem is there should be no noises all the dogs and cats were in the bedroom/office with me. My father in law and boyfriend are outside. However that does not matter because there are footsteps going from the hallway, kitchen and between the bedrooms. The noises do not bother me I have always lived in homes that were haunted. We see shadows and things move all the time. Maybe everything is related. You never know.


 So this was a weird incident that happened to me Monday night. I saw on our security camera feed that my boyfriend and his father who lives with us went outside. I was in my room just finishing work. I heard them come in and out of the house and got one more alert and saw they were both outside again. After work I went into the kitchen to prep dinner. Well I heard the TV on in boyfriends Dad's room so I figured at some point he came inside. He has a tendency to talk to the TV like most older men do. I was in the kitchen for about forty minutes and kept hearing his Dad. I went outside to tell my boyfriend everything was prepped for dinner and to let me know when he wants to eat. Well sitting next to our fire pit was his Dad. I asked him if he was there the whole time and he said yes. I told them what happened and they both gave me a look. Shaking my head I just went inside and came back to work on things I had on the computer.

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