October 8, 2018
Last night was a weird one for sure. This is another dream that my mind seems to be stuck on because it's been almost eight hours since I woke up from it and still remember it. See I used to hunt ghost a lot and I had two rules that 1. All pets and children are removed from where we were investigating for their safety, 2. that if an investigator is going to confront a big nasty there is always backup in the room. Safety people if you're going to do ghost hunts go be a badass, however, be a safe badass!
So last night my routine was off a bunch I normally walk and shower before 10:30 so I can rest and be asleep by 11 at the latest. By the time I showered and was attempting to sleep last night it was almost one in the morning. When I finally started to doze I went into a weird kind of sleep and tossed and turned. I dreamt that I was in my home investigating the paranormal while my kids and pets were there a huge no-no in my book. But the other investigators that were there also had similar rules and my kids were there.
Finally, I broke rule number two and started calling out the evil entity alone while everyone had gone outside. I remember setting some ground rules and telling the entity that this was my home and it was not allowed to bother, attack or harm my family. It did not like that and I started hearing hundreds of voices coming at me at once in my dream and when I looked around me there were massive amounts of shadow people all along the walls. I felt like I was being smothered. It was hard to breathe and my voice was taken from me so I couldn't do anything about what was happening to me. I started screaming in my head demanding whatever it was to leave me and my children alone and it was not wanted there. That's when I heard a very angry voice yell back at me that I had no control because I didn't invite him there, my husband did. He said that everything that has been happening was my husbands doing and I was powerless and not in control of my home anymore.
I heard one of the investigators who was overseeing the investigation screaming my name as he tried to get the front door open as people were banging on the sliding glass doors in the back of the house trying to get in. I said in my head, I would fight it as long as I could and my children and I would be safe from my husband soon. Then, with all the internal power I had, I remember screaming NO MORE! I sat straight up in bed and my cat was on the bedside table fur all up and hissing and my golden retriever was near my door growling and bearing his teeth and staring at me.
I know I live in a haunted house and I know there are a bunch of ghosts in my home. However, I also in the almost nineteen years that I have lived here have ever been attacked or until last night attacked in my dream by anything. My soon to be ex-husband does not believe in magic or ghosts as far as he has told me and has gone as far as ridicule me when I even mention the subject. However, as I have been trying to lighten the mood of the house and clean it down before I start my new job the angrier and more resentful he gets towards me and has even snapped at our kids a bit. Could his resentment towards the kids and I or the fact that he has been very unfaithful and deceiving in the past as well as now stirred something nasty up that I had never had here before? My normal ghost that normally quite active has been very quiet lately, which is odd with All Hallows Eve Approaching. Could this new player and shadow I see out of the corner of my eye be causing it? Thoughts?
August 28, 2013
So growing up I have always been interested in the paranormal and occult. I have always lived in a haunted house! I have published books on ghost stories! My next novel is based on history and lore about a man who became a demon. So the paranormal shouldn't bother me right? Wrong! You know how you shouldn't remember your dreams? I have been awake now for an hour and I remember every aspect of my dream down to what woke me up. That bothers me because what I dreamt about was not right, it was almost as if George RR Martin came in and decided to kill everyone and everything near and dear to me.
My dream started off pretty normal my kids and I and their significant others went to a resort to relax and have fun during the holiday weekend. We were all having a great time and we found out some family and friends were at the same resort so we met up at a fire pit and were having a great time. The next morning when I woke up in my dream things seemed different. Almost as if a heavy atmosphere invaded my dream and darken the edges. At breakfast, my kids decided they all wanted to just hang at our cabin and our private pool which I was okay with. I sat by the pool with my laptop and worked on my next book. Still relaxing, but since the resort offered adventurous stuff odd.
We had just started having the lunch that we had ordered via room service and a horrible siren went off. I told the kids to lock all the doors and stay inside. My son-in-law got his gun out of his room and handed my daughter hers and we went to the door and told her to keep the door locked till we got back. We stepped out and there was no one outside, but we saw plenty of people peeking out of their cabin windows. We decided to head towards the main building when we head a vile noise that almost dropped us to the ground. I pulled Adrian behind a towel stand and made sure our phones were on silent. Then we saw the robe-clad people emerging from the main building, pulling a few staff members to a patio near the pool. Adrian looked at me and mouthed, "what the hell", and he texted Autumn and said call 911 there is something messed up happening here get everyone into one room and stay hidden as best you can. We watched as the first of the staff was pierced through the heart with a sword. I motioned for Adrian to follow me around back of the cabin to get away and as we passed through the walkway between two cabins we came upon one of those hooded figures dragging a young girl who couldn't have been more than twelve. Adrian and I looked at each other and I said let the girl go as Adrian raised his gun. The guy pulled out his sword as I grabbed a shovel. I was faster and I knocked him out before Adian could take the shot. The girl pointed to her family looking out of the cabin and Adrian picked her up ran her to them and told them to block the doors and hide. I picked up the sword.
That's when it went even weirder. My dream seemed to fast forward. Adrian and Autumn got separated from us with my Granddaughter and a friend's baby but was able to get back to their car and I told them to go and head towards safety, and got my kids to my van with my cousin and her family and told them to go. Something told me I needed to stay and help. My cousin's husband was still missing as well as a few family members. I had the extra keys to make sure we would be able to get out and made them get to safety. I tried to make it back to our cabin so I could secure a place I could take people, but as I turned the corner, I ran into two of those cloaked figures and I jumped back enough to draw the sword and the guy hissed at me. Hissed! I went on the defensive and was ready to protect myself.
That's when I heard someone yell for me to duck and cover and there were bullets going over my head. I watched the guys drop fast, but then as if the bullets were feathers they stood up. I did something I didn't think I would ever do, I took the sword and beheaded the first one and then went for the second and it disappeared. WTF! The guy who told me to duck grabbed my arm and told me I needed to get inside, but I wasn't listening I was pulling away as I heard a voice of a monster I have not heard in over thirty years. This monster lived near me as a child and had taunted me till I moved back to Florida. No one ever believed me. When they tore the apartment complex I had lived in town I had thought her soul that was tied to the building was sent to hell. There she was walking with her two sons. She demanded of her sons to bring her the souls of the innocent. I pushed the guy who saved me behind the bushes and motioned for complete silence. As she got to near where I was she stopped and looked around. I gripped my sword so tight I was ready to fight at a moments notice. She continued to leave and as she rounded the corner, I heard screams of people trying to escape. I looked at the guy who had saved me and quietly had asked who he was here with and he said his wife, but she was killed as it all started because she wouldn't stay in the cabin thinking it was a prank. He said he had been in the military and had seen too much to take it lightly, he had gone after her but they killed her seconds before he found her. He has started saving others since then, I told him to get people out, but be careful as she is a nasty bitch to deal with. I started following where they went.
Then time sped up again and the next thing I know I am surrounded by her and her sons with only two swords as my weapons. She demanded to know why I was there and why I continued to fight her when I was as cursed as she is. We started to fight and I was able to take down her son Abraham pretty fast. As I went to face her and her son Malcolm I was ripped from the dream by an unknown force as her son Malcolm dove for me then I heard her scream NO as I heard a voice in my head scream "Angie, Wake Up Now!" I felt a hand grab the back of my pyjamas as I felt the vibration of the swords connecting and I woke up in a sitting position, alone in my bedroom with the blankets wrapped around me. My phone was sitting on my bed and it was 11:30 in the morning and my cat was sitting next to me looking at me like he had seen a ghost. Andy walked in at that moment and looked at me.
"What's wrong?" He said.
"Did you come in a few seconds before and say my name?" I asked.
"No," He said, "But it must be nice to sleep in."
I sat there for a second, but I could still feel the sensation of the swords meeting and the hand on my shoulder. I could chuck up the sword vibration feeling of muscle memory as I used to do swords when I was younger. The hearing of my name could have been part of the dream. But waking up as if someone pulled me up bothers me as I sleep curled on pillows almost flat. Weird for sure, but that's what happened. As I am finishing this I am starting to forget what I dreamt, However only at the edges.
Thoughts or comments tell me below!
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
Something is coming. Not sure what but something big. Last night was a weird one and I believe it all has to do with that damn blanket I unboxed. I believe I was there when the blanket had something dark attached to it and twenty-five years later I believe it's raising its ugly head. See I was born into a keeping up with the Jones situation. My mother told me she regretted ever getting pregnant with me and that I was indeed just a show. My Grandmother and Grandfather did what they could to protect me from my parents, but between my mom's consistently telling me I was a mistake and my dad with his drinking I was afraid that my dad would hurt them. My dad was a physically abusive drunk and even sober, he was verbally abusive.
I had gone to my grams apartment by myself one day because my mom was reminding me about how awful I was and I just wanted to escape. I had clothes to stay overnight and I knew my Grams would let me. My Grams had been working on this clown blanket for as long as I could imagine. I hated that thing. However, she was trying to finish her project so I let it be and sat reading as far as I could from it. That's when the doorbell rang over and over. My Grandmother put the blanket on the couch and I stood up making my way away from the door. I knew it was my dad before he barged in and came at me.
"Do you think that you will disrespect your mother and me like that? How dare you? You ungrateful bitch!" That's when the first slap happened right across the face. I could have sworn I saw a black shadow figure right behind my dad.
My Grams called for Grandpa.
"I didn't disrespect you at all. I just told mom that the money I had made babysitting I wanted some of. I gave her half of what I made. It's not my responsibility to pay your bills. I just turned fifteen, I wanted to go hang out with my friends and go to the movies I can't do that if I have no money." There was the second slap across the face. Again right after the slap, I could have sworn again the figure moved to my left side with its face near mine.
My Grandfather came running with their neighbor. My Grandfather asked what was going on and I told him I gave mom half my babysitting pay which was $85 enough to cover the electric bill and mom called me selfish and said I should give her everything I made. I said no. How am I supposed to go out with friends if I have no money? They took all of my birthday money and all of the money I made over the summer. But they never take Jessie's or Richie's money and they both have piggy banks that are over full. They just take from me all the time.
My Grandfather looked at my dad and asked, "Is that true?"
"Yes, the little bitch doesn't deserve anything she should be grateful she was born at all." He said that and rushed towards me and pushed me so hard I flew into the wall and as I landed on that damn clown blanket I could have sworn I saw a black arm wrap around my chest. My Grandparents neighbor said he was going to have the police come if my dad didn't leave. My dad got in his car and pulled out of the driveway as my Grandmother came to me to make sure I was okay.
I was bruised and sore. When I got up the blanket was underneath me. Grandma folded it and left it on the couch and took me to her neighbor's house to get looked over because her neighbor was a nurse. When we got home my Grandpa came in saying he wanted to call the police on my dad and we should. I told him that if he did, we would not be able to afford the bills or rent and mom's health could get worse. As much as my mom hated me, I still protected her till the end.
My Grandpa decided to try to lighten the mood. He told us, ladies, to go get washed up as he took the blanket from grams and folded it and put it on the chair next to the hallway. He took us out to dinner that night as a way to cheer me up and to try to get me to forget. He took us to a great restaurant on the water, which is still open today and we had seafood and listened to music and I watched my grandparent's dance. I did relax some and I danced with my grandpa and watched him talk to the other service people who were there that night. The thing is have you ever had the feeling that something is not right? Like a tingly sense that something is coming?
When we got back to my Grandparents apartment the living room was a mess. We had thought that someone might have broken in but nothing was taken. The weirdest thing was the blanket Grandpa was so careful to fold was lying open in the hallway going to the bedrooms. That mess was like a tornado had come through. I helped them clean up the mess and we headed to bed. That night I slept in my Gram's craft room and kept hearing whispers and feet shuffling. I thought at first that they had come out discussing what to do about me. The thing is my door was shut and the shuffling came from right outside the door and I would have heard my grandparents come out of their room because of the fact that their door squeaks.
I did not sleep that well that night. The next morning the blanket was on the couch, opened up when I got up and came out of the room. My grandparents looked at me weird when they saw me looking at the blanket. Later that day my Grandmother was on the phone in the kitchen and I heard her whispering a lot. I found out after I had turned eighteen they were trying to get custody of me and it was a very stressful time for them because they were afraid my dad would harm me worse next time. I was cleaning up for Grams that afternoon and I asked her what she wanted me to do with the blanket she was making? She took the blanket and put it in a tote and put the tote out in the garage instead of her crafting room. A few days later we were heading to the store and when I went out to her car the tote was open and the damn blanket was sitting on the trunk. I took the blanket and put it back in the tote and stuck it at the bottom of a pile of totes.
A few years after my Gramps had passed my Grams decided to move to the panhandle. They were packing up the garage and we came across that damn tote. My grams asked me if I wanted it. I think my no was a bit rushed. but being around it made me feel sick. I had not seen that tote again until I was thirty and I still felt sick to my stomach from it. I had nightmares for a week. Not just any ordinary type of nightmares either I woke up with bruises on me. Bruises are not uncommon for me, I am a klutz. I fractured my ankle talking to my dog and walking on a flat surface, but even my being a klutz had nothing on these bruises.
Fast forward to 2015. Grandpa had passed, Grams had passed and my mom had passed. My father and sister had moved in with my family and after my marriage had started falling apart left, leaving me with a bunch of garbage to take care of including boxes upon boxes of stuff that I had a hard time sorting and selling on my online store. I started going through all these totes my dad had left on my back porch and there in the middle of the porch was a familiar tote. My mom had taken the damn blanket. I moved the blanket to my shed and left it there and even went as far as to burn sage and purify the house. It didn't help later that night my nightmares started up, as did the bruises again.
I posted the blanket for sale and a lady came and bought it. It broke my heart to sell it, but I needed the money and I even told the lady I thought it was either cursed or haunted. Two days later I came home from work and there was a box on the porch with a note attached to it. 'Keep the money I am giving this back to you in hopes whatever is in it will stay with you.' I nudged open the lid and that damn blanket was back. I had nightmares again that night and bruises again the next morning. People started questioning me if my ex-had anything to do with it. No, he did not he isn't stupid enough to hit me. I got a solid plastic tote sprinkled holy water on it and tied a crucifix around it.
It had sat in the box and nothing happened with it until a year ago. I was posting stuff to offer up and came across it in my shed. I tucked the box back and left it there. I continued posting stuff, the next morning when I opened the shed there was the blanket, opened up and laying over all the boxes. The box and crucifix were gone. Since that crucifix disappeared my marriage has dissolved. I lost my job. I had a mental breakdown. I believe that that blanket is either cursed or haunted. I had a priest come in and do a Catholic blessing on the house.
It helped for a while, that was until three weeks ago did that blanket bother me again and now I am back to a lot of nightmares and waking up feeling slaps and pushes.
I know the next question why don't I burn it? I can't its one of the last things left that was my Grandmothers. You can't honor the person who saved your life by destroying a creation of theirs. I am currently looking into options for the blanket now and when I figure something out I will let you all know. Oh yeah, that picture at the top is the blanket. What do you think? Could the instance like what had happened caused the blanket to become cursed? Or maybe my eyes were not playing tricks on me and I did see a monster other than my dad.

11/11 Update! So the day of the original posting i moved the blanket to my back porch and put it in its own separate tote with two bibles and a crucifix that had been blessed. This morning while setting up for my yard sale with my resale merchandise that was just in my shed I come across a unfamiliar paper Publix bag. I was sick immediately there in the bag was the blanket. So I currently have the blanket sitting in a chair in the sun and will repack him after the yard sale!
December 28, 2018: Ghosts and Dreams
I have been writing about the weird dreams I have been having lately. From my time from when I used to be an active paranormal investigator I had a theory about ghosts and dreams. I believe that ghosts can connect people through dreams, even if those people have never met before. Or can ghosts permeate your dreams and manipulate them to hurt you or protect you. This is important because the night of December 28th I had a dream that had me a bit shaken the next day. If any other paranormal investigators read this I would love to know your theory on ghosts and dreams.
My dream started out where I was walking in my neighborhood. This is nothing unusual for me as I walk three to five miles a night. So to me it wasn't weird for me to dream that I was walking as walking is a way for me to escape some things in my life and just relax or think! So as I came around back towards my house a sudden and quick fog came down upon the area. I started slowing down and took off my headset because I was in a bit of shock because I had not seen the fog come up so fast like that in my area. Looking ahead as I came around the corner in front of my house I look up and on the sidewalk in front of my house was a man standing there. Again, not uncommon because a lot of my neighbors have started walking at night or during the day depending on their work schedules. The weird thing was I couldn't see the man's face, it was like the fog was blocking my view of a way to identify who was there.
Walking towards him I tripped and made a noise and his head snapped up and asked, "Where am I."
I replied, "My home."
I wasn't able to get very close to this person, because as soon as I got within a few feet of this person, it was as if we were shifted to be further apart. The guy then asked me, "Why do you sound so weird?"
I replied back with, "You sound weird yourself." The thing was his voice sounded very distorted as if he was talking through water.
"I think we are in a dream," I said. "The last thing I remember was lying down in bed to go to sleep."
The guy gave a chuckle and said, "I just put my head down at my desk at work."
He looks up and asked, "What's your name?"
Trying to reply caused me pain. It was almost as if I couldn't say my own name. I finally was able to squeak out, "I can't."
He motioned for me to stop and started with, "My name is --", Then he could not get anything else out.
He looked up at me and said, "Let me try something." Then he ran right towards me. As soon as he got within an arms length from me our position shifted to where we were back to ten to fifteen feet apart again.
I spoke up, "I don't think we are supposed to know who the other is. Look every time we get to close to each other our position shifts and is manipulated. Also, we can't even say who we are, hear our true voices or see each other. Whatever is happening is weird, almost like we are supposed to meet, but not meet."
He chuckled and sat down on the ground, "Well, I can say that in my life this is not even the weirdest thing that happened to me."
I followed suit and sat down as well and replied, "Me either."
For a time period we sat and chatted however, I don't know what about because I couldn't hear anything from our conversation I just remember me talking and listening to replies or what he was saying. I remember seeing cars pass once in a while and the sky starting to get lighter. He looked up and said, "I want to try something stand up and face away from me."
I stood up and turned around and he said, "I am walking towards you, don't turn around and keep looking forward." I heard his footsteps get closer to me and felt a strong hand grip my shoulder. Then a heard a whisper, "Well, at least your real."
Almost immediately after he whispered I felt his hand being ripped from my shoulder and I turned around and he was gone. The next thing I know I am sitting up in my own bed awake. I wrote everything down because I was afraid I might start to forget about what I had dreamed. The thing is, a few days later I am just finally forgettingI was running! To be honest, I hate running with a passion. Ever since I messed up my ankle I only have the ability to walk or hike. But in this dream I was full out marathon running. Running from something that my own mind had hidden in the shadows. The sounds that this roaring beast is making is horrible. Once in a while as I risk a moment to look over my shoulder I catch red eyes looking at me. In the pitch black forest I am seeing red eyes. I know if I can get to the cliff near the lighthouse I will be safe. At this late at night the lighthouse will be lit up like a candle as well as the property surrounding it. If I can see this beast I can face it. So I keep running forward towards the sound of the ocean, but there is something terribly wrong. As I run into the clearing the lighthouse sits on the whole place sits in blackness. I run to the door of the keepers cottage and start pounding on it trying to get someones attention. No one comes to my aid. I hear the beast and turn towards the woods and my heart sinks. There lining the edge of the woods are multiple shapes and figures all with white and red eyes.
The moon starts to show itself and I see these beasts for what they are. Horrible rotting shells of creatures and hell beast. I look around and see an ax laying next to the wood pile. Looking around for some type of weapon I spot an ax leaning against the woodpile. Slowly I make my way to the ax and pick it up. I lift the ax and make my way to where I can swing the ax. I look at the beasts and raise my weapon and call out, "You have been chasing me all night! Now that you have me cornered what are you waiting for come get me."
The wall of eyes and shadows starts moving towards me. Then I feel the world shaking all around me. I sit up in bed with a cold sweat. The shaking that I had felt was my dog jumping onto my bed. I lift my head up as I look out my bedroom door and there in the dark was a pair of glowing white eyes. I jump out of bed and then I hear my cat hiss. I run out of the room and throw the light on right outside my door and there is nothing there that I can see. I light my blessings lantern and prayed to the goddess for protection. Then I went and checked on the kids. Sleep was pretty elusive the rest of the night filled with tossing and turning. These dreams are so vivid and has my mind in overdrive., forgetting what I had dreamed.
February 24, 2019
So I have lived in my home for close to twenty years and from the first night that we moved in the invisible roommates made themselves known. Let me first say I have done paranormal investigations prior to living here as well as grew up in homes that were haunted, so to me it was a very big moot point. I knew how to watch for attachments and keep an eye for what would be a bad spirit. When we first moved in we had six residents here besides my family (two inside, four outside on the grounds) and over close to two decades we have amassed a bunch more. I guess you could say they followed me home and I didn't have a choice but to keep them. They are not attached to me, however, I am attached to them. Nowhere to turn is the problem. I am probably going to be moving in the next few months and I am worried about what will happen to my 'roommates' when I move away. Weird, huh? I grew up with the paranormal so its not a big deal. It made me who I am today. However, someone else who has had no experience with ghosts will probably call in someone to banish them.
Sounds like an attachment right? I guess I am just being a mom about the whole situation and I worry about them as well as my own children and pets for this move. So any suggestions on this whole situation? I don't know. Well, if anyone has any ideas shoot me a message or comment below!
Blessing and Love,
February 24, 2019
I had another dream with the Mysterious Man this past week and I still have not forgotten it. It worries me because I still can not identify this person who is in this dream with me. They say people in your dreams you have seen before. The voice sounds vaguely familiar, but I still cannot place it.
I am walking near my home and blink and the next thing I am on a boat on a river. The boat is almost like a pontoon boat but it has an engine house toward the back and it's going down a river through a thick fog. I hear a voice call to me from the other part of the boat, "We have to stop meeting like this."
I turn around and the guy is there, same build same clothes. I look towards him and say, "Well, as best as we can considering that you sound like you are underwater and your face is a big blur."
He laughs, "Besides that."
"Do you remember these dreams once you wake up? Because I do. The first time we met I could remember it for almost a week. I ended up putting it on my blog because you are not supposed to remember dreams like this."
"I still remember bits and pieces as well. You wrote about this? What---" Then he was cut off with that question. "I guess whatever is causing these dreams really does not want us to know anything about each other."
"I guess not. So, since we are not allowed to get to know each other, any clue about where we are besides a boat? I thought we could have been on one of the waterways near where I live, but the grounds are much too different and the dock does not look like where I live. These docks look old. If we were not on a boat with an engine I would have sworn we were set back in time. Speaking of the boat who is piloting this anyway?"
I walk to one side of the engine house and he walks to the other and we both try to see through the windows, but all we can see is the shape of the man steering the boat. I try to open the door to the engine house and come to discover that there is no door handle. The boat starts to slow down in front of what looks like a huge Victorian home on the river.
"I think we are somewhere in the north," He says. "I have been to many southern plantations and old homes out west and I have never seen any homes that looked like this."
I stood there looking up at the house. Something seemed almost familiar about this home like I had seen it before I could not put my finger on it. The engine of the boat started to shut off and out of the blue a light came on in the engine house. We both run over to where the door would be hoping to stop whoever is in there and we hear one phrase, "Get off the boat."
"You have got to be kidding me," he said. "We know nothing about this place we can't even see each other. Why don't you tell us why we are here?"
"Maybe we should get off the boat." I started, "We have to wake up sooner or later." I went over to where the boat met the dock and lifted myself up onto the dock.
Mystery Man follows and we both turn towards the boat one last time and the boat is gone. We both take a step back and stop.
"Where is the boat?" I asked.
"I do not like this-" He started when he was cut off by a growl.
He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me behind him. We started moving towards the house slowly when we started hearing the growling come from different directions. Then we saw a light shine into the yard and the door to the house opened almost beckoning us in. I wanted to nope right out of going towards the house and it seemed like Mystery Man was thinking the same thing. We both took a step back towards the dock when a big black shadow appears on the dock. We start edging towards the house.
"You said you have a blog?" He asked.
"Yes, I do." I decided to try saying a clue about the blog and I couldn't say a thing.
"Listen, I bet we wake up when we get to the house. If you remember any of this write about it okay. If I remember any of this I will look for it."
Then it happened, I couldn't walk anymore. I was frozen and he realized I had stopped. He turned to look at me and he screamed, "No leave her alone, she has nothing to do we this."
He dove at me as I felt something like a knife go into my left shoulder. As I started to scream, I woke up with my shoulder burning and sat straight up. This dream was five days ago. I have woken up to a feeling of being stabbed every morning at 5am for the last five days. So Mystery Man, if you're reading this, contact me, you will know what I said when I was stabbed. Until then I will see you in my next dream.
I am walking near my home and blink and the next thing I am on a boat on a river. The boat is almost like a pontoon boat but it has an engine house toward the back and it's going down a river through a thick fog. I hear a voice call to me from the other part of the boat, "We have to stop meeting like this."
I turn around and the guy is there, same build same clothes. I look towards him and say, "Well, as best as we can considering that you sound like you are underwater and your face is a big blur."
He laughs, "Besides that."
"Do you remember these dreams once you wake up? Because I do. The first time we met I could remember it for almost a week. I ended up putting it on my blog because you are not supposed to remember dreams like this."
"I still remember bits and pieces as well. You wrote about this? What---" Then he was cut off with that question. "I guess whatever is causing these dreams really does not want us to know anything about each other."
"I guess not. So, since we are not allowed to get to know each other, any clue about where we are besides a boat? I thought we could have been on one of the waterways near where I live, but the grounds are much too different and the dock does not look like where I live. These docks look old. If we were not on a boat with an engine I would have sworn we were set back in time. Speaking of the boat who is piloting this anyway?"
I walk to one side of the engine house and he walks to the other and we both try to see through the windows, but all we can see is the shape of the man steering the boat. I try to open the door to the engine house and come to discover that there is no door handle. The boat starts to slow down in front of what looks like a huge Victorian home on the river.
"I think we are somewhere in the north," He says. "I have been to many southern plantations and old homes out west and I have never seen any homes that looked like this."
I stood there looking up at the house. Something seemed almost familiar about this home like I had seen it before I could not put my finger on it. The engine of the boat started to shut off and out of the blue a light came on in the engine house. We both run over to where the door would be hoping to stop whoever is in there and we hear one phrase, "Get off the boat."
"You have got to be kidding me," he said. "We know nothing about this place we can't even see each other. Why don't you tell us why we are here?"
"Maybe we should get off the boat." I started, "We have to wake up sooner or later." I went over to where the boat met the dock and lifted myself up onto the dock.
Mystery Man follows and we both turn towards the boat one last time and the boat is gone. We both take a step back and stop.
"Where is the boat?" I asked.
"I do not like this-" He started when he was cut off by a growl.
He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me behind him. We started moving towards the house slowly when we started hearing the growling come from different directions. Then we saw a light shine into the yard and the door to the house opened almost beckoning us in. I wanted to nope right out of going towards the house and it seemed like Mystery Man was thinking the same thing. We both took a step back towards the dock when a big black shadow appears on the dock. We start edging towards the house.
"You said you have a blog?" He asked.
"Yes, I do." I decided to try saying a clue about the blog and I couldn't say a thing.
"Listen, I bet we wake up when we get to the house. If you remember any of this write about it okay. If I remember any of this I will look for it."
Then it happened, I couldn't walk anymore. I was frozen and he realized I had stopped. He turned to look at me and he screamed, "No leave her alone, she has nothing to do we this."
He dove at me as I felt something like a knife go into my left shoulder. As I started to scream, I woke up with my shoulder burning and sat straight up. This dream was five days ago. I have woken up to a feeling of being stabbed every morning at 5am for the last five days. So Mystery Man, if you're reading this, contact me, you will know what I said when I was stabbed. Until then I will see you in my next dream.
July 31, 2019
I am constantly being told that I am an odd person. Being odd is not such a bad thing, to be honest its the normal people who scare me. It just gets rather annoying when people tell you that NORMAL people do not normally remember their dreams or research paranormal or unexplained things. Well, a girl has to have her hobbies right? Would be nice if someone agreed with me in the comments below.
Well, after a small break, I thought the dreams with the faceless visitor were over. Remind me later to stop assuming things because I was wrong. Last night after I finally won the battle with insomnia of drifting in and out of sleep I finally dreamt. For anyone else who has been following the dream series again, I could see my mysterious visitors physical form, however, his face and any defining characteristics are always obscured. The voice even seemed a bit different then usual.
So in this latest dream I was driving the main road going into Aripeka heading towards the post office. This was odd for two reasons. One I currently do not have a car and two because there is a main branch of the post office just 3 blocks from my house. But there I was with packages to ship out sitting on the front seat. As I pulled up to the little post office on the beach and I heard jazz music playing in the air. I smiled, looking towards the old historic post office building set a little bit back from the main office. You could just about see the lights shining from under the door. People laugh at me when I talk about our local ghosts, but they sure do love to have fun!
After I had posted the packages I walked over to the historic building and listened. People would say there is no way you could be hearing the music and sounds from a nightclub as the building is less than 20 square feet. However, I believe the building is a gateway to somewhere else. I stood next to the building for a few minutes taking in the energy, then I turned to go back to my truck. As I turned a large fog bank set in. The hair on the back of my neck started to stand up. I looked towards my truck and there, leaning against the hood was my mysterious visitor.
"You know," He called out, "We have to stop meeting like this."
I laughed, walking to the drivers side of the truck. "Well, as the last thing I was doing was sleeping before this we are lucky. What were you doing before this happened?"
"You know real exciting stuff. I think I fell asleep reading." He chuckled as he continued, "I think it's safe to say we are very exciting people who have some wild dreams."
"Yeah, well, I am not so happy with these dreams. The bruising from the last dream took two weeks to go away."
"Wait! Are you telling me you are physically affected when something happens to you here? I thought you said that you can remember them!"
"Yup. If I get the bruises or cuts they can last up to a week or two. When the dog had scratched me last time we were on the barge, it left a faint red scratch mark down my leg that lasted three days. Whatever this is physically affect's me. I hate it. I have always dreamt some messed up stuff, but it's starting to get to bother me more and more. The other night I had insomnia and my dog took it as his cue to ask for a walk at 2am. There was a fog and the moment the air hit my face my anxiety flared. I was worried if I was dreaming or if something was happening. I am starting to think that my insomnia is part of a way to avoid dreaming. I have been writing about this in my blog-"
"You're what?"
"My Blog."
"It won't let me hear you. You must have given a clue to who you are. That is rather annoying too. But I understand what you are saying when I was traveling to -"
"Sorry you got cut off."
"That is really annoying," He said sighing, "Whatever this is could at least clue us in."
I opened the truck door, "Well, wanna go for a ride?"
He hopped in the passenger side of the truck and I headed off to one of our local piers. He looked at me and asked, "Where are we going?"
"Do you ever get a hunch and want to see if you're right?"
"I wouldn't call it a hunch, but I get what you're saying?"
"Okay, let me know if it shush's me. The location we are in is historical for not only civil war and Indians, But there has been a lot of lore in this area about ghost and ghost ships. Our area has a history of rum running, pirates, we even had a rumor of a swamp beast. What a better place for a ghost ship to hide on nights like these?"
"You think you know where this boat can be? Could that home be in this area as well?"
"I have a guess of one spot where the ship could be. However, I am obsessed with abandoned places and older homes and I have never seen a home like that in this area and I have lived here most of my life. There is one spot that I think that a ship like that would be on a night like this. I hope you're not afraid of bugs and possibly gators."
"Well, only a possibility if we see the ship."
"Did anyone ever tell you your crazy?"
"Multiple times."
We got to one of the local docks and I pulled into a parking spot and pointed towards the pathway to a viewing area. We were not even halfway down the path when we saw the barge lit up and sitting there in front of us.
"Well, I would say your hunch is correct."
As I started walking towards the barge I heard a low growl. We both turned around and I saw a set of glowing red eyes staring at us from the pathway. Then I was hit with the heaviest wave of exhaustion, I had ever felt. I felt an arm go around my waist as I fell to the ground. I remember hearing my mysterious friend go, "I guess we are done here" before we landed on the ground next to each other and then I woke up in my own bed.
I hope you enjoyed the latest installment of my journal! To catch up on all the other journal posts, visit the link here.
Well, after a small break, I thought the dreams with the faceless visitor were over. Remind me later to stop assuming things because I was wrong. Last night after I finally won the battle with insomnia of drifting in and out of sleep I finally dreamt. For anyone else who has been following the dream series again, I could see my mysterious visitors physical form, however, his face and any defining characteristics are always obscured. The voice even seemed a bit different then usual.
So in this latest dream I was driving the main road going into Aripeka heading towards the post office. This was odd for two reasons. One I currently do not have a car and two because there is a main branch of the post office just 3 blocks from my house. But there I was with packages to ship out sitting on the front seat. As I pulled up to the little post office on the beach and I heard jazz music playing in the air. I smiled, looking towards the old historic post office building set a little bit back from the main office. You could just about see the lights shining from under the door. People laugh at me when I talk about our local ghosts, but they sure do love to have fun!
After I had posted the packages I walked over to the historic building and listened. People would say there is no way you could be hearing the music and sounds from a nightclub as the building is less than 20 square feet. However, I believe the building is a gateway to somewhere else. I stood next to the building for a few minutes taking in the energy, then I turned to go back to my truck. As I turned a large fog bank set in. The hair on the back of my neck started to stand up. I looked towards my truck and there, leaning against the hood was my mysterious visitor.
"You know," He called out, "We have to stop meeting like this."
I laughed, walking to the drivers side of the truck. "Well, as the last thing I was doing was sleeping before this we are lucky. What were you doing before this happened?"
"You know real exciting stuff. I think I fell asleep reading." He chuckled as he continued, "I think it's safe to say we are very exciting people who have some wild dreams."
"Yeah, well, I am not so happy with these dreams. The bruising from the last dream took two weeks to go away."
"Wait! Are you telling me you are physically affected when something happens to you here? I thought you said that you can remember them!"
"Yup. If I get the bruises or cuts they can last up to a week or two. When the dog had scratched me last time we were on the barge, it left a faint red scratch mark down my leg that lasted three days. Whatever this is physically affect's me. I hate it. I have always dreamt some messed up stuff, but it's starting to get to bother me more and more. The other night I had insomnia and my dog took it as his cue to ask for a walk at 2am. There was a fog and the moment the air hit my face my anxiety flared. I was worried if I was dreaming or if something was happening. I am starting to think that my insomnia is part of a way to avoid dreaming. I have been writing about this in my blog-"
"You're what?"
"My Blog."
"It won't let me hear you. You must have given a clue to who you are. That is rather annoying too. But I understand what you are saying when I was traveling to -"
"Sorry you got cut off."
"That is really annoying," He said sighing, "Whatever this is could at least clue us in."
I opened the truck door, "Well, wanna go for a ride?"
He hopped in the passenger side of the truck and I headed off to one of our local piers. He looked at me and asked, "Where are we going?"
"Do you ever get a hunch and want to see if you're right?"
"I wouldn't call it a hunch, but I get what you're saying?"
"Okay, let me know if it shush's me. The location we are in is historical for not only civil war and Indians, But there has been a lot of lore in this area about ghost and ghost ships. Our area has a history of rum running, pirates, we even had a rumor of a swamp beast. What a better place for a ghost ship to hide on nights like these?"
"You think you know where this boat can be? Could that home be in this area as well?"
"I have a guess of one spot where the ship could be. However, I am obsessed with abandoned places and older homes and I have never seen a home like that in this area and I have lived here most of my life. There is one spot that I think that a ship like that would be on a night like this. I hope you're not afraid of bugs and possibly gators."
"Well, only a possibility if we see the ship."
"Did anyone ever tell you your crazy?"
"Multiple times."
We got to one of the local docks and I pulled into a parking spot and pointed towards the pathway to a viewing area. We were not even halfway down the path when we saw the barge lit up and sitting there in front of us.
"Well, I would say your hunch is correct."
As I started walking towards the barge I heard a low growl. We both turned around and I saw a set of glowing red eyes staring at us from the pathway. Then I was hit with the heaviest wave of exhaustion, I had ever felt. I felt an arm go around my waist as I fell to the ground. I remember hearing my mysterious friend go, "I guess we are done here" before we landed on the ground next to each other and then I woke up in my own bed.
I hope you enjoyed the latest installment of my journal! To catch up on all the other journal posts, visit the link here.
August 11, 2019
It's my Birthday! Another year older and when I went to sleep, I never imagined I would wake up at a ball. No, seriously, I was in bed, curled up in yoga pants and a tank and woke up sitting in a chair in the back of the room at a ball.
"Hey sleepy head about time you woke up!" Said a voice from across the table.
"Well, you try waking up after you downed a bottle of wine to forget your birthday!" I said straightening up.
"Happy Birthday!" He said, "Wait, you shared personal information and it didn't muffle you."
Then it happened a huge crash of lightening, the music stopped and everyone looked our way. We both jumped up and put the table between us and the people staring.
I laughed, "You were saying?"
I grabbed his hand, "Let's go because I think we are in trouble."
My escape mentality kicked in and we were running towards the french doors. We ran out and I grabbed chairs to block anyone from following us. I went to look over the balcony and stopped. There was nothing past the balcony.
My faceless companion looked over, "What the hell!"
Then we heard banging. We both turned to see the windows lined up with people banging on it. We started heading around the balcony to see if there was a way to escape. We can around a corner and there leading into the abyss was a staircase. We heard glass shatter and people chanting 'Don't let them escape.'
He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the staircase, saying, "Spooky staircase it is."
We started heading down into the abyss. You could feel people on the stairs behind us as it was shaking with the weight of the people chasing us. It seemed like an eternity and we finally made it to the bottom. There in front of us were two huge doors. I walk up to them and put my weight against them.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I pointed to the stairs and said, "Mystery doors or angry mob?"
He laughed and took my hand, "Mystery doors it is."
We both pushed against the doors at the same time. As they gave way we both started to fall forward and right before I woke up I felt a scratch on my shoulder from hitting the door. When I woke up covered in sweat, I looked at my shoulder and it was raw and red like someone or something scratched it.
Then we heard banging. We both turned to see the windows lined up with people banging on it. We started heading around the balcony to see if there was a way to escape. We can around a corner and there leading into the abyss was a staircase. We heard glass shatter and people chanting 'Don't let them escape.'
He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the staircase, saying, "Spooky staircase it is."
We started heading down into the abyss. You could feel people on the stairs behind us as it was shaking with the weight of the people chasing us. It seemed like an eternity and we finally made it to the bottom. There in front of us were two huge doors. I walk up to them and put my weight against them.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I pointed to the stairs and said, "Mystery doors or angry mob?"
He laughed and took my hand, "Mystery doors it is."
We both pushed against the doors at the same time. As they gave way we both started to fall forward and right before I woke up I felt a scratch on my shoulder from hitting the door. When I woke up covered in sweat, I looked at my shoulder and it was raw and red like someone or something scratched it.
The dreams started up again. I have not had a dream I have remembered since my birthday. Of course it would be that woman and her sons. I should have figured they would have followed me to my new home.
January 7, 2020
I woke up to screaming and yelling in my dream. My dogs had taken a stance of protection at the front door. I kept trying to wake my boyfriend, but he would not get up. It was almost as if something had come over him to keep him asleep. I was afraid I would have to drag him from the trailer to the car if things went sideways.
I woke up to screaming and yelling in my dream. My dogs had taken a stance of protection at the front door. I kept trying to wake my boyfriend, but he would not get up. It was almost as if something had come over him to keep him asleep. I was afraid I would have to drag him from the trailer to the car if things went sideways.
Then I heard her voice, "Bring that brat to me. Search every home until you find her."
That voice like nails being dragged on steel. I heard my male neighbors running outside to see what the commotion was and then slicing through the air and the thud as their bodies fell to the ground. I pulled on my shoes and headed to the back of the trailer to sneak out the back door. I wanted to make sure I locked in the most important people to me. I had my knives on my hip and my swords in my hands. I came around the trailer and yelled, "Woman stop."
She appeared at the end of the road. The cruel sadistic smile appeared on her face. "There you are girl. I thought you would hide while we destroyed this village."
"You of all people should know that I do not hide." Then I saw the first of her sons running at me from behind through one of the nearby trailers windows. I side stepped the thrust he made at me with his knife and swung the sword in my left hand slicing his thigh causing him to hit the ground. As he fell forward I used the sword in my right hand to stab him through his neck. He died before he hit the ground. "I told you woman your days of causing chaos and death are over."
She shrieked in a fit of rage and moved forward. I saw the magic in her sparking at her finger tips. I heard her second son materialize behind me, but as he noticed his brother had fallen he hung back. I raise my head and said, "You have tormented me since I was eight years old and it always ends the same way. You run and your sons die. It takes years for you to get enough strength to come at me again. Why now?"
"Because, child, you have pissed off a creature child that is even more powerful than me."
I raised an eyebrow, "So the great murderess and the sons of the sea town are now someones puppet?"
She snarled, "I am no ones puppet. I agreed to do this creature a favor as he is unable to touch you when the person you protect is around."
"So you popped into existence again to settle someone else's claim." Glancing back at her son. "I thought you were the smartest of her two kids. Your playing lap dog, I hope you realize that?"
He spat as he said, "I am not someones dog."
I sighed, realizing some terms are lost on these two. "So what's it going to be you hag. I already took out son number one and you know son number two is not going to last with me."
That struck a nerve, he looked up at his mother with a look of pleading. He knew every fight between us even if he hits or cuts me he has never survived. I might wear the bruises on my body for weeks, but he disappears back to hell for years. Losing to me multiple times since I was a child has seriously damaged his ego. I know he was worried about today's fight, especially with his brother's body on the ground next to me.
I turned so I could look at both of them and started, "You know the best option for both of you is to leave and stay away. Whatever this creature is that wants to have you do its dirty work obviously knows that we have a history and everyone who knows our history knows you will not make it out of the fight."
She gave a cruel smile as she said, "You know you have not trained as much as you wanted. Even with your abilities in this realm you can still loose all that matters to you. You lost your protector recently and when she does come around you know as well as I do that she is not as strong as she used to be. The longer you stay in this area the weaker you become. You might believe in both God and the power of the Goddess, but neither can protect you when the real monsters want to hunt you down and destroy you."
That's when I heard a shuffling above me in the trees. I looked up long enough to see two shadow creatures move to take positions to surround me. My heart started pounding in my ears and I started to feel sick. It dawned on me then that the creature she was talking about is a shadow creature in this very park. Their puppet master is the one I have warded the whole park against but also the creature I had protected the one I love against and I pissed him off. I pulled my swords into a defensive stance as I the shadow creatures finished their descent to the ground and solidified. The theory was true that they could travel as shadow and turn to flesh. A strange humming filled the air and then I saw him sitting above the old trailer that I took away his biggest prize.
I looked up at him raised my chin and said, "You'll never get him. With me or without me as long as my heart beats you'll never be able to harm him. Even if something happens to me he will still be protected I made sure of it."
Then everything was silent. No hum. No nature.
Then I was grabbed from behind by the first shadow creature. The smell of rotted flesh surrounded me. I gripped both my swords in my right hand as I grabbed a knife in my left and stabbed it in the creature's leg. It dropped me and I dodged behind a tree to straighten myself as I came around the other side. I used the tree trunk as a jumping point and aimed both swords at the creature's chest. As my swords sliced through I twisted the blades to make sure it wasn't getting back up again. As it hit the ground, it grabbed my thigh and dug its razor sharp nails into it. It felt as if acid and poison was coursing through my body. I pulled my swords out of his chest and stabbed one right through what would have been its face. I heard a growl as the other shadow creature came at me. It went to tackle me to the ground, but I was able to dodge out of the way at the last moment. The creature's shoulder body checked me into a truck near us. I was able to get myself up just as the creature turned to come at me again, but my swords were in the middle of the road behind the creature. The creature came at me and I did the first thing I could think of I swung my arm to sucker punch the creature in the throat. The punch landed, but the creature lifted me off the ground and slammed me into a neighboring trailer. I fell to the ground and rolled to reach one of my swords. I lifted it as the creature came at me and stabbed him through the stomach. It slammed his foot on my stomach and then kicked me in the side as it tumbled back. I kicked its knee and it fell to the ground. I swung my sword and took off its head.
The Puppet Master began to howl as I stood up. I looked at him and said, "You attacked me in my realm once and threatened the man I love. You took my guardian and did something to her and she is not the same now. You got into my head. But I am stronger now. No matter which realm you come after me, I will always stop you."
I turned to face the woman and her son. They had retrieved the other son's body and they had stepped back. I heard a whisper as the started to disappear...."One Day."
Then, as they disappeared, I heard a thump behind me and as I turned the ground started to shake. The Puppet Master lunged at me and I woke up in bed.
February 20,2020
So normally I keep this journal for my dreams and such, but I just had a not worthy paranormal experience happen. Was in my office working and the temperature in my office dropped and out of no where I hear this uncontrollable sobbing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and our dog Brody dropped on all 4 low to the ground in the hallway outside my door and started growling. I thought that maybe my boyfriend got home early from work and was outside the window trying to mess with me. I ran outside and my neighbor asked me if I was okay. I asked if anyone had been here and he said no I have been outside for the past thirty minutes and no one has been around.
When I came back inside the office was warmer and Brody was laying on the ground next to my desk waiting for me. Freaky experience.
When I came back inside the office was warmer and Brody was laying on the ground next to my desk waiting for me. Freaky experience.
The dreams started again. This time they are taking an emotional toll on me worse than before. I feel everything and see sleeping me as well as what's in my dreams.
During this dream I heard tapping on the window above my bed. At first I thought it was just a bird or a tap echoing in the house of one the animals itching themself. I tried to ignore it. However, after some time I heard the sound of tapping on the wall right next to my head. I pulled myself up and looked at my phone. It was 4am.
My boyfriend turned over next to me and then i heard tapping coming from the front door. I grabbed my phone and pulled the security camera to see what was going on. There was something blocking the camera. I went to get up and our hunting dog Brody started crouching down staring at the door. Then I heard it.
The voice I dreaded hearing in every dream. "This is where she is boys. This is where she hides my sons she will have to come out sooner or later."
I closed my eyes and called to my ancestors. "Abigail please help me I am in no condition to fight them."
I heard a voice whisper in my ear. "Its time for you to get into the condition you need to fight. You are stronger than what your acting like."
Did I dream it or were they there?
The voice said, "Mom you know we cant get in without an invite. To be honest with you that crazy witch Abigail is probably waiting for us in there as well."
I heard Abigail in the mirror, "He is not wrong and child you are in no condition to fight anytime soon."
Abigail rubbed her hand on my belly and then said, "Excuse me I need to teach these boys some manners."
Hunter 4/7/2023
We were in the wood deer hunting. Compared to hunting ghost, demons, monsters and cryptids this seems a little normal. We were back to back looking for deer when I saw it a 6 foot tall demon run through the woods with a child in its arms. I swung around and gave chase with my boyfriend right on my heals. The little girl was screaming help. We got to the river and the demon was stuck. I took aim and said put her down now. He tossed her to the ground and ran at me. My boyfriend ran to the child and I ran at the demon. I barreled towards it and pulled out my knife as I ran and then I jumped and planted the knife in its chest. When it dropped to the ground it swiped at me and I swung around and kicked at him. I started the prayer of death and the demon fell into ash.
My boyfriend looked at me and said, "That never gets old, but you need to see this."
I walk over and the child that he threw to the bushes was nothing more than a mannaquin with a tape recorder inside of it. I tooked into its eye that was a obvious camera and said, "Really hiding in the shadows does not take care of the problem."
We walked off to go back to our car when we were surrounded by a group of men with guns. A woman walks out and says, "We gain a lot hiding in the shadows. Now you have a choice join our group or your gonna meet a terrible fate."
Red grabbed my hand and said, "Listen we thought it had a kid and do not want trouble let us leave. If you summoned the demon we are sorry she can't let one go when they come around."
She walked up to me and said, "Your the hunter. You dont look like a hunter. He does but not you."
I sighed and said, "Well normally most hunters do not have a 3 month old at home. However we wanted date day so she is being baby sat by her older sister."
She looked at me in shock and said, "Hunters cannot have kids. Thats not possible."
I gave her a look and said, "Where did you get your information. Being a hunter is based on a blood line. It doesnt prevent you from having kids. Red and I are a family and married. All real and true hunters are married with children. We keep the true threats away and real hunters can see the threat a mile away."
I then took out my gun and aimed it at the guard in the back, "Isnt that right shifter?"
He turned to run and I took the shot. "How could you not see his eyes glowing in the sun? If you do not allow us to leave a contingent of hunters larger than you have ever seen will lay waste to this group. So we are leaving."
I pulled on his hands and we headed to the truck. He looked at me and said, "The are not done with us yet are they."
I looked at him and said, "No they are not."
We headed to my daughters house and picked up Charlie and took her home. When we arrived the woman was sitting on our porch. I looked at her and said, "We are not buying what our selling I think you need to leave us alone."
"Listen you know we exist which means one of you have to work for us." She said.
I looked at her and said, "You do realize hunters run so much in this country you will be shut down I am not having my husband taken and I do not work for anyone."
She looked at Red and said, "Your a man you decide your wife and daughter in constant danger or you work with us 3 days a week and then come home to be with your family."
I looked at her and said, "He has never been trained for this. If he even agreed to this how can you guarantee his safty and I want to know who you work for. Dont make me use my resources I hate owing favors."
She looked at me and said, "Is that a threat?"
"If you hunt the monsters than have you every heard stories about the hearld of death?" I asked.
She looked at me as Red started chuckling. She looked even more confused and said, "The herald is a legend everyone knows that."
Charlie started to fuss so red took her out of her seat and said, "All legends come from somewhere and my legend can sing as well."
She gave me a look and said, "You are the herald of death?"
"Yes I am" I was granted the title by the reaper himself when I was 18 years old. Now do I need to call in favors to not only find out who you are but destroy your organization?" I ask, "You are not taking my husband."
She got up and said to red as a car picked her up, "You will go willingly, The life of your wife and daughter depend on it."
She left and we went inside. Later that night Red said "maybe I should go she said its only three days a week and we can have Grams watch Charlie when you have to hunt. Then we can get information and take them down. I dont trust them and the way she was watching you and Charlie scares me. Charlie is the baby of the Herald which means Charlie can be the next one. We need to protect her and you. Being the herald has made you faster and more lethal than any hunter we know. That and its only 3 days a week and I will be back and will communicate during my time away or she can deal with you. Also, We will make sure they pay me well."
The next morning, we got up and took Charlie for a walk. When we came back the woman was sitting at our porch table. We sat down and red said, "I will go but there are certain restrictions first I need to have agreed to. One Angie knows where I am at all times. Two I get paid 3 grand every three days. Three she gets a copy of you ID, a blood sample and your true name which she will be able to verify first."
She looked at me and said, "No."
I stood up and handed Charlie to Red and said, "Leave. I know you fly by night outfits. I have seen the destruction you have caused and I will not put my husband or daughter in the way of harm from you."
She went to walk away and her phone rang, I heard her argue with who on the phone and she turned around and handed me the phone.
"Yes?" I said.
"We do not agree to any terms until we have proof you are the herald," The voice said.
I stood in front of the wall and closed my eyes. I know red and lady were seeing wings join my shadows silhouette. I heard Charlie giggle so I know she saw and felt the air shift as well. I asked the voice, "Happy now? I am warning you any type of interference in my family I will rain down destruction on you. Look up mass grave Peru 1995. But the terms have changed you come see us yourself now."
"Notated let me talk to her," He said.
I handed her the phone and I saw relief was over her and he turned to me and said, "We will be by tomorrow night at 7pm to get him and provide you all the required information you need."
After she left I called Reds dad who knew about me and explained whats going on. He said he would be there by noon. We spent the night as a family and most of the following day. I felt sick sending Red off like this. When they arrived the man attached to the voice came out and asked, "Are we ready?"
He provided all the information I requested and then I had him sign a contract. I took the contract and took a picture and sent it to a hacker I know. He verified the information after about twenty minutes. The man with the voice said, "Its time to go."
Red looked at me and grabbed his bag and hugged his dad. He had been snuggling Charlie and he handed her tohis dad. He turned to me and took me in his arms. I said "Check in often."
I gave him a kiss and the woman said, "He will contact you on breaks. He has a lot of training to do."
After another hug and kiss I said, "He has been trained by the best hunters in the world. The training he was given was from people who are born this way and your training will not trump it. Besides we have your number now and the true professionals will be clearing up the issues around the world.'
He leaned over and said, "I love you and I will see you in 3 days time. Please be careful."
After one more kiss he got into the car and was gone. I stood next to his dad and said, "I have a bad feeling about this."
Update on the home Paranormal activity 4/16/2023
No weird dreams lately, However we have had some weird Paranormal activity kicking up. We have had a lot of shadow people lately and noises and voices that do not have a place in the home. I walked into the the kitchen and saw the light in the front room flick on and off. It sounded like the tools that were sitting on the front room floor weres sliding around. But also the rocking chair was moving on its own. Other than that its atypical day in one of teh most haunted town in florida.
I had a whopper last night in the way of dreams. Just to make it clear I live in a haunted town and a haunted property. Yesterday I had an incident where someone was pounding on my front door. I was working and have a sign that says do not knock. However i went on a break calling out be right there. I got to the door and nothing. No one was there. I looked around the trailer thinking maybe something fell but the knocking set off the dogs. I checked the security camera we have and when the knocking happened the security camera froze.
The dream I had following this was one of weirdness. In the dream my boyfriend was getting ready for work and there was pounding on the door. I heard my boyfriend in the bathroom yell out one minute we will be right there. I woke up to the sound and he said go back to sleep i will get it. He was mad. He came back and asked how to see the security camera on the computer. I got up and pulled up the screen. On the camera we saw a shadow come up to the door and them it dashed back to the shadows. We looked at each other and the knocking happened again. He went to go and i pulled up the live feed and there was no one there. I told him do not go outside I had a bad feeling. Them as we are still looking at the screen we hear knocking all over the trailer. In my dream its setting off the dogs and the cats are running around scrambling to hide. Then it stops.
Then we her a thump outside our bedroom window. We look out and cant see anything so we grabbed out walking sticks and go outside. There curled up against the side of the trailer is a massive black wolf.
Curled up in the paws of the wolf were three tiny cubs. I looked at my boyfriend and asked is that a wolf or a hybrid. He shrugged and said, "If its a hybrid that's a big damn hybrid."
Then we were nudged from behind and i swung around and said, "Babe."
What he asked looking at the sleeping group. I turned him around and said, "I believe this is the dad."
The massive wolf kept coming closer and we kept backing up until we were next to the mom and the babies. I reached out to the wolf in front of me placing my hand on its snout and said, "I think they are asking for help."
I leaned down and momma opened her eyes and looked at me thankful. Turning to red "I said grab the house keys for the new home and get the truck backed up. We need to take them to the new house."
In my dream we were in the process of moving to a property I had received as an inheritance. Somehow I knew we had to save this family. He turned and i called out and said, "Gran a few blankets and the hamburger in the fridge."
He backed the car up and we first loaded the babies into the back of the truck and then we pulled the blanket in and both of us lifted Mama into the bed. Daddy jumped in and Red jumped in and pulled mama to the Center of the truck. He said, "I will ride with them and he pulled out the meat log. I have treats."
He sat down and I jumped in the driver's seat and took the 15 min trip to the new house. I went slower than I should have but we had precious cargo in the back. I saw Red feeding the meet to Mama and when he offered some to daddy daddy would push it back to the Mama. When we started to pull up our long driveway I saw a truck waiting. I stopped and got Reds attention and he said slow through the window. When we got to the house a man in the truck stepped out and the father wolf jumped out and ran over to him and rubbed his head against him.
As red hopped out Mama wolf raised her head as i went to check on her. I patted her head as the babies were moving around the bed of the truck. The man and older indian looking gentleman walked up and said, "I am sorry to beon your land without your permission but I felt these two may need me."
Red walked over and introduced us after he did he told the man, "I fed Mama some burger and she seems to have perked up. I am gonna get the dog's pool filled with water so they can drink as the river is a 1/4 mile away. I am also gonna add some fresh hay to the dog run so Mama can bed down with the babies they will be safe here and are welcome to run the property."
"I am a vet do you mind if i come back and check on Mama while she recovers?" He asked.
I said, "Of course."
Then I was woken up to pounding at the door and surprise surprise no one was there and no one on camera.
In my dream I heard rustling in the wood behind me. Then a faint childs giggle. I know this spot on the river like the back of my hand. The people in the know about the area have had recent accounts of black eyes children. Knowing the hostory of the ares that does not surprise me. Taking my gun out of the holster I felt foolish to come back to get the fishing rod we had left a few hrs before but Red had just bought it for me as an early birthday gift. I got to the fishing spot and plucked it up from where I left it against the tree and started to head back to the truck.
If he wakes up he will realize I left the house after he feel asleep from the back pain he was in. I decided to pick up food on the way home as a surprise. The rustling was getting louder. I had my hand gun in one hand and the fishpole in the other. I hurried out of the trail back to the parking area as fast as I could and jumped into the truck. As I drove the path to get out I saw shadows darting in the woods. When I got to the end of the path that connected to the main roads there were two children standing to the side head down. I stopped for a second and said, "Go back to your home your not messing with me today."
As I drove past the children I heard the most guttural animalistic growl I have ever heard. In my dream as I drove along the woods I kept seeing the children in the trees. When I finally pasted the state park entrance I finally felt safe in my dream and I was awoken by the sound of knocking on the window behind me. I did not check who it was as the window is six feet off the ground.
I have been sick with kidney problems and am having problems sleeping. Last night after my partner fell asleep I was laying in bed watching TV and I saw a shadow shift out of the corner of my eye. The only light source was from the computer monitor and the speaker I use so we do not break the laptop speakers we are watching TV on. My elderly cat Tolly was between me and my partner and she jumped up and hissed at the bottom of the bed. My kitten JJ was next to me and she jumped up and tucked herself behind my pillow. I thought one of the dogs must be making a noise that scared them. But as I shifted on the bed I felt pressure on the bottom of the bed, as if someone had sat down and I could see a small indention form at the bottom. I sat up and pulled my legs under me and it felt like someone got up off the bed. I thought it was my imagination or lack of sleep but I do not think I imagined it.
This week we had a hurricane come up our coast. Since Sunday the air around us has seemed to have a electrical charge. Almost as if the viel between the living and the dead seemed to become that much thinner. With all hallows eve 2 months away this usually does not bother me. However, others in the park I live as well as myself have noticed glimpses of ghosts. Almost like streaks in the corner of our eye or something you have to take a second look at. Any thoughts because I have not ever had this happen before.
This happened a few nights ago but I feel the need to address it now. I woke up the other morning and could not sit up. I could move my body so mentally I thought it was sleep paralysis. But all I could not do was not sit up. It felt like two hands were pushing my shoulders down to keep me laying on the bed.
I remember saying out loud, "You do not want to mess with me if I find out who you are I will end you."
My kitten who was laying on my pillow stood up hissing and had the Halloween kitty pose. Our Male teen cat did the same thing as he was laying between my partners pillow and mine. I tried waking my partner by tapping his arm and I could not wake him.
I then heard a voice that said, "I told everyone I always come first."
The pressure released and I became I'll and threw up.
SO if anyone has been following me on my blog or social media you should be aware my dreams are to buy a piece of land to grow a lot of food and have a mini farm. Last night I went to bed a bit later than normal and had this dream.
It starts in the morning in the new home I had just purchased. I am in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone and my father in law comes out asking me, "Were you and Red fighting last night? I heard you both fighting all night."
I gave him a look and said, "No we had not fought in a while and we both went to bed early as we were tired from moving."
He accepted what I said and sat down to eat breakfast with my boyfriend joining us a few minutes later. During breakfast we had discussed that they were going to explore the property and possibly go to the small creek that bordered the property to see if they can catch fish. I told them I was going to go grocery shopping at the Asian store in town and then go to Aldi as well.
My dream jumps to when I get back with a loaded truck of groceries. They helped me unload everything as I also went to Publix and told them give me about twenty minutes and I would have lunch on the table. I remember my boyfriend telling me make it thirty as they were going to get some fallen branches so they could start our fire pit outside. Laughing I said okay and they took our three dogs with them.
Thirty minutes later I was putting sandwiches, sushi, fried chicken and sides I have got from Publix. They came in with the dogs and washed up. As we sat at the table they were telling me about the creek and the trees. My boyfriend told me he may take a day to cut up fallen branches and get us a stock of wood for the firepit and the fireplace that was between the kitchen and the living room. I had asked if he wanted to build a wood shed next to the porch and we had discussed going to Lowes to get the wood to do that later that afternoon.
As we ate we noticed the dogs all looked up and looked towards the stairs that led to closed loft that held our room and my office. Then all the cats came running downstairs and we started to hear what sounded like fighting. I stood up and my father in law said, "That is what I heard last night."
Walking to the bottom of the stairs I said, "It sounds like it is coming from my office."
My boyfriend came up next to me and I stopped him from going up and yelled up the stairs, "Hey stop your fighting."
The noise stopped and we went to sit back down to eat. A while later we heard the doors open and close and my boyfriend asked, "Did the relator say anything about ghosts?"
I said, "No but it won't be the first haunted house we lived in and honestly I will sage and have the house blessed."
After that it switched to me purifying the house and the smoke from the sage made movements like it did not want to leave. As I finished purifying the home a pastor came in to do a blessing and when he finished the door slammed shut. That was when I woke up.
We have a lot of things happening right now in our lives. One of those things is that I want to purchase an RV and live in various places. In my dream my partner and I had finally followed that dream and got our RV. WE had decided to camp at a state park for a while so I could work and he would be close to the work he had. As we were settling in for our first night he went to take our dogs for a walk. We usually could take them outside off leash but he stopped and put them each on a leash and said, "Just in case being the first night here."
He came back in a few minutes later and said, "Something spooked the dogs. Honestly it is a bit creepy out there this time of night."
Looking up from making dinner I asked, "First night jitters?"
He went into our room and came out with the air gun I purchased recently for protection. Looking at me he said, "Not jitters I felt like I was being watched."
Looking at him I went to each of the doors and windows locking him. I said, "It's our first night here but we have visited this area a lot of times and even camped here. We should be alright."
As I was cooking the rest of dinner in the kitchen we heard a loud bang outside and that is when I woke up from my dream.
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